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NFL 2013 Week 10 |OT| - [expletive] this [expletive] [expletive]

Please, refute the following that you keep ignoring...

"Name any other employer that vets their employees with 8-12 weeks of sleep deprivation, intimidation, yelling, screaming, physical and mental exhaustion, and so on? Name any other place where this type of behaviour is acceptable. The vetting process gets even more intense if you choose to become a part of any of the elite military groups(seals, rangers, tacp).

I will mention this again, being as you seem to gloss right over it... Basic military training is an initiation process where you must endure significant hardship. Hardship that is placed on you that is meant to break you down. You must be built back up and earn the right to be a part of the group. This is hazing!"

What is the airspeed velocity of an unladen swallow? That question has about as much to do with my post as what you wrote...again.

And to answer your question: the CIA (for operators), the FBI, SWAT, firefighters, and basically most advanced law enforcement groups go through a similar process. So...lots?

Which, once again, has nothing to do with what I wrote. I enjoy your posts, which are the equivalent of "Hey, look over here!"

So Watkins has been named a starter for the Fins. I will be interested to hear how he does. He was really good his first year with the Eagles, but slumped badly his second season.



"Everything's great except for you guys following me around"
-Keenum to media lol
What is the airspeed velocity of an unladen swallow? That question has about as much to do with my post as what you wrote...again.

And to answer your question: the CIA (for operators), the FBI, SWAT, firefighters, and basically most advanced law enforcement groups go through a similar process. So...lots?

Which, once again, has nothing to do with what I wrote. I enjoy your posts, which are the equivalent of "Hey, look over here!"


Alright... now explain to me how an initiation process where one must endure significant stress, aggressive behavior, and hardship in order to become a part of the group, is not hazing. We will start with just this one issue being as you seem to have so much trouble following multiple points.

I'll wait.
What is the airspeed velocity of an unladen swallow? That question has about as much to do with my post as what you wrote...again.

And to answer your question: the CIA (for operators), the FBI, SWAT, firefighters, and basically most advanced law enforcement groups go through a similar process. So...lots?

Which, once again, has nothing to do with what I wrote. I enjoy your posts, which are the equivalent of "Hey, look over here!"

So basically you admit that many professions haze new employees, in those professions where it is considered an essential part of training to expose newbies to stress, hardship, etc.

The only question is then whether the NFL is a brutal enough environment to merit some sort of... wait for it... hazing!

Not that any of this excuses incognito's fuckwittery, but I don't think that has anything to do with what shake's saying.
So basically you admit that many professions haze new employees, in those professions where it is considered an essential part of training to expose newbies to stress, hardship, etc.

The only question is then whether the NFL is a brutal enough environment to merit some sort of... wait for it... hazing!

Not that any of this excuses incognito's fuckwittery, but I don't think that has anything to do with what shake's saying.

hazing is bad, brah... don't do that shit

Yeah but I mostly have rabbits and cats and those are animals whose affection you have to earn. Maybe you think you are earning your dogs affection with that jar of peanut butter, but it isnt the same.

Yeah but would those cats and rabbits risk their life to save you?

No. The cats would probably try to help kill you.
What is the airspeed velocity of an unladen swallow? That question has about as much to do with my post as what you wrote...again.

And to answer your question: the CIA (for operators), the FBI, SWAT, firefighters, and basically most advanced law enforcement groups go through a similar process. So...lots?

Which, once again, has nothing to do with what I wrote. I enjoy your posts, which are the equivalent of "Hey, look over here!"


Webster defines hazing as:


: the practice of playing unpleasant tricks on someone or forcing someone to do unpleasant things

How the fuck does that apply to Martin?
He was told to pay his dues on a trip after he didn't pitch in on paying a meal that the rest of the rookies did. No one physically threatened or forced him to do it.
His missed a voluntary practice meeting & his hotheaded teammate chewed him out for it on his voicemail & twiiter.

How the fuck is that hazing.
Webster defines hazing as:

How the fuck does that apply to Martin?
He was told to pay his dues on a trip after he didn't pitch in on paying a meal that the rest of the rookies did. No one physically threatened or forced him to do it.
His missed a voluntary practice meeting & his hotheaded teammate chewed him out for it on his voicemail & twiiter.

How the fuck is that hazing.

See the definition right below... "an initiation process involving harassment"
Okay fine, I'll buy you some scotch. Such a sophisticated taste already. You really are my brother from another mother.

Also, dogs are the superior pets. Sorry, YankeeBro.



I have dogs also. I love all pets, but rabbits are probably my favorite. They are so smart and have such neat personalities.



The Trouble with RG3

Halfway through his second season, it’s impossible to call Robert Griffin III anything but an unrefined quarterback. Slowed by his surgically repaired right knee and often playing from behind, he’s learning how to be a drop-back passer the hard way


Less noticed, but more important, is his failure to grasp the cerebral elements of his position. Because his otherworldly athleticism has diminished, Griffin is now operating from the pocket more often. Every great NFL quarterback (with the possible exception of Ben Roethlisberger) has a refined pocket presence. Griffin, at this point, does not.


Last season Griffin absorbed many big hits at the end of scrambles. He scrambled because he was a one-read quarterback, meaning he tucked the ball and ran if his initial receiver wasn’t open. Though he remains mostly a one-read QB in Washington’s run-based system, Griffin has been given more multi-progression play designs by head coach Mike Shanahan and offensive coordinator Kyle Shanahan. (It’s been a must because Washington has played from behind more than any team except for Jacksonville.)

Much more at link. The article doesn't say he cannot become a great QB, just that right now, he is nothing special

Hunter S.

There are herds of deer that run around my neighborhood. Sometimes 20 at a time. It is fun to give the female deer peanut Butter and crackers. Rabbits are only cool in the wild, but they breed too much and are pests in the suburbs.
Did you ever get the wallaby?

No, it costs $3500 and the move was more expensive then I expect. The district out here also screwed on my credits so I make $3000 then they told me I would when I accepted the job. Plus all the extra money for the kid. Wallaby is on hold for a while. My wife and I are going to do all different pet species though when we no longer have our current buddies.
Alright... now explain to me how an initiation process where one must endure significant stress, aggressive behavior, and hardship in order to become a part of the group, is not hazing. We will start with just this one issue being as you seem to have so much trouble following multiple points.

I'll wait.

So basically you admit that many professions haze new employees, in those professions where it is considered an essential part of training to expose newbies to stress, hardship, etc.

The only question is then whether the NFL is a brutal enough environment to merit some sort of... wait for it... hazing!

Not that any of this excuses incognito's fuckwittery, but I don't think that has anything to do with what shake's saying.

According to Webster's, hazing means to:
"1. To harass by exacting unnecessary, disagreeable, or difficult work.
2. To harass or annoy by playing abusive or shameful tricks upon; to humiliate by practical jokes; - used esp. of college students; as, the sophomores hazed a freshman."

I've bolded the parts that the military does not do. Our explicit guidance is we don't do things to trainees/cadets to abuse them, to shame them, or to humiliate them. Everything has to be closely matched to a core training objective. Nothing unnecessary is allowed. I can't have a bunch of trainees go pull weeds around the base unless there is a clear training objective associated with the task that has been approved by the installation commander (good luck getting that to fly).

You both obviously see the difference between what Incognito did and what we do in military training. Now you're just arguing about the semantics of what the word "hazing" means and whether or not the military hazes trainees. If you want to play the semantics game, I'm more than willing. In fact, I just did.

Not that it accomplishes anything, since the point I was making is that this type of behavior is senseless and isn't tolerated in any work environment. You both seem to be arguing otherwise? Or just plain arguing? I can't tell which at this point.

I'm not going to roll over and say you're both "right" just to end an argument, no matter what sort of spin or directions we try to change the point of discussion. The facts are simple:

1) The behavior was reprehensible and wrong.
2) Incognito has been correctly punished for it.
3) People within OR outside of the NFL have every right to point out how awful he behaved.
4) Military training and what Incognito attempted to do are worlds apart.
5) By the very definition of the word, the military does not tolerate "hazing" trainees/cadets.
6) Like the Incognito situation, there have been numerous abuses within DoD training environments. They are 100% unacceptable, and people lose their careers over it immediately when it surfaces to the leadership level.
7) Cultural excuses are never an acceptable justification for hazing.
8) Just like past instances of DoD misbehavior, the NFL is going to crack down on this sort of activity 100%. Fines, suspensions, and firings will follow if more stuff surfaces or it continues in the future.
9) Bob's your uncle.
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