Peyton has taken worse shots than that without getting a flag. People should stop saying stupid shit like this.
Yeah I'm on the phone with evilore right now.
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a bitch commenting on fake snitches... now I've seen everything.snitches snitching on other snitches
Tivo Delayed Reaction:
Holy shit Seahawks.
Terrible start aside, I think they showed a really good maturity to get it together. Obviously a lot of luck in that result, but it's also about what you do with that luck.
Feel bad for the Texans because they deserved the lead. I just don't know if they deserved a win with those errors.
This Broncos offense is as close to unstoppable as you get...
how was that a dirty play?
With absolute bullshit PI penalties.
what a terrible call on pi
Oh come on. This game is a lot closer than it should be. They've been stylin' on y'all dall day
Oh come on. This game is a lot closer than it should be. They've been stylin' on y'all dall day
That's NOT a safety? Who was Smith throwing to?