That is because Romo can't just lob a pass into three defenders and have Calvin out jump them to catch the ball. Stafford without Johnson is just an average QB.
Bullshit. This argument is tired and old and factually incorrect if you look at Staffords stats the last 2 1/2 seasons. Stafford threw the ball exactly where it needed to go. You had three guys who could've picked it off yet he threw it exactly into Megatrons' hands.
This argument can also be applied to Tom Brady's current team. Its amazing having a WR like Megatron but don't take credit from the guy throwing the ball.
The best season I've ever seen a QB play was Tom Bradys' 18-1 season where he had Randy Moss. Did Brady chuck it up to Moss a lot? Sure, why the hell wouldn't you? When you have a weapon like Megatron or Randy Moss in his prime you take advantage. But a WR is only as good as the QB throwing him the ball, and anyone questioning Matthew Staffords' skill and knowledge of the QB position is either trolling or doesn't know shit about football.
Damnit Farooq, that was good. I just felt the need to defend my QB.Edit:Stafford is good. I am kidding.