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NFL 2013 Week 4 IOTI - For a good time call Sweet Pea

I proposed this earlier in the week as well. Consider what we have. An aging D that can't force turnovers and requires re-tooling across the board. Keisel, Troy, Clark, Taylor will all be gone in the next 2-3 years. Miller as well on the offense.

This is not a team capable of competing, and will need to rebuild in several areas before it is able to compete. Why not trade Ben now when you can get a high pick or two for him? You basically want to hang onto him for the next 5 years on the assumption that the other pieces we need will magically fall into place while he's here?

The window on his championship runs has closed. Don't do what we did with Bradshaw and just hang on for multiple losing seasons hoping he's elite enough to carry the team. It's obvious in how often he turns the ball over that he's not elite. When the D was able to back up his slangin' ways we were able to pull out games. The D is done, flat-lined.

I'd trade him before he gets on the plane from London for a 1st and a 3rd (and maybe a conditional next year, 4th/5th).

I gotta admit it sounds enticing, but like I said last time there isn't anything to replace him with. We're not getting Bridgewater, and the rest of the QB field looks thin.


LeBron loves his girlfriend. There is no other woman in the world he’d rather have. The problem is, Dwyane’s not a woman.
Schoobs face is all fear.


Manuel had daylight and fumbles. Three and out possession.

This team sucks ass, I'm not watching OT if it comes to that.


For once I agree with you.

Ramon Foster going out sealed it. It was his replacement (Beachun #68) that gave up the sack to end it.
Foster has been horrible this year.

You would think we couldn't do any worse. But this team continues to surprise me!

Tomlin needs to stop being everyones friend and bench some big names on defense. I did not like the way the defense was reacting when he was yelling at them. Clark was straight up ignoring him. Head coach has to mark his territory when that shit goes down.

Also, congrats Cleveland!

And whoever wins that Buffalo/Ravens game really shouldn't be too proud...




Since I've shat on Alex every game, it's only fair to give him credit in this one. Aside from a horrible interception on a slant, this is what I've wanted to see. Throws in rhythm and frequent shots to the intermediate.

Nothing amazing, but I'll take it for now.

That pick was obviously on Bowe - he jumped outside on a inside route..

If there is any pressure on him at all in the pocket, he literally panics. You can see it happen play after play after play after play.

Eh, that's not true at all - Schaub has made some great plays in pressure before. Still, he's really inconsistent with it. Today that statement is correct, any pressure at all and he folds.

EDIT: Quoted wrong person


LeBron loves his girlfriend. There is no other woman in the world he’d rather have. The problem is, Dwyane’s not a woman.
LOL SCHOOB I can't take it any longer.
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