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NFL 2013 Week 8 |OT| - Hail To The Chiefs


Yep, just when I thought I was getting tired of Mario games, they pull this out their ass and suck me back in.
I should not have doubted Nintendo after the masterpieces they have put out on the 3DS month after month but this is a what have you done for me lately culture and I am part of the problem.

I still wish the system was cheaper though. PS4 is the only one that seems like it is a good value.


Fortunately I already invested the money in the WiiU so I'm good. It helps having a 9 year daughter who loves video games like her daddy.



LZ has a bunch of film cut ups of the Texans Chiefs game, but it's good stuff on technique for various positions and how assignments get blown

e: ugh Nintendo talk

I will fight you for even insinuating KeKe is a reach!

Pick the place I will cut you up!

Where did I call Keke a Reach? I said Browns past , former regimes reached all the time. Didn't say that for Keke. I know the Green Bay game made you angsty, but don't be a silly kitty. ;)


come in my shame circle
Where did I call Keke a Reach? I said Browns past , former regimes reached all the time. Didn't say that for Keke. I know the Green Bay game made you angsty, but don't be a silly kitty. ;)

It's the "although" you put between your first statement and KeKe. Made it seem as though you thought he was a reach but you still love him.

All is forgiven though bro, we still cool.



Listening to Mario Galaxy music has turned out to be an excellent idea. Feels good man.

Gusty Garden Galaxy and Melty Molten Galaxy are godtier video game music. The entire soundtrack was good, but some pieces really stood out.

Super Mario Galaxy 2 has Space Storm Galaxy (I think that's the name), and Melty Monster Galaxy.
I think my favorite thread was the one about ESRAM.

I dont even know what that is.

Half of the fun of these threads are all the "tech experts" who suddenly pop up.

(And by tech experts, I mean people who took one class in high school and are talking out of their arse, or people just straight copying from Wikipedia)


Ronnie Hillman inactive (benched) for Sunday's game.


Mako is awesome

What's a Cboat?

CBOAT is a user called Crazy buttocks On A Train. He has a lot of insider info that turns out to be accurate so when he speaks his broken english truths people listen intently.
Hes saying XBONE is a technical disaster and theres probably some truth to it. But personally I opted out of this console war shit. Im having fun with my WiiU and theres all kinds of stuff coming out for it in the near future. Im content to watch from the sidelines and buy in to the others when the time is right.
Don't go and get banned gata. I need to talk shit to you after you guys lose to the Dolphins on Sunday.

I thought Gaf would learn by now that the general public will not give 10 shits about resolution/pixel count. Framerate is far more important.
You would think after the Wii crushed the ps3/360 this Gen that people would take a step back before predicting how the whole Gen will play out before it even starts.


come in my shame circle
You would think after the Wii crushed the ps3/360 this Gen that people would take a step back before predicting how the whole Gen will play out before it even starts.

That's not how human nature works bro.

If that were the case Browns-GAF wouldn't even exist right now.
CBOAT is a user called Crazy buttocks On A Train. He has a lot of insider info that turns out to be accurate so when he speaks his broken english truths people listen intently.
Hes saying XBONE is a technical disaster and theres probably some truth to it. But personally I opted out of this console war shit. Im having fun with my WiiU and theres all kinds of stuff coming out for it in the near future. Im content to watch from the sidelines and buy in to the others when the time is right.

Cool! Thanks for the explanation.
You would think after the Wii crushed the ps3/360 this Gen that people would take a step back before predicting how the whole Gen will play out before it even starts.

i don't think most people are saying "generation over ps4 wins!" because of that but it is worth discussing that a console which costs $100 more can't reach the same graphical level at launch. it's a long generation but it honestly has to be embarrassing for MS (if true)

Hunter S.

Japan buys the majority of Nintendo products especially the 3DS. Are half of you people posting in this NFL thread Japanese citizens? I am thinking of Bionic he seems so Japanese..


Twas the Saturday night before Halloween. I'd like to wish all of NFLGAF a very Merry Dress Like a Skank day. Be safe out there, fellas.


Yeah, they were good. I played the hell out of Orta back in the day. Looking forward to it, whenever I end up getting a Xbone.

Enjoy your 720p! :)

So the xbone kind of sucks apparently.

Been apparent for a while, at least in comparison to the other console coming out.

Jeff Gertsmann said:
If it were purely an objective matter then there wouldn’t be anything to argue about. The PlayStation 4 is a more powerful console. The specs seem to say that fairly clearly and I’ve talked to enough developers that have backed that up after spending time with both. But many of them have also said that the way this will translate into shipping products will be pretty insignificant.

So at some point people are arguing if a resolution difference is significant or not. Up-close on a PC monitor there’s no contest, it’s a big deal. At distance on a TV? Probably less so. They’re also assuming that’s the only actual difference between two versions of a given game, of course.

So yeah, it’s fun to drive by and laugh at the unreleased console because it “can’t handle” higher resolutions, I guess. But I already have enough shit going on in my life, adding a bunch of speculative forum drama to the mix just isn’t on my list. If the games come out and look markedly different to the naked eye due to these reasons, then we can start cracking a billion jokes and funning it up, OK? Until then it’s just people sort of shouting numbers back and forth at each other as if that’s the only thing that matters.
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