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NFL 2013 Preseason/Training Camp thread - Doritos Locos

Not at all. I basically watch sports and play games and I think it makes both things look better.
I like 3D to. I guess I never got the memo about everyone liking the same things.

LOL Darkest did you really repost that for the new page.
Wasn't paying attention to the post count, just realized it made more sense in a new post.

Seriously though, do you not notice input lag? It has to be horrifically bad if you're keeping those settings on.
Wasn't paying attention to the post count, just realized it made more sense in a new post.

Oh I thought you wanted to make sure that it got seen or something.

Edit: I play online shooters almost exclusively now and I dont notice any input lag at all. As cool as it looks if it made me do worse then I wouldnt do it.
Q&A with the Robot, the Myth, the Legend; Ted Thompson

Q: What’s your definition of success?

Thompson: If you’re lucky enough to have good friends, if you’re lucky enough to have family, your health, I think you’re ahead of most.

What happened here? How is that the first thing he thinks of when he's asked about success? Someone got to him and re-calibrated his humanity chip. We're fucked!
Edit: I play online shooters almost exclusively now and I dont notice any input lag at all. As cool as it looks if it made me do worse then I wouldnt do it.
I could be wrong if that stuff has gotten dramatically better in the past couple of years but I'm guessing if you played an online shooter on a good plasma set or even an LCD without all those features it would be life altering. It's one of those things that you might not notice until you have something to compare it with, but once you do it is impossible to go back.
I could be wrong if that stuff has gotten dramatically better in the past couple of years but I'm guessing if you played an online shooter on a good plasma set or even an LCD without all those features it would be life altering. It's one of those things that you might not notice until you have something to compare it with, but once you do it is impossible to go back.

I read a thread on gaf about the true motion stuff when I first got the TV and they talked about input lag and I have tried it with it both off and on and I dont notice a different. I also have 2 TV's next together and the 2nd TV doesnt have it at all and I dont notice a difference when playing on it. I just got my TV last year so maybe it has gotten a lot better because people in the gaf thread were saying it made games unplayable and that isnt my experience at all.


Q&A with the Robot, the Myth, the Legend; Ted Thompson

What happened here? How is that the first thing he thinks of when he's asked about success? Someone got to him and re-calibrated his humanity chip. We're fucked!

He and Donald Driver were best buds, Ted even gave Donald a charity season. Then Donald ripped his heart out and shat it the hole. Ted is just a ship adrift on the ocean of mournful regret and has yet to regain his bearings. That's why Kuhnt was given a roster spot before anyone even reported for camp. The Android learned emotions and the Packers are doomed.

Sucks it had to happen over a jilted lover and not the attempted cover up and concealment of a rampaging murderous crack head but the Patriots have always had a flair for failing more spectacularly than most.


I agree about the 80, but I got popped for going 80 on the turnpike down to Philly two years ago, my first ever speeding ticket in 23 years of driving. Boy did that piss me off. Anyway, from now on, I slap the cruise on at about 73 and leave it at that. Fuck the staties. And the upstate NY troopers are even worse, they line I-81 like they're waiting for the fucking Bandit to come driving through.
I usually just get behind someone speeding and follow them.

The state troopers are looking for the guy that sticks out in the left lane, you don't want to be that guy. I also have never been pulled for speeding in the right lane. There is nothing to protect me while I am in the right lane, but it seems to have worked for the past 15 years. Only got one ticket in that time and that was when I was driving in northern PA in the middle of fucking nowhere. The speed limits on that shit road changed seemingly every half mile and I was doing 50 in a 35 (was previously 50 not too long before that). I talked the cop into just giving me a ticket for not wearing my seatbelt and something else so it was non-moving and did not give me any points.

Always try and talk the cop down into a non-moving violation. Most of them are decent guys and will do it unless you have a huge record of speeding tickets, then you are fucked.
Great read, thanks for posting. I think we will all look back ten years from now and laugh about how much coaches punted.

And Phil Simms is definitely adamant about you punting from near midfield on fourth down. I got the same feeling as the writer, the game is trying hard to get people to play Madden more realistically (even if it may be a statistically dumber decision).


Great read, thanks for posting. I think we will all look back ten years from now and laugh about how much coaches punted.

And Phil Simms is definitely adamant about you punting from near midfield on fourth down. I got the same feeling as the writer, the game is trying hard to get people to play Madden more realistically (even if it may be a statistically dumber decision).

I haven't played in years, but in the OG XBOX (can't remember the name of their football game) days, going for it on 4th down was considered "cheese" by most people. Is it still the same when playing online?
I haven't played in years, but in the OG XBOX (can't remember the name of their football game) days, going for it on 4th down was considered "cheese" by most people. Is it still the same when playing online?
I usually don't play online but I think that is still the case. Like the article said, the game tries very hard to coerce you into punting on typical fourth down situations but you can still go for it if you want to.

The thing is it really is smarter to go for a fourth and short near midfield most of the time instead of punting. The same is most likely true in the real NFL, it's just too risky because the stakes are so high.


Setec Astronomer
By the way, stick in traffic isn't so bad when you can just sit in first gear going 2-4 mph. When you have avenues of escape, then stick helps in taking advantage of them.


come in my shame circle
You know as a fellow fan of a perennially irrelevant team I wish the best for the Browns and would love to see them improve but a week 1 win is not up for negotiation!

Can't wait.

You gonna get this D week 1 and you know it.

I am just worried I am going to miss the live game due to a baseball tournament I am probably entered in...unless my team loses first round...
You gonna get this D week 1 and you know it.

I am just worried I am going to miss the live game due to a baseball tournament I am probably entered in...unless my team loses first round...
You gonna get this D
ion Jordan if his stupid shoulder would hurry up and heal.

Semi-related note, I have Trent Truck in a FF league and I don't know if I should start him Week 1. It's between him and David Wilson. I just hate starting people against the Dolphins but he will probably have a decent game...


Wow. NFL settled its concussion lawsuit. Can't wait to see the numbers

edit: Beaten like the Browns. 175k per litigant. I wonder if that money will come out of the league's operating costs, affecting current salaries


NFL has also agreed to pay all court-approved lawyer fees for the players. So none of that 170k needs to be used to pay for lawyers, etc.

haha okay this makes more sense, b/c I was thinking that number was a little low, but with bionic's people not leeching their 25% is better

edit: still seems low. the league can sell the Thursday night package and make that back+

edit2: Probably the biggest thing that has happened with football since unrestricted free agency
haha okay this makes more sense, b/c I was thinking that number was a little low, but with bionic's people not leeching their 25% is better

edit: still seems low. the league can sell the Thursday night package and make that back+

edit2: Probably the biggest thing that has happened with football since unrestricted free agency
It amounts to about 24 million per team if you want to break it down that way. A pittance really when you look at the grand scheme of the business.

Especially when you take this into account:

Jason La Canfora @JasonLaCanfora 45s

NFL is to pay 50% of settlement over the first 3 years and the balance over the following 17 years. As Jagger said,Time, is on their side

EDIT: The complete release can be seen here:



It amounts to about 24 million per team if you want to break it down that way. A pittance really when you look at the grand scheme of the business.

I thought they could get killed. Like $2B, plus all the crap they covered up going public. This is such a win for them. Neuters that PBS thing. Takes a lot of the media's hand wringing about head injuries away. Maybe they will get a little less rabid about incidental head hits


Fear of a GAF Planet
I can't imagine that would even cover medical costs.

Depends on how they split it. If everyone just gets their share and runs, then it makes no sense. If they put it in a fund and give it to the people who actually need it, then it should be fine.


I joined for Erin Brockovich discussion
Reading the features list for GTAV, and I can't help but ask "what's the catch?" Game is so goddamn ambitious that I can't imagine them hitting every single feature on point.

They built the best Tennis game in the world, and built a city around it.


I joined for Erin Brockovich discussion
Is it bad that this is what I might be most looking forward to playing online?

I'm highly interested in how well that and the Golf game is. How many holes, clubs, and Stripper Caddies are available.

Hell, the bicycle racing looked interesting. As was the airplane and jetski (which means boats too) racing.


come in my shame circle
NHLPA sues the NHL. Bettman closes down the league right before Leafs to play for the cup.

Look I know you are at an all time low with buttfumble forever ingrained in our memories but no need to take it out on me brah.

I'm not your enemy.

I just follow the team that allowed you to draft Sanchez and lead to the buttfumble is all.
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