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NFL 2013 Week 9 |OT| - Doin' It 2003 Style

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Thanks JB *drops from fantasy team*

Hmmmm jags should release....

I think ppl would take a chance

But he has to get his shit straight
The Broncos have played essentially the same schedule we have, but are credited as being either #1 or #2 in the league depending on who you ask. Nobody is questioning the teams they've played. Funny, that.

I've seen plenty of people questioning the Broncos schedule, which, for accuracy's sake, is 5 of the same teams the Chiefs have played vs 3 unique ones. I wouldn't quite call that "essentially the same". It's close, as division schedules always are.

However, none of the 7 teams we've beaten have a winning record, either. But, as is always pointed out, neither the Broncos nor the Chiefs picked those teams. We play the NFC East this year, and they're doing badly - but of course, a significant portion of their losses came against our division, which is unexpectedly strong. Arguably, the reason they have a losing record is because they played us, so that metric is partially self-fulfilling.

Nevertheless, it's true that neither your team nor mine has a big win under its belt. We haven't beaten any of the handful of top teams. The biggest signature win we'll have will be each other, however that turns out.


Big city: University of Texas armpit of universe

College town: Gainesville, Athens, Stillwater are the three I have been to that were really fun scenes

Lol, I knew you'd say Gainesville.

Yea, absolute party town, been there with my buddies a couple of times for some fun. And I've gotta say, not only is the night life pretty busy, but it has some of the worst parking in the country, I swear. Parking is so so bad there.

I never wanna get stuck there on Gators Gameday again.


I really want a Nexus 5.

Stupid Verizon.

At the end of your contract, ditch them. Going contract free was one of the best things I ever did for myself! Unless you're on some great family package/line, I don't see why contract would be ideal. Nexus phones and their great value also make it worth it.
Which won't mean anything if you end up collapsing later this year or next, why not wait until you actually prove something other than beating some shitty teams because there isn't a single team you've beat that you could say is one of the better teams in the NFL. And that includes the cowboys who are the only team with a 'winning' record (.500 no less) that you've beaten. Talk about not getting respect next year after you won some playoff games and start next year 5-0 against good teams or something. Right now to expect anything but cautious optimism is dumb.

This was prior to last night's game, but:



At the end of your contract, ditch them. Going contract free was one of the best things I ever did for myself! Unless you're on some great family package/line, I don't see why contract would be ideal. Nexus phones and their great value also make it worth it.

I use my phone in enough rural places that it makes sense for me to stay with Verizon.


Jets should try and trade for Blackmon after the season.

Give the Jags a 6th and see how he performs in camp.

Why would they take that? He may be an idiot but he is a game changing WR. It's evident even with bad QB play. It's worth the risk to keep him around so Bridgewater can have someone to throw to

Besides Tavon Austin (I guess) there isn't a Rams WR I wouldn't trade, right now, for Blackmon. JFF needs some good targets next year
Better than now? Questionable. Not even close to Denver's D last year.

You think they were better last year?

Also apparently Martin plans on missing a few weeks to cure his giant vagina. Great Clabo is our RT again. RIP Tannehill

Denver's D was bad before Tebow took over, but once they changed the offense for Tebow they killed time of possession and the defense improved greatly.

Well yeah they aren't suited to playing with Peyton as QB.

Tom Penny

Wait...I'm confused...Rate the following: Tebow D, Last year D, this year D.

Last Year's D was easily the best of the 3. No contest. This year and Tebow's D were not good. I was questioning why you think if Denver had Tebow's D that wasn't even good it would be a good thing for Denver. They held Steelers to 23 then got 5 TD's thrown on them in a half the next game.
Last Year's D was easily the best of the 3. No contest. This year and Tebow's D were not good. I was questioning why you think if Denver had Tebow's D that wasn't even good it would be a good thing for Denver. They held Steelers to 23 then got 5 TD's thrown on them in a half the next game.

I guess I'm remembering wrong but I thought they were better, since that's why they even got into the playoffs (that and shitty AFC teams) but I might be remembering wrong then, still point remains that if the D now doesn't improve they are one and done easily.


I think the Chiefs game will be a good indication of how bad or not-so-bad the Denver D is. The Chiefs have had some trouble scoring points on offense so if they run/throw it all over Denver on the road, it will be a huge red flag. If they peform about as well as they have all season, then maybe the D isn't as horrific as people say. They're definitely not great by any means, but having a fierce pass rush makes a huge difference on the performance of the secondary.

Woodyard needs to stay healthy. Whenever he doesn't play, the blown assignments seem to increase with alarming frequency.


Mark Berman ‏@MarkBermanFox26 1m
Texans announce roof will be open Sunday night if forecast of no rain and 56-70 degrees holds. Final decision made by Texans 2 hours B4 game

Oh damn. Colts fucked confirmed. Keeping it open so Bum can watch the Texans kick the damn door down!


That ESPN front page is beautiful.

The goals were by no means a stretch. The Bucs had eight Pro Bowlers, and newly acquired defensive stars Darrelle Revis and Dashon Goldson. They'd make it if they stayed together and followed Schiano's theme of Trust, Belief and Accountability -- TBA, as he liked to call it. Trust the system, believe in him, be accountable for yourself.
Really should have seen this season coming sooner.


Colts struggled with Wayne, they will struggle without him. Although, Luck has admitted skipping his first read or looking off wide open guys (the Dolphins game) and trying to force the ball to Wayne for a big play. As long as he works on his patience, I can see us doing ok after a couple of games, but I expect a slump vs the Texans. Unless they come out and surprise me which I'm all for!! With that said, I like our schedule, its been a good test for us.

I dont trust the Colts.

We may very well crumble. But Pats aren't any better.
Colts struggled with Wayne, they will struggle without him. Although, Luck has admitted skipping his first read or looking off wide open guys (the Dolphins game) and trying to force the ball to Wayne for a big play. As long as he works on his patience, I can see us doing ok after a couple of games, but I expect a slump vs the Texans. Unless they come out and surprise me which I'm all for!! With that said, I like our schedule, its been a good test for us.

We can very well crumble. But Pats aren't any better.



I think the Chiefs game will be a good indication of how bad or not-so-bad the Denver D is. The Chiefs have had some trouble scoring points on offense so if they run/throw it all over Denver on the road, it will be a huge red flag. If they peform about as well as they have all season, then maybe the D isn't as horrific as people say. They're definitely not great by any means, but having a fierce pass rush makes a huge difference on the performance of the secondary.

Woodyard needs to stay healthy. Whenever he doesn't play, the blown assignments seem to increase with alarming frequency.

Defense is fine. Can't swap players in and out for whatever reason and expect great results. They'll get better as they come together.
The dolphin cheerleaders skeleton Halloween costumes don't really work when they have big boobs where the rib cage is supposed to be, still I'm not complaining.


Colts struggled with Wayne, they will struggle without him. Although, Luck has admitted skipping his first read or looking off wide open guys (the Dolphins game) and trying to force the ball to Wayne for a big play. As long as he works on his patience, I can see us doing ok after a couple of games, but I expect a slump vs the Texans. Unless they come out and surprise me which I'm all for!! With that said, I like our schedule, its been a good test for us.

We may very well crumble. But Pats aren't any better.

Andrew Lucks stats with and without Reggie Wayne:

With Wayne:
69 QBR, 57% Completion Percentage

Without Wayne:
16 QBR, 24% Completion Percentage

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