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NFL 2013 Week 8 |OT| - Hail To The Chiefs

I think he's a better pick than Manziel, although I have doubts about both. For possible NFL capabilities I'd look at Bridgewater before either of them, but he is so untested in his conference that it's hard to say.

I was just joking with Ez. He is still very teary eyed about mean old Chip's team beating the Badgers in the Rose bowl so he keeps taking these insane shots at him. The idea that Chip wont have any excuses for his offense not working just because they draft a QB high is obviously laughable, tons of high draft pick QBs are huge busts. I doubt any coach in the league could be successful with Gabbert at QB, and he was a high pick.


Thoughts on Giants - Eagles

First of all great game for the Giants. Their D came to play regardless of who was the QB for the Eagles. Completely shut down McCoy and the running game and out side of that one botched snap their special teams forced the Eagles into terrible field position seemingly every drive.

And for the 2nd week in a row I was extremely impressed by the Eagles D. I know outside of the Cowboys we haven't played some great offenses, but from where this D was to where it is now there is definite measurable improvement. A lot of the FG's given up yesterday were due to the terrible position the offense put the D in. So far the only real positive this season now seems to be the growth of the D. Still would love for them to add Byrd through a trade to solidify the secondary.

But now for the real problems. The offense had two issues. QB play and the play calling. Yesterday Chip had Reid level of stupid and stubbornness in his play-calling.


1. With a little above a minute left with all 3 timeouts left Barkley gets the Eagles to the 2 yard line for a 1st and goal. Giants also have all 3 timeouts. Instead of just using the clock and trying to punch the ball in 3 times in a row, Chip calls a timeout first. Then he calls a bootleg pass play intended for DJAX. Great expect when DJAX is covered Barkley has no ability to improvise and rush himself. He holds hold holds and then gets strip sacked which the Giants recover. Sure Barkley fucked up but what the fuck was that play call? Why? McCoy was struggling to begin with why not give him the 2 yard TD run to get him going?

2. So with Barkley in why are we running the read option? Is anyone honoring Barkley's ability to possibly keep and run? Over and over the commentators kept pointing out how there is so much field available for Barkley to keep the ball and take off. HE NEVER DID. SO WHY THE FUCK DID WE KEEP RUNNING IT OVER AND OVER? This is the first time I have seen Chip do something out of this world stupid. Last week with Foles, Foles was simply missing on throws and wide open WRs. The gameplan was sound. This week? Why did we not switch to a more traditional offense? We have 3 TEs and we could have gone to a more traditional pro style offense. Run the ball down their throats. The Eagles were never down more than 10 points for the majority of the game. I felt like I was watching Reid coach this past game.

3. The QB situation. I like Vick a lot but I knew he wouldn't last health wise. But what I didn't expect was for the team to bring him out when he was clearly hampered and no where near effective. Couldn't move, plant, or step up. Couple of those first few drives he could have taken off on 3rd downs but instead held on took sacks or forced throws. He must have not have looked much better in practice. The smarter decision would have been to keep him on the sideline and they should have given Barkley the start. Apparently Foles still isn't cleared to practice and if he is out for next week, play no games, give Barkley all the first team reps, and start him against OAK.

Our playoff hopes were slim to begin with but I thought that would be because of the D. Never expected the O to go crap and the D to improve so much.

Mathematically we are still 1 game behind the NFCE lead but by the end of the season I expect to finish 3rd or 4rth with the Cowboys winning the division and Giants 2nd place. Vick is on a 1 year contract anyway so he won't be back and I expect us to select a QB in the draft. But like I said last week don't care much right now about next year or the next 5 years. Just want to have fun this season and to do that we need a healthy QB not named Barkley. Whatever happened to Foles mentally needs to be fixed. McCoy is completely missing all of a sudden after tearing the league the first 6 weeks.

EDIT: Forgot to mention LOL at the phantom OPI call on Avant and then no call on Myers a few plays later when he made a similar "push off" move on Kendricks. Oh well them the breaks. Eagles didn't deserve to win anyway.


I was just joking with Ez. He is still very teary eyed about mean old Chip's team beating the Badgers in the Rose bowl so he keeps taking these insane shots at him. The idea that Chip wont have any excuses for his offense not working just because they draft a QB high is obviously laughable, tons of high draft pick QBs are huge busts. I doubt any coach in the league could be successful with Gabbert at QB, and he was a high pick.

Well, Kelly coached him in college and will be his coach in the NFL so it's a bit harder to pawn it off on anyone else.

That said, I do like that you are building in excuses for years down the road for ol' Chip!

Go back and look at my posts when he was hired though. I am almost positive I was very much in favor of it. I really only am ripping the ludicrous hype.

Great impressions. I cant believe that they forced Vick out there. When Adam Caplan said on Monday of last week that Vick had a set back at practice the week before and that was why he was inactive against the Cowboys after being active against TB. I hope that they just let Barkely take the loss the next few weeks and actually get Vick healthy before he comes back again. Season is over anyways, no need to make Vick keep hobbling out there. You are so right about the read option. Giants crashed on the RB every play, they never paid 1 second of attention to Barkely on those plays. It was stupid to try to run like that. The OL looks really bad also, Giants were in Vick/Barkelys face every play. They cant open up any holes against the 8/9 man fronts they are facing constantly now. The running game was great against TB, but that was because Foles passed well and forced the D to back up, without the threat of a pass they cant run at all.


2. So with Barkley in why are we running the read option? Is anyone honoring Barkley's ability to possibly keep and run? Over and over the commentators kept pointing out how there is so much field available for Barkley to keep the ball and take off. HE NEVER DID. SO WHY THE FUCK DID WE KEEP RUNNING IT OVER AND OVER? This is the first time I have seen Chip do something out of this world stupid. Last week with Foles, Foles was simply missing on throws and wide open WRs. The gameplan was sound. This week? Why did we not switch to a more traditional offense? We have 3 TEs and we could have gone to a more traditional pro style offense. Run the ball down their throats. The Eagles were never down more than 10 points for the majority of the game. I felt like I was watching Reid coach this past game.

This was the case even before Barkley was in. Eagles were running the read option, but the Giants just crashed on McCoy since it was clear Vick was never going to keep it and run as a result of how banged up he was. There were several times when the clearly correct read was for the QB to keep it and run, but he never did. It was a big reason why the Giants were so effective in containing McCoy early on, he was the only player they had to worry about on the Eagles' offense.
This was the case even before Barkley was in. Eagles were running the read option, but the Giants just crashed on McCoy since it was clear Vick was never going to keep it and run as a result of how banged up he was. There were several times when the clearly correct read was for the QB to keep it and run, but he never did. It was a big reason why the Giants were so effective in containing McCoy early on, he was the only player they had to worry about on the Eagles' offense.
Yep and the announcers correctly showed that Fewell still kept Terrell Thomas in to shade Barkely in case he kept it but most of the time T2 was happy to keep crashing in on Mccoy from the backside because he never had a reason to respect the QB running.
Well, Kelly coached him in college and will be his coach in the NFL so it's a bit harder to pawn it off on anyone else.

That said, I do like that you are building in excuses for years down the road for ol' Chip!

Go back and look at my posts when he was hired though. I am almost positive I was very much in favor of it. I really only am ripping the ludicrous hype.

The hype was insane, everyone agrees with that. I just think it is silly to keep harping on the offense being bad when it was good when he had a QB. Who is the Packers 3rd string QB, how would that offense look if he was forced to play 2 weeks in a row without practicing either week? I really am not building in excuses for Chip, I just know that you need at least a good QB to do much on offense in the NFL. Maybe he never gets that guy and gets fired from the Eagles and then goes to another team and finds his QB and then his offense works. It is waaaaaaaaaaay to early to say anything about his offense in the NFL.
So after the loss to the Jets, Falcons talk on the radio here in Atlanta was pretty nasty.

Yeah... even more ether bombs being dropped this morning.

It's one thing to drop a close game and let the "we used to win these close games and now we're not" line slide, since Matty Ice dropped that line AGAIN in post game talk yesterday...
It's another entirely to get complete deconstructed by the Cards on both sides of the ball, give up multiple big plays, have less than 30 yards rushing (two games in a row), and toss interceptions, the lion's share of which were just air balls to spectral Roddys and Julios that aren't on the field.

RAWRG, this team is upsetting me AND breaking my heart.
There's enough talent on the field to do something, but we're getting absolutely NOTHING.
I know the Panthers are licking their chops right now...

at least you aren't a Cowboys fan.


It is waaaaaaaaaaay to early to say anything about his offense in the NFL.

Absolutely. It was also way too early to say anything about how genius he was after one good half against Washington. Didn't stop anyone!

There is only one genius in the NFL

Man, what a fun game to go to in person. I was actually on TV too though I didn't notice during the game, two friends texted me. I would like to personally thank the Failcons for making us feel like we have a competent offense right now :D Sorry for Falcon GAF though, that must have been painful and you are all good guys.

Besides the pick, Palmer had a few other bad throws but most frustrating of all is the guy does not understand what throwing the ball away is. I'm not convinced he knows it's allowed. He will either quickly force the ball out at that point and damn the consequences (usually a pick) or he'll take the sack. All in all he finally snapped his two pick or more average per game with just the one and he snagged a couple touchdowns so I won't bag on him too much this week. He seemed like a different man when we had success on the ground and built up a little lead. He calmed down and made plays. This brings me back to my thoughts of him performing much better next year when we shore up the line.

We finally had a run game, Ellington is turning out to be a major steal having acquired him with our second 6th round pick. He doesn't have the frame to grind it out like an every down back and I'd like to see Taylor get more of those carries but Ellington needs to continue to have a Sproles-like role and still get around 12-15 carries/receptions a game if possible. It was great to actually have a balanced attack and it seems things go better with Mendy out. I don't see us resigning him at all after this season.

Defense did fantastic over all with just a few decent plays given up at the end when the game was won, Matty finally made us pay a bit for blitzing. We finally didn't get killed by a TE and you know why? Bowles finally fucking let D Wash cover the TE for a chunk of the game with Peterson handling another portion. Speaking of which, poor Gonzalez, what a bad season for him to hang his career up on. The D kept Matty on Ice TD-less all game until that terrible terrible call in garbage time gift wrapping it but it didn't matter at that point anymore. We completely shut their run game down which was nice because SJax has killed us plenty during his career in the division so it was satisfying completely shutting his ass down and him averaging .5 ypc! We kept pressure on Ryan all game and he seemed rattled. A few real nice sacks and deflection plays and of course 4 picks as well, just a great effort by the defense.

I don't know what the hell happened to all our blockers on ST but we can't punt return for shit anymore because there is no blocking at all. Didn't help that P2 had a boneheaded return where he ran backwards to try to get free, ugh. I don't even want him returning as he is too important to the D now.

All in all a very solid performance and a great way to enter the bye. Congrats to Larry for becoming the youngest receiver to hit 800 career receptions in history.


Absolutely. It was also way too early to say anything about how genius he was after one good half against Washington. Didn't stop anyone!

There is only one genius in the NFL

Well I said as much this past week. Two morons, Phil Simms and Merril Hodge both called out Chip and the Eagles offense. Simms even said its a bottom 5 unit. His reasoning? The media created hype about what and how explosive the offense would be and how its not living up to it. Chip never created or said as much. Eagles didn't. Fans were cautiously optimistic. It was basically the same media guys who created all this hype and especially after the Redskins game and now that they are struggling with Foles Barkely and injured Vick its Chips' fault that they aren't living up to that expectation?

Some of these analysts and their reasoning is mind numbingly dumb. Give me a healthy Vick these past two weeks, against the same opponents, and with the way our D played I bet we win 1 of those games if not both.

YH any early word on Vick? I assume Barkely starts no matter what against OAK.
Well I said as much this past week. Two morons, Phil Simms and Merril Hodge both called out Chip and the Eagles offense. Simms even said its a bottom 5 unit. His reasoning? The media created hype about what and how explosive the offense would be and how its not living up to it. Chip never created or said as much. Eagles didn't. Fans were cautiously optimistic. It was basically the same media guys who created all this hype and especially after the Redskins game and now that they are struggling with Foles Barkely and injured Vick its Chips' fault that they aren't living up to that expectation?

Some of these analysts and their reasoning is mind numbingly dumb. Give me a healthy Vick these past two weeks, against the same opponents, and with the way our D played I bet we win 1 of those games if not both.

YH any early word on Vick? I assume Barkely starts no matter what against OAK.

No word yet, but I havent had a chance to listen to the post game show yet, they might say something on that, if not I am sure they will update it on Eagles live today. I bet it will be several weeks now. He couldnt move at all. I dont see how he is going to come back and be anything soon. Eagles really are cursed, the offense starts out scoring 30 pioints a game and the defense gives up more, now the D is holding every team under 20 points (they are the only team to do it the last 4 weeks) the offense cant score a single point. Meh football is a cruel mistress.

We seem to be in the dregs of the season at this point. Remember when almost every team was close to .500 and we were all talking about parity?


Now we've got a handful of teams crushing opponents who are in the Clowney sweepstakes. The Steelers are 2-5 and wouldn't even get a top 5 pick right now.

Speaking of which, how lopsided will the game be tonight? If the 9ers beat the hell outta Gata's team, and the Broncos embarrassed the Skins and the Pack demolished the Vikes, how bad will the Hawks crush a Bradford-less Rams team? 45-3? 51-6?
Now we've got a handful of teams crushing opponents who are in the Clowney sweepstakes. The Steelers are 2-5 and wouldn't even get a top 5 pick right now.
Jags and Bucs are the #1 and #2 pick this year. I don't see that changing much as the season goes on, personally. Which means two QB's are coming off the board before we ever get to Clowney/Barr/Matthews.
Jags and Bucs are the #1 and #2 pick this year. I don't see that changing much as the season goes on. Which means two QB's are coming off the board before we ever get to Clowney/Barr/Matthews.

God I hope you are wrong. Please Bucs dont fire Schiano, give him another year to develop Glennon. It is going to suck so hard if the Eagles get the 6th pick and all the QBs are gone.

Edit: Just saw the Schaub news. LOfuckingL if they play him with a bad leg injury. He was already so fucking immobile, he is going top get destroyed. Kubiak is loyal to a fault.


If you are viewing on your mobile device I sincerely apologize for the next post I will make, however I feel it is in the publics best interest to see these in one, cohesive post. One post which will finally end the farce that has existed for far too long. One that should have died with the debunking in the playoffs two years ago but that has persisted relentlessly to the point of Rich Eisen himself going on a PR offensive to rehab this failure.

The world deserves better.


So, I finally watched the game rewind of the Broncos game today. I think I'm beginning to panic a little about the rest of the season.


Also, only 5 teams are over .500 AND have more than $5M in cap space: CAR $11.9M, GB $10.2M, CIN $8.5M, DEN $6.7M, NE $5.9M.

Very interesting. Carolina needs another receiver pretty badly if they want a serious shot at making the playoffs. I think Hakeem Nicks is trending downwards, but he'd be a good fit there.


Fear of a GAF Planet
If you are viewing on your mobile device I sincerely apologize for the next post I will make, however I feel it is in the publics best interest to see these in one, cohesive post. One post which will finally end the farce that has existed for far too long. One that should have died with the debunking in the playoffs two years ago but that has persisted relentlessly to the point of Rich Eisen himself going on a PR offensive to rehab this failure.

The world deserves better.

#TruthFacts #AssStorm

e -

God I hope you are wrong. Please Bucs dont fire Schiano, give him another year to develop Glennon. It is going to suck so hard if the Eagles get the 6th pick and all the QBs are gone.

Edit: Just saw the Schaub news. LOfuckingL if they play him with a bad leg injury. He was already so fucking immobile, he is going top get destroyed. Kubiak is loyal to a fault.

So... Schaub to Eagles for 2014 confirmed.

Sorry, yankee.
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