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NFL 2013 Preseason/Training Camp thread - Doritos Locos


Well all the talk about the young receivers looking like studs, and Brady looking like a cyborg are true. Holy shit am I hyped for this offense right now.


Persecution Complex
Glover Quinn almost picked it off. Man if Quinn and Ansah keep it up through the season our defense will be formidable.


Dolphins might have to make the offense into the Ravens Dilfer offense. "Just don't lose us the game, the D will take care of everything".


Brady sure likes him some Kenbrell Thompkins.

Shane Vereen is going to be great this year.

That is an absolutely great sign. He also seems to trues Dobson. Guy was jacked when he caught that big play. Pats might have legit options on the outside. Love that both of these guys are big targets.
That is an absolutely great sign. He also seems to trues Dobson. Guy was jacked when he caught that big play. Pats might have legit options on the outside. Love that both of these guys are big targets.

I'm just excited to see young receivers that don't look like complete garbage.
Dolphins might have to make the offense into the Ravens Dilfer offense. "Just don't lose us the game, the D will take care of everything".

Patriots are gonna go with the 'Just score a fuck ton of points and hope the defense gets lucky to have the opposition score less points'-offense.

They should be pretty good at it, since they have been doing it for the last 5 years or so.


Horrible playcalling, horrible QB play. Dolphins offense is 100% trash so far.
That's why "Free Agency Market" doesn't make Dolphin teams any better. (I am not saying about you but dolphin fans take it like they're going to get in playoff)
I still think Dolphins will have 9-7 record at best.
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