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NFL 2013 Preseason/Training Camp thread - Doritos Locos


So Foster is having back issues, our RT is doing bullfighter impersonations with defenders (Ole' motherfucker!), Schaub is in midseason form with his speed, our OLB's are solid if not spectacular and Ed Reed is 152 years old.

I for one embrace 6-10 and welcome our new Browns overlords!

I want me Reed back :(
Sorry man.
It's okay, part of the game I suppose (or the purpose of the game if you subscribe to the bionic/Steelers school of thought). I harbor no ill will towards the Texans though, Swearinger obviously didn't mean for it to happen.

In happier news I picked up the Texans D in the shirtless league. Old man Ed and superman Watt better not let me down!


Mech, Schaub is my bench QB in fantasy. I think that means I get to marry your sister or something now.

Uuuummmm...ok? The man can put up numbers and if Hopkins pans out like everyone believe he will then Schaub can have some crazy numbers this year. He is surrounded by tons of weapons at his disposal.

It's okay, part of the game I suppose (or the purpose of the game if you subscribe to the bionic/Steelers school of thought). I harbor no ill will towards the Texans though, Swearinger obviously didn't mean for it to happen.

In happier news I picked up the Texans D in the shirtless league. Old man Ed and superman Watt better not let me down!

Outside LB will either make or break this defense. I would rank our D line, ILB's and secondary in the top 5 against any team but the outside linebackers I have zero faith in.
Poor Texans, I have a soft spot for them because they are my relative's favorite team, but they aren't going anywhere with Shoob as QB. When they trade for Cousins after another underwhelming year then maybe they'll have something.


Mulligan went in for MRIs on his arm.

Finley, Quarless, Bostick, Williams will be your squad.

Edit: I forgot about Taylor. I could see them keeping 5.

I was with my sister this weekend and out of the blue she asked me if Quarless was going to make the team. I said maybe, but he'll never play because he is bitchmade. She said she hopes he didn't make the team because he is fucking some tramp friend of hers who also lives in Atlanta which means he is probably a worthless clown.

How jealous are you of that girl?


The Giantbomb peeps showed off how shitty the framerate is on the 360, I'd imagine it'd be pretty bad on the PS3 too. Why no PC version?

I just don't game on my PC even though I do have an XPS with some quad core AMD processor, 6 gigs of RAM and some Radeon HD card I installed. Consoles for life, just prefer em


I think that was a record cancel of a preorder for me on the boned. I preordered it Friday after the optional kinect stuff hit and now I cancelled it on the news that they are going to release a kinectless sku so soon. Lol, fucking Microsoft.
Have a question. Been joking about Cousins being next years Kolb/Flynn, but when was the last time a backup was traded to another team to be a starter and had a decent career? Everyone I've been thinking of were starters at some point. Probably someone I'm overlooking or too young to know about.


Have a question. Been joking about Cousins being next years Kolb/Flynn, but when was the last time a backup was traded to another team to be a starter and had a decent career? Everyone I've been thinking of were starters at some point. Probably someone I'm overlooking or too young to know about.

Steve Young.

Traded from the Bucs to the Niners. Starter in Tampa (part of the time), to back up in San Fran. Went on to win a Superbowl.

Joe Montana was traded to the Chiefs and had a good run there.


I think that was a record cancel of a preorder for me on the boned. I preordered it Friday after the optional kinect stuff hit and now I cancelled it on the news that they are going to release a kinectless sku so soon. Lol, fucking Microsoft.

Well according to CBOAT if the sales are bad they are open to kinect less sku. I assume if the sales are decent they keep the 1 sku.


I loved every Saints Row game but I'm a little nervous about 4. It seems like they took so much of the charm that used to be in SR1 and 2 because game press suddenly discovered the series with 3.


I think that was a record cancel of a preorder for me on the boned. I preordered it Friday after the optional kinect stuff hit and now I cancelled it on the news that they are going to release a kinectless sku so soon. Lol, fucking Microsoft.

srsly. It's not as bad as a WiiU since it will at least get the games that come out on the PS4, but that's about the only compliment you can give it


Lukewarm after this game, I feel that Luck is great, but the line being bad is still a huge issue. Forced two would be INTs from Luck, luckily one was underthrown one turned into a TD. Luck was making pretty solid throws during his time in, I like it.

The running game is still ass, and our run D is still shit. I'm surprised that we still haven't fixed our o-line woes yet, these problems have been here since Peyton's later days with us. And fucking Linkenbach still starts somehow, and McGlynn too.. I guess Link has versatility, that's all I got. We really need to patch that up and pick who starts and who doesn't soon.

Reggie is still Reggie, and TY and DHB looked good. Fleener.. I can't wait till Allen comes back. Ballard needs to learn to run forward, it's not that hard!!

EDIT: Poor Pam, lol.
Have a question. Been joking about Cousins being next years Kolb/Flynn, but when was the last time a backup was traded to another team to be a starter and had a decent career? Everyone I've been thinking of were starters at some point. Probably someone I'm overlooking or too young to know about.

It was always going to be March for me anyways, but yeah even easier to wait if cboat is right.


Apparently 53% of people on NFLN's poll would rather have Andrew Luck as their QB instead of Eli Manning.

53% of people are insane.


Broncos fan. Been here since last year -- though no one seems to know. I'm used to teasing one of my family members about Houston since it is their favorite team. Don't take it to heart.

I just needed to make sure so I know how to direct attacks. Wait you talking shit about Schaub and are a Broncos fan? REALLY? This Schaub:


And this one:


And this one:


And this one is for Godslay:



Apparently 53% of people on NFLN's poll would rather have Andrew Luck as their QB instead of Eli Manning.

53% of people are insane.

Those NFLN polls are stupid ass hell. Just there to stir shit up lol.

So stupid to ask something like that after a preseason game.
I just needed to make sure so I know how to direct attacks. Wait you talking shit about Schaub and are a Broncos fan? REALLY? This Schaub:
That game was actually funny since my Texan fan relative an I were trash talking each other before the game and during. That hit by Ayers was dirty though. Schaub didn't deserve to lose an earlobe.

Hunter S.

Who's the commish? And does everyone post here regularly?
The maker of the league is the maker of this very thread. Chuck. He is a lifelong Steelers bitch from New Mexico if I recall correctly that should be a broncos fan.

I have no idea who the other dudes are as I just joined. He is not making a seperate thread for the league. So it seems if anyone wants to talk trash it would have to be done here.

Also, Fuck you Mech. The truce is off. Shaub is a bald bitch that no one likes cause he is an uggg.
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