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NFL 2013 Week 1 |OT| - A new season dawns with champs vs chokes

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Obligatory Peterson TD run.



come in my shame circle
You stupid Canucks can have baseball. It's as boring and lifeless as your entire country

Baseball is America's pasttime you unpatriotic ingrate! You should be kicked out of the country for your words against freedom!

Congrats. Hanging out and playing baseball was probably a much better way to spend the day then watching Weeden play like shit. How long until Jcamp gets a shot in Believeland?

From what I've been reading from some reporters they expect somewhere between weeks 4-6 that Hoyer or JCamp may get a shot if Weeden continues like this.

Again though I don't have much of a full opinion yet as I can only base it on the stats and highlights I saw.


Mecklemore Is My Favorite Wrapper
Baseball is America's pasttime you unpatriotic ingrate! You should be kicked out of the country for your words against freedom!

Please, that's just something we tell poor immigrants like yourself. Football is the real pasttime of America. Violent, full of ads and action in short spurts. Nothing says America like football.


Late thoughts on the Niners/Packers game but damn it was a great/super stressful one.

-Kap is the real deal, so impressed with his progressions and that cannon arm. Loved how he kept his head up on every scramble too, much improved over last year.

-Our D played exactly as I was hoping to, and we got just enough rush to help out Brown and Rogers who I'm so sick of. Nnamdi and Cox were decent enough but both need tackling lessons.

-Pack D played a million times better than I imagined, and played the option superbly. It was expected, but you still have to execute and they did.

-Pack O I hate cause it's too good no matter what, but I'll take holding them to 28 any day of the week.


-Next week's game is huge, especially with how bad Seattle/Wilson looked yesterday.
From what I've been reading from some reporters they expect somewhere between weeks 4-6 that Hoyer or JCamp may get a shot if Weeden continues like this.

Again though I don't have much of a full opinion yet as I can only base it on the stats and highlights I saw.

I had several games going but what I saw of the Browns he looked real bad, like as bad as he did at any point last year. He did he 1 really nice throw that I saw, but most of the time he seemed to be passing off his back foot and rushing his throws because the Fins were getting a lot of pressure. It is crazy that he gets so many balls batted down at the line, you would think Russel or Brees would lead in that.
And because nobody cares while I did miss all but the Sunday night game yesterday playing baseball I can say we won the tournament and now have made the playoffs in my league!
Lame. Not as lame as missing your team in the super bowl for a Beatles listening party. But still lame.
Late thoughts on the Niners/Packers game but damn it was a great/super stressful one.

-Kap is the real deal, so impressed with his progressions and that cannon arm. Loved how he kept his head up on every scramble too, much improved over last year.

-Our D played exactly as I was hoping to, and we got just enough rush to help out Brown and Rogers who I'm so sick of. Nnamdi and Cox were decent enough but both need tackling lessons.

-Pack D played a million times better than I imagined, and played the option superbly. It was expected, but you still have to execute and they did.

-Pack O I hate cause it's too good no matter what, but I'll take holding them to 28 any day of the week.


-Next week's game is huge, especially with how bad Seattle/Wilson looked yesterday.

He completed 76% of his passes for over 300 yards. The offense didnt score more because the Panthers D totally shut down the Seahawks rushing attack.



“We made sure we put those Terrible Towels up their butts all day long,” Casey said, via Jim Wyatt of the Tennesseean. “They waved them at the beginning of the game, but they left pretty early.”

Which seems a reasonable travel plan, if you had a towel making your seat more uncomfortable than it already was watching the home team.

The Steelers had to have felt similarly treated, as the Titans sacked quarterback Ben Reothlisberger five times, and held Pittsburgh to 32 rushing yards.

“You could see it in Ben’s eyes — he wanted to get back to that locker room pretty quick,” said Casey, who had two of the sacks. “As long as we keep getting to quarterbacks, it’s going to be like that all year.”

This kid is going to be a gold mine!
Feeling better about the L now. All things considered, hanging with SF till the end was pretty admirable considering our previous two losses were squashes. Matthews' launch at kaepernick was the dumbest thing we did in the game, aside from leaving Boldin open all fucking game, but we stopped their ground game and got Jolly back into the mix of things. Once we get Hayward back I'll feel better about our secondary, but yeah, Kaep burned us good. Looking forward to seeing how he does against a real D next week.

That fucking three man rush though, damn.
Alright, so this game was a mixed bag.

Good points:

- Palmer played well outside that one awful pick. He moved the ball down the field repeatedly, converted several third downs, and put up some points against a good defense. He spread the ball around and got all our receivers involved which makes us a lot more difficult to cover. He still has plenty in the tank but how will he hold up with trash at LT?

- Receivers all played really well. Our top 3 were all close to a hundred yards a piece and played vital roles. Fitz put up the points, Floyd hauled in the long ball with one particularly impressive catch, and Roberts was crucial on a number of 3rd down conversions.

- Big plays on D: It was good to see the D generate a few turnovers and I expect to see that each game. Honey Badger continues to look great and there's a feeling of excitement whenever he's on the field. The kid just makes plays, period. Peterson and Honey Badger will be a great tandem for years to come.

- Balanced attack: Mendenhall did a serviceable job at moving the chains and allowing us to have a balanced attack. He also managed to stay healthy through a whole game 'gasp'. I hope he keeps this up, it would be nice to have a reliable back for a change.

- Points on the board: It was nice to put up over twenty points against a solid D after the shit fans have had to endure the past couple seasons. Even when we lose, this team will be more exciting to watch and not quite as frustrating.

Bad Points:

- Levi Brown almost single handily lost us the game. I said LT would decide just how good we can be this year and he failed dismally. You can't win a lot of ball games when your protection is trash and Brown is really going to hold us back this year. I was hoping the zone and Cooper would hide his ineptitude a bit and Cooper going down was a colossal loss.

- Pass Rush or lack there of... We barely even used Abraham which Arians claims was due to the Rams running against the nickel. What I know is that we didn't generate pressure for shit and Bustford had far too much time to make a play.

- We missed D Wash far more than I hoped and Cook was able to abuse us because of it. While I don't expect Washington to have shut him down with coverage, I'm positive Cook wouldn't have had so many yards after reception. Our other linebackers were just too damn slow to contain Cook. I look forward to our next match up with the Rams to see the difference.

- Fourth Quarter was garbage. Defense let them go right down the field which cost us the game and the offense couldn't get us within field goal range. I don't know if they ran out of gas or what the hell happened but we had the game in hand, is was ours to lose and we blew it. Hopefully they will learn from this and keep the foot on the pedal all game in the future.

Over all we are obviously much improved in many areas which is a great sign going forth but we just aren't going to be a play off team until we get a real LT. This team will be far more exciting to watch than the past couple seasons which is an improvement and we should be able to make the necessary upgrades next off season to be a real threat. I'm excited about what we can become. I expect we'll be too good to get the top QB or Clowney which means we'll be at just the right spot for a top LT to fall to us. With Cooper back and a legit LT, we can be very scary next year.


Don't let facts get in the way of his driveby Wussell shooting.

Wilson looked great. He was getting hit a lot by the Panthers D-Line, yet stood tall and made several scrambles and "wait, how the fuck did he complete that?" passes. But make no mistake, with even an average secondary (which I'm afraid the Panthers absolutely do not have), he would have had to either throw those away or may have even threw a pick or two. Definitely interested to see how he'll do going up against a more complete defense next week.


the Packers lost, but I GOT MY FIRST DOUBLE EAGLE


How high did you jump when this happened?

Wilson looked great. He was getting hit a lot by the Panthers D-Line, yet stood tall and made several scrambles and "wait, how the fuck did he complete that?" passes. But make no mistake, with even an average secondary (which I'm afraid the Panthers absolutely do not have), he would have had to either throw those away or may have even threw a pick or two. Definitely interested to see how he'll do going up against a more complete defense next week.

Yeah, I watched bits and pieces. I thought he looked fine. Just thought it was funny how distorted the other comment was.


Defensive fuck ups of the week!

Suh (taking out knees)

Matthews (making Kaep look like a corpse for a moment)

Lavonte David (trying to injure the entire Jets sideline)


Wilson looked great. He was getting hit a lot by the Panthers D-Line, yet stood tall and made several scrambles and "wait, how the fuck did he complete that?" passes. But make no mistake, with even an average secondary (which I'm afraid the Panthers absolutely do not have), he would have had to either throw those away or may have even threw a pick or two. Definitely interested to see how he'll do going up against a more complete defense next week.



come in my shame circle
I had several games going but what I saw of the Browns he looked real bad, like as bad as he did at any point last year. He did he 1 really nice throw that I saw, but most of the time he seemed to be passing off his back foot and rushing his throws because the Fins were getting a lot of pressure. It is crazy that he gets so many balls batted down at the line, you would think Russel or Brees would lead in that.

From what I've heard the O-line was really terrible yesterday as well. But not that unexpected with a 2nd year RT going up against Wake and if not that I heard they set it up a lot that Wake would go up against Oniel Cousins a backup to the backup to the RG. He absolutely stunk up the joint.

But as someone said for as bad as the O-line was it's as well up to Weeden to make the adjustments which he seems to still be suffering from.

Browns-GAF seems to have gone missing because I'd love to hear from some of them that actually watched the game to let me know what really went down.

All I have is Gondo right now giving me the goods.

And I can't trust Fantomex because he wants me shaved and feathered.
Feeling better about the L now. All things considered, hanging with SF till the end was pretty admirable considering our previous two losses were squashes. Matthews' launch at kaepernick was the dumbest thing we did in the game, aside from leaving Boldin open all fucking game, but we stopped their ground game and got Jolly back into the mix of things. Once we get Hayward back I'll feel better about our secondary, but yeah, Kaep burned us good. Looking forward to seeing how he does against a real D next week.

That fucking three man rush though, damn.
Hayward + our only NFL-caliber safety (Burnett). Hope Hyde can learn fast and those guys can get/stay healthy. Not impressed with Jennings or McMillan, or the communication in the secondary in general.

Considering our offense was handicapped by McCarthy's gamelong insistence on facing 2nd and 9, I suppose 28 points is decent enough against a solid SF D. Still, felt like they left some points out there.


Yeah there was a lot of old Rams screw ups, but it was nice to see the talent level has risen to the point where we can actually overcome that now. The Austin playcalling was frustrating, but overall I thought the playcalling was improved, and if we put up 27 points we should win. The D needs to lock it up, if bend don't break gives up 25 against a middling offense it needs to be overhauled. Run D looked great. O line looked serviceable. More shots were taken downfield which was awesome. If there was going to be an TAINT I'm glad it was on a tip, and I'm glad the fumble was kind of a freak thing from behind rather than one of our RBs ball security.

That's the biggest thing. They scored 27 and should have scored more. Been a long time since the offense looked as good as it did yesterday. But they must find a way to score TDs. They can't run in short yardage and have no fade/back shoulder outside WR. They need Quick to get better soon
Ok, don't care if you don't like it, but I think is an intriguing fantasy question for me. I'm down by a bit, but it's definitely an amount I can make up. Who to start?

Vick v WAS
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