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NFL 2013 Week 7 |OT| - The Green Green Grass of Home

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On one hand i'm with you. I honestly think this is a non issue. What usually happens in these situations though is that afterwards something else like this or more severe comes out, and it is immediately compounded with this to make the Giants look bad. People are gonna talk, it's best to just not give them the ammo. Especially for a Giants team that hears "fire Coughlin!" calls annually.
They are an 0-6 team in the biggest media market in the world. If the media wants to push forward the narrative that the team is "cracking" they'll get it done regardless of some innocent ribbing is where I'm coming from.

I'll say this - not one single beat writer for the Giants in the NY market that I follow spun this into a ridiculous story like Florio did.


@greggrosenthal: #Texans D is first in yards allowed, team is 28th in points allowed. Biggest gap in NFL history.



Remember last year when Peyton came to a whole new team that was 8-8 under Timmy Tebow the year before. He had two young and questionable young receivers at D. Thomas and Eric Decker.He had no proven tight end in J. Thomas only Jacob Tamme and Joel Dressen. His slot receiver was an aging buddy named Brandon Stokley that is now out of the league. Remember how he had no reliable running game.

Remember how he had just come off of a year with a broken vertabrae, and would have gotten a fifth MVP award if it was not for a very special running year by Adrian Peterson. Yeah, I remember that.

"Young and questionable"? Thomas and Decker were both in their 3rd years in the league. Thomas had 500 yards and 4 TDs in 2011, and caught the game-winning TD in a playoff game against the Steelers. Decker had 600 yards and 8 TDs in 2011. They were 1st and 3rd round picks, respectively. Are you really going to equate Thomas & Decker with rookies Aaron Dobson and UDFA Kenbrell Thompkins? You're also going to equate Jacob Tamme and Joel Dreessen to Michael Hoomanawanui and Matthew Mulligan? Come on now. I would never say that that Manning's 2012 season wasn't impressive, but to act like he came into a broken down and hopeless team is beyond mistaken. Remember that he could have gone almost anywhere he wanted to go and he thought that the Broncos team gave him the best chance to win the Super Bowl. It's not like he chose the Island of Misfit Toys.


But with Foles I still need to see more. 1-2 good or great games we see from back ups all the time. Some make a career out of it (Kolb/Flynn). Foles faced two winless teams though TB's D isn't bad. That was impressive what he did. I really want to see if he can keep up or out duel Romo. Our D will make sure Dallas scores 30+. We will need to score close to 40 or more. Dallas's injuries on the Dline plus questionable secondary might be the perfect setting.

I think if Foles puts up another really impressive performance he will have to start. Its also a home game. I shudder to think the fan reaction if Vick was healthy enough to play. Not all fans hate him but if you go to the Eagles board or listen to sports radio everything and anything is Vick's fault. Its as if our D isn't horrible and the only thing holding us back from beating teams like the Chiefs or Broncos is Vick. We haven't won a home game going back to mid season last year. Vick would probably get booed for any incomplete pass or turnover.

To be fair, Vick did play like ass against the Chiefs, so I do put some of the blame for that loss on his shoulders. The Broncos loss definitely wasn't his fault.

Either way, I think Foles works better in this offense because he makes quick decisions. That has never been Vick's strong suit. And in Chip's offense, the biggest key to success is making quick and accurate reads. It's not a QBs ability to run, like everyone seems to think.


This is what I imagine the sideline looks like during a special play.


Kubiak looking at figuring out which kind of syrup he's going to order for the next play.

Wade looking on in disgust.

Marciano looking on, without a care in the world, knowing for some inexplicable reason, he'll be here for year 13.


That's your defense's fault for not playing the TAINT better.

I said it a couple pages ago: defense said fuck it during the Niners game after the pick 6.

Lance Zierlein ‏@LanceZierlein 15 Oct
Harrison went on to say if he were a player in that locker room, he would have lost confidence in Kubiak after he continued to play Schaub

Lance Zierlein ‏@LanceZierlein 15 Oct
Just interviewed Rodney Harrison and will play the interview tomorrow morning. He believes Gary Kubiak will be gone after the season.

This is what I imagine the sideline looks like during a special play.


Kubiak looking at figuring out which kind of syrup he's going to order for the next play.

Wade looking on in disgust.

Marciano looking on, without a care in the world, knowing for some inexplicable reason, he'll be here for year 13.

LOL! And Vance Joseph saying "Can we fire Kubiak now? We all know Wade is the next HC and I get the DC spot!"


Remember last year when Peyton came to a whole new team that was 8-8 under Timmy Tebow the year before. He had two young and questionable young receivers at D. Thomas and Eric Decker.He had no proven tight end in J. Thomas only Jacob Tamme and Joel Dressen. His slot receiver was an aging buddy named Brandon Stokley that is now out of the league. Remember how he had no reliable running game.

Remember how he had just come off of a year with a broken vertabrae, and would have gotten a fifth MVP award if it was not for a very special running year by Adrian Peterson. Yeah, I remember that.
Wait, are you saying that a great quarterback came to a playoff team the year before, lost only 3 games to...playoff teams that entire season, and then managed to win less games in the post-season than a Tebow led offense the year before?
I said it a couple pages ago: defense said fuck it during the Niners game after the pick 6.

LOL! And Vance Joseph saying "Can we fire Kubiak now? We all know Wade is the next HC and I get the DC spot!"

Nice to know I'm not the only one who's been thinking Bubba's going to get another shot at the HC gig.

Wait, are you saying that a great quarterback came to a playoff team the year before, lost only 3 games to...playoff teams that entire season, and then managed to win less games in the post-season than a Tebow led offense the year before?
Last time I checked, Baltimore beat the crap out of New England too.


Texans trading disgruntled fans:


UPDATE 3 (10/16 2:15 P.M. CDT): The fans who tracked Matt Schaub to his house to berate him/take pictures of him have been traded to the San Francisco 49ers because, as Niners GM Trent Baalke put it, "Compared to our usual assortment of stabby fans, a couple of loudmouths won't be as easily noticed." In return, the Texans fanbase will receive a pair of patented Jim Harbaugh sideline rages for Coach Kubiak's use because, as one front office person put it, "We thought it'd be funny."

UPDATE 4 (10/16 4:13 P.M. CDT): The assembly of fans who were embarrassed by how Schaub was treated on Sunday were finally traded after Smith hammered out a deal to send them to the Green Bay Packers in return for a score of good-natured Packer fans and their cheeseheads. At first they were dismayed to learn of the trade, but when the deal was sweetened with the guarantee of a photo op with J.J. Watt, they agreed readily enough.

UPDATE 6 (10/16 7:31 P.M. CDT): The last batch of disgruntled Texans fans, those who "want to be part of a championship team" have been sent to the Oakland Raiders. In return, the Texans will receive Oakland's entire 2014 draft and the Raiders' 2015, 2016, and 2017 first round picks. When asked why the Raiders were willing to give up so much for such fans, Raiders general manager Reggie McKenzie said, "It's what Al would have wanted; plus, we enjoy misery and suffering here. It's kind of our thing."

Nice to know I'm not the only one who's been thinking Bubba's going to get another shot at the HC gig.


Not that like it or think it is even a remotely good idea it is inevitable. Anyone who thinks otherwise doesn't know Bob McNair at all.


"Young and questionable"? Thomas and Decker were both in their 3rd years in the league. Thomas had 500 yards and 4 TDs in 2011, and caught the game-winning TD in a playoff game against the Steelers. Decker had 600 yards and 8 TDs in 2011. They were 1st and 3rd round picks, respectively. Are you really going to equate Thomas & Decker with rookies Aaron Dobson and UDFA Kenbrell Thompkins? You're also going to equate Jacob Tamme and Joel Dreessen to Michael Hoomanawanui and Matthew Mulligan? Come on now. I would never say that that Manning's 2012 season wasn't impressive, but to act like he came into a broken down and hopeless team is beyond mistaken. Remember that he could have gone almost anywhere he wanted to go and he thought that the Broncos team gave him the best chance to win the Super Bowl. It's not like he chose the Island of Misfit Toys.

They were unproven, at least DT, Decker, and Julius.

DT if you remember had never ran actual routes prior to Manning. He's on record as saying as much. He was hurt a bit as well, but he was hardly a factor outside of some flashes here and there, and garbage defensive coverage in that Steelers game. Manning instantly elevated his level of play, and has worked relentlessly with him to get him to where he is. The talent was there for DT, but he had to hone his skills, as well as get someone who could deliver him the ball.

Decker was similar to DT in that he wasn't much of a factor. Partially the Tebow effect, but Manning worked with him as well, to get him up to where he is now.

Really it's a shared relationship. They had to build chemistry to get where they are at. The same applies with Julius Thomas, and Wes. Peyton knew Wes and his tendencies, so they have had an instant chemistry to some degree, but with JT it slowly developed over the summer.

I don't think it's fair to classify these guys as anything but talented, under utilized and not as skillful before Manning arrived. Maybe Manning selected the team based on that talent, but he certainly raised all boats in the offense.

I followed everyday of training camp both years since he's been here, and I would always read how practice was over and Manning would pull aside someone to work on something after the fact. It's been just about everyone in the offense, DT, Decker, Hillman, Ball, JT, Wes. I'm not trying to fluff up Manning anymore than he already gets credit for, but the guy has transformed the team since he's been here. It's a massive change between what we were getting with Tebow, Orton, Cutler, etc.


They tried to trade squicken a few years back but despite always being there, is no longer part of the team, which they weren't aware of. No one really knows who holds his rights at this point.


Joe Six-Pack: posting for the common man
Nice to know I'm not the only one who's been thinking Bubba's going to get another shot at the HC gig.

i'm not sure I want Wade at head coach. I'm not sure I even want him for Defensive coordinator anymore. Sure the defense has been pretty good, but what has his defense done against Rodgers? Brady? Brees? The only quarterback of note that he held in check was Manning last year, but that was like week 3 when Manning was still trying to figure out his arm, his offense and his new players.

Fatman is going to start against the Giants this week.


i'm not sure I want Wade at head coach. I'm not sure I even want him for Defensive coordinator anymore. Sure the defense has been pretty good, but what has his defense done against Rodgers? Brady? Brees? The only quarterback of note that he held in check was Manning last year, but that was like week 3 when Manning was still trying to figure out his arm, his offense and his new players.

Manning's arm was still about 75% at that point...

...and he still nearly ripped us apart.
I don't know why the Irsay comments are ticking me off so much. I even kind of liked Luck. But now I'd love to see their season crater.



Gil Brandt with a look at how some top prospects are faring

DE Jadeveon Clowney, South Carolina

I'm not certain how NFL teams still feel about Clowney, but if I were choosing a player to build my defense around today, I'd take UCLA's Anthony Barr over the South Carolina defensive end who has just nine solo tackles and two sacks to his credit this season. Barr is a more versatile, certainly more consistent player.

Clowney hasn't played poorly this season, despite what his numbers say, but he hasn't played up to media hype, which was built around one play in last season's Outback Bowl. He's a good player, could be a great one if he works at it, but the jury is still out on that. I think he bought into the hype. He even admitted openly that he hung out this past summer, taking trips with friends instead of continuing to work out. And his poor conditioning showed early in the season.

The whole incident in which he told Coach Steve Spurrier 30 minutes before the Kentucky game a few weeks back that he wasn't playing, drawing Spurrier's ire, is a bad sign. He already had a reputation of taking plays off. He can't afford to do that at the next level.

QB Jameis Winston, Florida State

In June, the Texas Rangers drafted Winston in the 15th round of the Major League Baseball draft. He stayed in school. Good decision.

Florida State has a chance to win a national championship, and Winston has a lot to do with it. His chances of winning a national title and becoming the second straight freshman to win the Heisman Trophy will increase if he can help the Seminoles beat Tajh Boyd and Clemson on Saturday in the biggest game of the week.

Like Hackenberg, the other freshman on this list, Winston has a future in the NFL. He and his game are already mature beyond their years.

QB Johnny Manziel, Texas A&M

Tom Rossley, the ex-Packers quarterbacks coach who moved on to the same position at Texas A&M, loved what he saw from Manziel in high school. While other schools were recruiting Manziel at other positions, Rossley's fists were bleeding from banging the table so hard for Manziel to play quarterback at A&M. The man who was once Brett Favre's position coach for six years ultimately was proven right.

One season after winning the Heisman Trophy, Manziel is being forced by teams each week to throw the ball more and run less often. Take away the opener against Rice in which he was suspended for the first half, Manziel is averaging 348 passing yards per game, completing 73 percent of his throws, with 11 touchdowns and five interceptions in that stretch.

TCU coach Gary Patterson, a good friend of mine, told me he had Manziel in his high school football camp for three summers. "He wasn't the tallest, he wasn't the fastest, and he didn't throw the prettiest ball," Patterson said. "But all he did was win." That's how I still view Manziel. Put him side by side with any other top college quarterback, and 10 out of 10 NFL scouts will take the other guy. In the end, however, I'm not sure the other guy will affect the outcome of the game as much as Manziel will.

Hunter S.

"Young and questionable"? Thomas and Decker were both in their 3rd years in the league. Thomas had 500 yards and 4 TDs in 2011, and caught the game-winning TD in a playoff game against the Steelers. Decker had 600 yards and 8 TDs in 2011. They were 1st and 3rd round picks, respectively. Are you really going to equate Thomas & Decker with rookies Aaron Dobson and UDFA Kenbrell Thompkins? You're also going to equate Jacob Tamme and Joel Dreessen to Michael Hoomanawanui and Matthew Mulligan? Come on now. I would never say that that Manning's 2012 season wasn't impressive, but to act like he came into a broken down and hopeless team is beyond mistaken. Remember that he could have gone almost anywhere he wanted to go and he thought that the Broncos team gave him the best chance to win the Super Bowl. It's not like he chose the Island of Misfit Toys.

I put Decker and Damarius Thomas first as they were his best weapons. But, you cannot deny everyone questioned, or stated Peyton was too old, and hurt by the neck injury to play great again. Both of tight ends were never close to spectacular just good enough to start. Stokley was retired, and then came back to have on of his best years. I know the special teams and defense won games for the Broncos in 2011, but he came out of tons more adversity than Brady has ever faced in his carrier.

Granted, the Patriots have a great record despite the odds and a lot of credit is due to Brady, but I am just saying I think what Peyton did last year showed more fortitude and greatness than what Brady is now facing.

It is hard to say why he choose Denver, there are a lot of reasons like it was the place he worked out at during the neck injury. He got to know people like John Elway... yada, yada, yada.


i'm not sure I want Wade at head coach. I'm not sure I even want him for Defensive coordinator anymore. Sure the defense has been pretty good, but what has his defense done against Rodgers? Brady? Brees? The only quarterback of note that he held in check was Manning last year, but that was like week 3 when Manning was still trying to figure out his arm, his offense and his new players.

Only way Wade being HC is palatable is if Washington fires the Shanahans and Kyle comes in as OC. A scenario I actually can see happening with McNair.
Regarding the Pats.Saints game, Brady and the receivers played well in that game. It was the1st and 2nd drives of the end of the game where they played bad.


I put Decker and Damarius Thomas first as they were his best weapons. But, you cannot deny everyone questioned, or stated Peyton was too old, and hurt by the neck injury to play great again. Both of tight ends were never close to spectacular just good enough to start. Stokley was retired, and then came back to have on of his best years. I know the special teams and defense won games for the Broncos in 2011, but he came out of tons more adversity than Brady has ever faced in his carrier.

Granted, the Patriots have a great record despite the odds and a lot of credit is due to Brady, but I am just saying I think what Peyton did last year showed more fortitude and greatness than what Brady is now facing.

It is hard to say why he choose Denver, there are a lot of reasons like it was the place he worked out at during the neck injury. He got to know people like John Elway... yada, yada, yada.

Yes, worked out with Helton and the Rockies when the NFL was locked out. I think that helped out quite a bit. Rockies might suck balls, but at least Helton was always good.


To be fair, Vick did play like ass against the Chiefs, so I do put some of the blame for that loss on his shoulders. The Broncos loss definitely wasn't his fault.

Either way, I think Foles works better in this offense because he makes quick decisions. That has never been Vick's strong suit. And in Chip's offense, the biggest key to success is making quick and accurate reads. It's not a QBs ability to run, like everyone seems to think.

Oh of course. Vick has played two really great games (Skins and Chargers), 1 terrible game against the Chiefs, don't really know how to measure the Denver game, and played one good half against the Giants before going out. Chiefs have made everyone look bad. And even in that game in addition to Vick's turnovers, our center was snapping the ball all over the place which led to another turnover, and we had a muffed PR.

But QBs will have bad games here and there. No QB goes through a perfect season with no mistakes, fumbles, ints, and inefficiencies. Some of the these Eagles fans who are so desperate to get Vick out of town act like Vick's 2 ints this season are worse than what Shaub and Eli are doing. And unfortunately our D is so bad that unless whoever is in at QB plays really well, the rest of the team can't make up for the mistakes.
I put Decker and Damarius Thomas first as they were his best weapons. But, you cannot deny everyone questioned, or stated Peyton was too old, and hurt by the neck injury to play great again. Both of tight ends were never close to spectacular just good enough to start. Stokley was retired, and then came back to have on of his best years. I know the special teams and defense won games for the Broncos in 2011, but he came out of tons more adversity than Brady has ever faced in his carrier.

Granted, the Patriots have a great record despite the odds and a lot of credit is due to Brady, but I am just saying I think what Peyton did last year showed more fortitude and greatness than what Brady is now facing.

It is hard to say why he choose Denver, there are a lot of reasons like it was the place he worked out at during the neck injury. He got to know people like John Elway... yada, yada, yada.

Dont forget that Mannings receivers last year are a lot better than Bradys are right now.


Somehow I feel like the Browns are gonna end up with this guy.

I think Chud and Norv would want a guy with a bigger arm. A wildcard team could be Cincy. I say that only b/c John Gruden is all in on the running QB, read option spread system, and I wonder if his brother feels the same. Ultimately Mike Brown's decision so idk if that is a fit
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