Also, proof that snesfreak is a coward.
<snesfreak> [18:44] <Chan> you're a fuckin coward you old fuck
<snesfreak> :you
<jak5> you are a coward
<jak5> and are old
<snesfreak> Nah, a coward would just ban him from the channel
<snesfreak> This way we get to talk shit about him and he can't respond
<snesfreak> Much funnier
<snesfreak> [18:44] <Chan> you're a fuckin coward you old fuck
<snesfreak> :you
<jak5> you are a coward
<jak5> and are old
<snesfreak> Nah, a coward would just ban him from the channel
<snesfreak> This way we get to talk shit about him and he can't respond
<snesfreak> Much funnier