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NFL 2013 Week 10 |OT| - [expletive] this [expletive] [expletive]

No, it costs $3500 and the move was more expensive then I expect. The district out here also screwed on my credits so I make $3000 then they told me I would when I accepted the job. Plus all the extra money for the kid. Wallaby is on hold for a while. My wife and I are going to do all different pet species though when we no longer have our current buddies.
If you ever get it you should let us name out.
Can raccoons be pets? They always seemed cool to me.

Funny you should ask. When I was a kid a raccoon got into my parents house and couldnt get out. So my dad caught it but he didnt want to just release it into the neighborhood, so he caught it and called animal control, well it took them weeks to finally send someone out to pick it up and take it to a forest. So we had a raccoon "pet" for a little while. They are so cute but they are ferocious. I kept wanting to pet it but man any time you would put your hand near it it would go into attack mode. Maybe it would be better if you raised it from birth but I doubt it.
No, it costs $3500 and the move was more expensive then I expect. The district out here also screwed on my credits so I make $3000 then they told me I would when I accepted the job. Plus all the extra money for the kid. Wallaby is on hold for a while. My wife and I are going to do all different pet species though when we no longer have our current buddies.

Can you get like a tiger in Nevada? Or your own alligator *wink wink*

Dogs are only acceptable in pics and video form

You've never met my dog. Dogs rule, just ask Squicken.
Can you get like a tiger in Nevada? Or your own alligator *wink wink*

Yeah there are people that have tiger pets out here. Nevada has super lax laws about exotic pets. I would love a pet alligator. My dad had one when he was younger, but eventually it got to big to keep in a house.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
Anyword on what he said?

lol your avatar

Ryan Tannehill: "If you asked Jonathan Martin who his best friend is on this team two weeks ago, he'd say Richie Incognito."

Sure, Ryan.
Anyword on what he said?

lol your avatar

Quotes from my twitter:

@JeffDarlington 3m

Tannehill has strong words about the relationship between Incognito and Martin, noting Incognito was always first to be at Martin's side.

@ArmandoSalguero 4m

Ryan Tannnehill: "if you ask Jonathan Martin about Richie two weeks ago he would've said he's his best friend."

@TheMattyI 6m

Tannehill's key quote: "Nobody knew there was a situation to stop" and he said if they knew, they would've put a stop to it.

‏@ArmandoSalguero 6m

Ryan Tannehill: "Jonathan Martin was like Richie Incognito's little brother."

@CourtneyNBC6 7m

Ryan Tannehill: There were no warning signs for [Martin]. Overall, quite guy. It's tough to see warning signs when you don't say much.

@finsjesse 10m

Tannehill showing some serious presence in this press conference. Impressive.

@CourtneyNBC6 11m

Tannehill: "Richie didn't use that type of language in the locker room, to other teammates in a derogatory way."

@MiamiDolphins 12m

Tannehill insists the locker room is healthy: "It's tough for us to sit here and hear all that when we have each others' backs."
The blonde is sexier beast to me. Yum.

Really? she has a bad smile and no tits in my eyes. Granted the brunette's tits are probably fake but I still prefer that over nothing and I think she has the more attractive face of the two. Some women just don't have a good smile when they show their teeth, maybe the blonde is more attractive when not doing so.
Ryan Tannehill: "If you asked Jonathan Martin who his best friend is on this team two weeks ago, he'd say Richie Incognito."

Sure, Ryan.

What an odd thing to say. Clearly the texts have been going on since the offseason. He basically is saying that Martin is a liar and he wasnt really bothered by it before, but if he wasnt bothered by it why did he save the messages?
If you ever get it you should let us name out.

Alfred the Wallaby.

Yeah there are people that have tiger pets out here. Nevada has super lax laws about exotic pets. I would love a pet alligator. My dad had one when he was younger, but eventually it got to big to keep in a house.

Wonder what it's like to own a tiger. Must really suck for the tiger though.

How big a gator are we taking here? Probably can't build an outdoor pond for it since it's too hot out there.


Funny you should ask. When I was a kid a raccoon got into my parents house and couldnt get out. So my dad caught it but he didnt want to just release it into the neighborhood, so he caught it and called animal control, well it took them weeks to finally send someone out to pick it up and take it to a forest. So we had a raccoon "pet" for a little while. They are so cute but they are ferocious. I kept wanting to pet it but man any time you would put your hand near it it would go into attack mode. Maybe it would be better if you raised it from birth but I doubt it.

As a kid, I loved that Rascal book.

Just found out it takes place in Wisconsin. I should go back and read it. I remember it being really vivid.

Yeah there are people that have tiger pets out here.

Now that's just cruel.


Really? she has a bad smile and no tits in my eyes. Granted the brunette's tits are probably fake but I still prefer that over nothing and I think she has the more attractive face of the two. Some women just don't have a good smile when they show their teeth, maybe the blonde is more attractive when not doing so.

I agree, the blonde is actually in 3rd place in that pic in terms of looks.

Brunette, Dog then the blonde
More from other players:

@TheMattyI 1m

Per Sun-Sentinel, Clabo said, "I don't know why [Martin] is doing this. And the only person who knows why is [Martin]."

@AbramsonPBP now

Hartline said at one time the voice mail was a joke in the locker room and he believes Martin was one laughing about it

@JeffDarlington 8m

In reference to the prank that occurred before Martin left team, Tannehill says the team played the same prank on Tannehill multiple times.

@AbramsonPBP now

Hartline says if coaches asked Incogntio to toughen up Martin why would they pick a bully racist to do the job?

‏@CourtneyNBC6 now

OL Tyson Clabo: "If Jon Martin had a problem, you say 'Hey, I have a problem with this. Stand up and be a man."
Alfred the Wallaby.

Wonder what it's like to own a tiger. Must really suck for the tiger though.

How big a gator are we taking here? Probably can't build an outdoor pond for it since it's too hot out there.

Yeah the tigers you see on like the discovery channel always seem so sad. People keep them outside in the summer but it gets so hot out here, plus they really need to roam and hunt. Sucks that they cant just live in the wild like they should.
Regarding the Pats cheerleaders and the dog.

I would make love to both the cheerleaders and I would rub the dog's belly an give it a like a Scooby snack.
You both obviously see the difference between what Incognito did and what we do in military training. Now you're just arguing about the semantics of what the word "hazing" means and whether or not the military hazes trainees. If you want to play the semantics game, I'm more than willing. In fact, I just did.

Not that it accomplishes anything, since the point I was making is that this type of behavior is senseless and isn't tolerated in any work environment. You both seem to be arguing otherwise? Or just plain arguing? I can't tell which at this point.
I believe we've correctly reduced the entire last few pages of arguing into a difference of semantics, which feels lame, but by usual internet standards we're probably still at Lincoln-Douglass debate level.

What I think it boils down to is that you consider everything that's "by the book", i.e. "necessary", to not be hazing, which is a lovely definition for a military man to have. In this case where we define everything "necessary" as 'not hazing', and everything that's "unnecessary" to be 'hazing', then obviously by that definition all hazing is bad.

I think that's a fairly tortured definition, and requires us to make up a word for "good" hazing. But whatever.

Hunter S.

Really? she has a bad smile and no tits in my eyes. Granted the brunette's tits are probably fake but I still prefer that over nothing and I think she has the more attractive face of the two. Some women just don't have a good smile when they show their teeth, maybe the blonde is more attractive when not doing so.

Quite, honestly, I rarely notice teeth during my carnal affairs. I just prefer the thinner body in this case. Flabby arms are what Is see on the brunette. If I met either in real life they are way above average.


Really? she has a bad smile and no tits in my eyes.

I asked my graphics department to help you out with some arrows and shit.

Quite, honestly, I rarely notice teeth during my carnal affairs. I just prefer the thinner body in this case. Flabby arms are what Is see on the brunette. If I met either in real life they are way above average.
Oh I don't care about the teeth themselves, her face was just not attractive to me and when I went back after your comment to break down why, it's partially because she has a shitty smile. A lot of guys like thin frames though so I can understand why you dig her, not hating.
I asked my graphics department to help you out with some arrows and shit.

Yeah, she doesn't have much there, buddy. If those satisfy you all the power to you. I'm more of an ass man though so that can compensate for small tits.

And now back to football....Go Cardinals!
According to Webster's, hazing means to:
"1. To harass by exacting unnecessary, disagreeable, or difficult work.
2. To harass or annoy by playing abusive or shameful tricks upon; to humiliate by practical jokes; - used esp. of college students; as, the sophomores hazed a freshman."

I've bolded the parts that the military does not do. Our explicit guidance is we don't do things to trainees/cadets to abuse them, to shame them, or to humiliate them. Everything has to be closely matched to a core training objective. Nothing unnecessary is allowed. I can't have a bunch of trainees go pull weeds around the base unless there is a clear training objective associated with the task that has been approved by the installation commander (good luck getting that to fly).

You both obviously see the difference between what Incognito did and what we do in military training. Now you're just arguing about the semantics of what the word "hazing" means and whether or not the military hazes trainees. If you want to play the semantics game, I'm more than willing. In fact, I just did.

Not that it accomplishes anything, since the point I was making is that this type of behavior is senseless and isn't tolerated in any work environment. You both seem to be arguing otherwise? Or just plain arguing? I can't tell which at this point.

I'm not going to roll over and say you're both "right" just to end an argument, no matter what sort of spin or directions we try to change the point of discussion. The facts are simple:

1) The behavior was reprehensible and wrong.
2) Incognito has been correctly punished for it.
3) People within OR outside of the NFL have every right to point out how awful he behaved.
4) Military training and what Incognito attempted to do are worlds apart.
5) By the very definition of the word, the military does not tolerate "hazing" trainees/cadets.
6) Like the Incognito situation, there have been numerous abuses within DoD training environments. They are 100% unacceptable, and people lose their careers over it immediately when it surfaces to the leadership level.
7) Cultural excuses are never an acceptable justification for hazing.
8) Just like past instances of DoD misbehavior, the NFL is going to crack down on this sort of activity 100%. Fines, suspensions, and firings will follow if more stuff surfaces or it continues in the future.
9) Bob's your uncle.

My argument is that you can't condemn all acts of hazing if you are in the military because basic training is hazing. You can pretend it isn't all you want... but i guess that just gets us back to arguing semantics. You can condemn Incognito's actions all day... you wont get much of an argument. But you burst in this thread comparing NFL life to dropping bombs on people and using the Military as the crux of your argument. I called you out on it cause it's a silly argument to make and it looked like an excuse to puff your chest out a bit...

I agree with you that the military has zero tolerance for unnecessary hazing. There is an 'or' in the sentence you decided to use for your definition, by the way. That means any of the 3 terms can be used. It can just as easily read "to harass by exacting difficult work." Sounds like basic. There are even more accepted definitions of Hazing than the one you provided.... read the definition right below the one you posted. You don't need to roll over and say I am right. I know you won't admit it because it doesn't support your position of hazing in any form being bad.

Hazing - "An initiation process involving harassment"

Harassment - "aggressive pressure or intimidation"

Basic training is an 'intiation prcoess involving agressive pressure placed on trainees to overstress them mentally and physically. They must prove they can withstand such hardship in order to become a member of the group' Textbook definition of hazing right there for you in all its glory.

This type of hazing serves a very real purpose and anyone that has been through it can relate to it. Can tell you how it changed them(for the better). How it helped them adjust to the military lifestyle. Stop pretending it doesn't exist.

Agree to disagree, I guess...


Andrew Abramson ‏@AbramsonPBP
Randy Starks: Incognito took Martin under his wings, was like a big brother to him.

Damn all Phins are going on record defending Incognito. Check that guy's timeline as well as @AdamHBeasley


Tomodachi wa Mahou
Wow the whole locker room seems to be for Incognito and completely against Martin, I think the media may have jumped the gun a little bit.

Uh yeah you really think anybody is going to say anything about Incognito after what happened to Martin? Incognito is a guy who beats up his own teammates on the practice field. Dude would take out his own teammates knees if somebody said shit to him.
Uh yeah you really think anybody is going to say anything about Incognito after what happened to Martin? Incognito is a guy who beats up his own teammates on the practice field. Dude would take out his own teammates knees if somebody said shit to him.

Incognito is no longer with the team and hasn't been since Sunday so I don't see your point.


Tomodachi wa Mahou
Incognito is no longer with the team and hasn't been since Sunday so I don't see your point.

Nobody in the locker room wants to be associated with the shit that went on. You really think guys are going to publicly air out whatever issues were going on in that locker room? No shit everybody is going to say everything was totally cool. They all want this to just go away.
Nobody in the locker room wants to be associated with the shit that went on. You really think guys are going to publicly air out whatever issues were going on in that locker room? No shit everybody is going to say everything was totally cool. They all want this to just go away.

So that's why they are against Martin?


As far as the whole locker room bullying? Yes overblown, Nobody on the team appears to have known there was any bullying going on, much less a 'big locker room problem' like is being suggested.

Virtually nobody who participates in bullying thinks of themselves as a bully.
Darkest Red, you're my bro. Therefor you should join your intelligent wife in her Pats Fandom. Then we can nuke the corrupted, bullying team that is the Miami Dolphins and turn them into a soccer team.


Tomodachi wa Mahou
So that's why they are against Martin?

If the locker room is publicly split at all then it doesn't go away. If somebody comes out and says Incognito was a jackass and they should have done something then it doesn't go away. The only way to make this all okay is to act like everything was okay and hope people believe the shit they're saying. Evidently its working, at least with Dolphins fans.
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