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NFL 2013 Preseason/Training Camp thread - Doritos Locos

Not sure who is the better rapper, but Peyton is definitely the uglier of the two.

Damn he is an ugly mofo.


I get really angry when I see formally fat qb's like Young and Big Ben show up to camp skinny for the first time in a few years.

You are professional athletes assholes, its your job to be in perfect condition all the time!

As as fan I want to see my players show up ripped to the point that they start sweating HGH and grade A steroids at the start of the season.

DJ Fluker off to a good start



Because that's the apt comparison...iPad/Apple (luxury) vs Nexus/Andriod (mid-tier). Another acceptable comparison would be Rolex vs Timex.

*ducks, runs*

Not really. The comparison is more apt with devices of equivalent capabilities at differing costs. iPad/Apple (luxury) == Mercedes S Class versus Nexus/Android (luxury at a lower cost than the German/Apple tax) == Equus. They are roughly the same car, but people pay for the heritage/name/badge of the German version.

Both the Nexus and the Ipad are their companies respective flagship tablets. It's only fair to compare each companies flagship as opposed to a mid-tier vs. luxury tier item.

Then again car comparisons to anything but cars is stupid in the first place.

DJ Fluker off to a good start

Good, I'm glad we got the guy that wrecked Fluker in college.


Jennings saying there is "brainwashing" in Green Bay.

“When I came over here, I was kind of brainwashed,” Jennings told Paul Allen and Ben Leber of KFAN radio. “There’s no ‘kind of’ to it. Being over in Green Bay, you’re brainwashed to think anyone in the division is tiers below. And so coming over here I meet the people within the organization and I’m like, ‘Wow, these are really great people.’



Im just amazed by all the hamstring/ACL/MCL issues. I asked a couple days ago if anyone remembered this many in years past and most responded with its normal. I just don't remember this many.

Just a small list I saw posted somewhere else...

LB- Eagles- Jason Phillips- Torn ACL
LB- Chargers- Melvin Ingram- Torn ACL
LB- Saints- Victor Butler- Torn ACL
WR-Saints- Joe Morgan- Torn ACL
WR-Eagles-Arrelious Benn- Torn ACL
WR-Eagles-Jeremy Maclin- Torn ACL
WR-Dolphins-Armon Binns- Torn ACL
WR-Chargers-Danario Alexander- Torn ACL
WR-Jets- Vidal Hazelton- Torn ACL
CB- Jets- Aaron Berry- Torn ACL
C- Broncos-Dan Koppen- Torn ACL
LT- Packers-Bryan Bulaga- Torn ACL
CB- 49ers-Chris Culliver- Torn ACL
WR-Seahawks-Percy Harvin- Hip (May Come Back Late in Year)
TE- Ravens- Dennis Pitta- Hip
WR-49ers-Michael Crabtree- Achilles (May Come Back Late in Year)
K- Buccaneers- Connor Barth- Achilles
DE- Cowboys- Tyrone Crawford- Achilles
DT-Bengals- Larry Black- Ankle
LB- Redskins-Keenan Robinson- Torn Pectoral


Rosencopter on the Saints' Bounty Game and the class of Brett Favre


I wrote this piece in January 2010, in the few days that followed the NFC Championship Game between the Vikings, where I was the backup quarterback, and the Saints. You may think this game is special for its place in the Saints’ bounty controversy, but to me it’s special for an entirely different reason: In all my experiences in professional football, it best encompasses the true soul of what the NFL is. For my own sanity, I wanted to express my thoughts on the game and take you inside what happened before, during and after it.


But Brett’s mind goes beyond strict execution of how plays are drawn up and techniques are designed. He realizes that slight movements by the quarterback, more than any other position on offense, can have a huge effect on the defense. Instead of going through his natural reads to find the open receiver, he sometimes gets them open by pump-faking, angling his shoulders and using his eyes to move the defense. He goes by feel and creates to get what he wants, instead of doing everything by the book and getting what the defense will give him. Most coaches cringe at what he does because it isn’t very coachable, but there’s almost always a rhyme and reason with Brett.


. Brett was playing unbelievably well while taking lots of shots, legal and illegal. He kept our team together, moving the offense up and down the field while making very few mistakes. Still, the raw physical brutality was unprecedented in anything I had seen in my nine-year career. There had been rumors during the week that the Saintsʼ plan was to take Brett out of the game, and the hits started to wear on him mentally and physically. By the fourth quarter he had a badly swollen left wrist, a deep scratch on his forehead, ribs that were in pain whenever he took a breath and a badly sprained ankle which could easily have been broken.


The next day I woke up and flipped on Sportscenter as my kids went off to school. Talking heads discussing the game accused Brett of choking. This immediately pissed me off. How could these sports analysts have such a lack of understanding of the way Brett performed? How could they not see the hits he took and the injuries he sustained, and how he carried our whole team on his back through them all? How could they not see the time and effort it took to prepare for that game; the hours and hours of film, meetings, practice time and conditioning it took to get to that moment? How he helped make good young players into Pro Bowlers? How could they not realize that if we hadn’t fumbled earlier in the game or hadn’t had the miscommunication that led to the 12-men-on-the-field penalty, he wouldn’t have ever been in that situation in the first place? It was discouraging to see the entire game encapsulated by one bad play.


I would rather see FMTs fantasies about Jeff Garcia and Alex Smith played out in front of me than read anything Peter King puts out on Brent.

We get it Peter you love Brent and Starbucks. Time to come up with a new schtick!

lurn 2 reed

Edit: Wait, depending on what you mean by "put out", I may look stupid right now.


The Welker piece is unflattering to Belichick, and kind of makes it out like he changed in the last few years. Maybe that desperation to get a title clouded him on Hernandez. Hopefully Tebow can restore the light

Hunter S.

Welker allowed to have a personality in Denver. Quite honestly, thought Welker looked more nervous in interviews than other Broncos. Good he can finally relax. That sports illustrated article should be enlightening on living in hell in Boston.
Justin Pugh, our first rounder is out with a concussion and is a scratch for Saturday against the Steelers. He should be cleared next week to start practicing again.

Chris Snee likely won't play either as he's slowly being worked back into the offensive line. 2nd stringer James Brewer who has been taking snaps in his place also has a head injury which means 2nd year man Brandon Mosely will be the starting guard on Saturday night.

Justin Tuck missed practice today with a tight back. Coughlin expects him to play Saturday but needs for the back issue to improve.

Coughlin says the starters will play a full quarter Saturday night.

Coughlin on Eli and Petyon's F.O.Y.P.:

Ralph Vacchiano @RVacchianoNYDN 2m

Coughlin on the Eli rap video: "I'm not sure what the music awards are ... but I'm sure he'll be in the running."

Adam Schefter @AdamSchefter 24s

Surprise, surprise. Broncos OL Ryan Lilja, who came out of retirement, underwent off-season micro fracture knee surgery.

I'm not sure if he's saying that he had this done prior to coming out of retirement or if he now has a new injury and is having surgery?
Good prank on Pugh by the offensive side of the ball:


Pugh was informed that it was a team ritual that he, as the highest draft pick, would pay for the meal.

The bill came to several hundred dollars, but the veterans at the dinner arranged to have the waiter present Pugh with a fake bill of about $10,000.

"It was rigged to have all these extra items — $5,000 for a private room, extra professional team services and a big phony bar bill," Manning said. "Justin got all worried about whether he had enough room under his credit-card limit. We just sat there and watched him for a while. He was sweating it out pretty good."

Though this:

It wasn't the first prank pulled on Pugh in recent months. His friend called him on draft day and pretended to be a representative from the Browns.

Now THAT's just mean!


Deon Grant is retiring as a Giant today:


A low key signing at the time and his age started showing in that Super Bowl season but what he brought to the locker room was spoken about often by the players. That leaping interception he had against Carolina was one of my favorite plays of his. We'll always have the "veteran move" in the Rams game to remember, too.:)

Supposedly, he had to line the dB's up as the rest weren't smart enough to deal with Fewells system. There were a lot more secondary miscues last year with him gone.
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