Hmm. Bengals/Dolphins or Bulls/Knicks... Going with basketball tonight.
Gross.Hmm. Bengals/Dolphins or Bulls/Knicks... Going with basketball tonight.
It's in Cinci.Jesus I didnt even know that this game was at home I thought it was away. Seems like the whole city thought the same. No one is at the game.
If we win we still have some hope, we lose we might as well pack it in.
It's in Cinci.
I was sure it was in Cinci. Nvm!
It's in Cinci.
I need someone to photoshop a dead gator into that picture of me with the elk.
I know the Dolphins suck but... basketball? And regular season basketball no less? Madness!That's how I feel watching the Dolphins play right now. I was promised a contender. Someone to challenge the Bradychek empire.
Nothing Earth shaking other than being during the season
I sure hope the Dolphins don't embarrass themselves tonight.
I don't know if my heart can take a drubbing.Same here, but national games and dolphins don't mix it seems.
Nice crowd
Run twice successfully, call three pass plays, punt. Where have I seen this before?
Yep. It's painful.Best down to throw is first down, but once they missed that, were kind of screwed. I hate watching your offense. Just too hard to do anything