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NFL 2013 Week 4 IOTI - For a good time call Sweet Pea

I do think we should have a new offensive and defensive coordinator going into next season. I would get rid of Haley this season, not necessarily because he deserves to go (he kind of does though), but due to the fact that I'd rather go through the growing pains of adopting to a new offensive scheme in a hopeless season, then next year where we might actually have a chance at an above terrible season. As for Dick LeBeau... we're going to have to make the transition at some point, and I'd rather make that transition at the same time as the rest of our team transitions. He's been great for us, but it's time for new blood.
Completely agree with this and also previously stated. It's time to cut out the old and start fresh.
This thread (well, the weekly threads) are the only thing that will keep me watching this now 13-week Titanic miniseries.

It's been coming. I thought we'd get at least one more year put of this group. Apparently so did Jerry Reese. It's going to be interesting watching how this team gets rebuilt. I was saying to Striker...JPP, Cruz, Eli and Prince. Everyone else is expendable to me.

You can say the East is shit but this team isn't even competitive. Another week and another blowout. Can't pin this one on the defense either. They played their hearts out.
Top of the division but...that was an ugly second half for the Lions. The offense completely stalled, and perhaps more importantly we saw Linehan completely shit the bed in terms of play calling. Just an ugly performance.

D-line looked great but gave up another huge play/TD. But this secondary has absolutely no depth, again. When Houston and Mathis went out we completely imploded. As I said earlier, Slay doesn't look like an NFL player to me. He looks completely lost.

Stafford looked off and you could tell Megatron was a bit frustrated. We're not going to play against a bad QB every week. Next week we face Rodgers, and I guarantee he's going to rip that secondary apart...


LJ WE DID IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!11
LJ WE DID IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!11
LJ WE DID IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!11
LJ WE DID IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!11
LJ WE DID IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!11
LJ WE DID IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!11
LJ WE DID IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!11
LJ WE DID IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!11
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