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NFL 2013 Week 9 |OT| - Doin' It 2003 Style

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Make fun of a guy and the NFLPA will destroy you.

Try to cripple a half dozen guys and the NFLPA will defend you forever.

Player Safety

did you read that fake as fuck statement they made about how meriweather was apologetic about his statements about breaking everyone's knees? NFLPA is such a joke
Friend of mine came over and said he never saw Robocop. Had to fix that problem immediately.

Make fun of a guy and the NFLPA will destroy you.

Try to cripple a half dozen guys and the NFLPA will defend you forever.

Player Safety

Would have been nice if the PA stuck up for Harrison at least once. Took the Steelers calling the PA out to get them to do anything for the players.


wow just turning on this oregon state game. every time i think you kids may not have awful taste in everything i see another terrible uniform
I've never seen RoboCop, but I have seen Robin Hood:prince of Thieves 762 times.


Well, at least until WaterWorld anyway.

You've never seen Robocop? It's the only action movie who's satire gets more poignant as it ages.

It's also deliciously violent. Now everything has to be fluffy and nice. The Reboot of the movie is PG-13 fer chrissakes.
Well, at least until WaterWorld anyway.

You've never seen Robocop? It's the only action movie who's satire gets more poignant as it ages.

It's also deliciously violent. Now everything has to be fluffy and nice. The Reboot of the movie is PG-13 fer chrissakes.

Waterworld was better than it gets credit for. And I'm not averse to watching RoboCop, just haven't got around to it.

Also, if you haven't seen The Hatfields and McCoys, get on it. Great Costner.


Kluwe's at a high school game and making fun of what people in the stands are saying on his twitter.
"LET'S GOOOOO! STOP THE CLOCK OFFENSE!!" Woman behind me with 14 seconds left in the half, on a 4th and 12.

"AUTOMATIC TOUCHDOWN." Man behind me responding to a pass interference call in the endzone.

"THAT'S TOO MUCH TIME YOU'RE GIVING HIM TOO MUCH TIME." A lady said this literally one second after the ball was snapped.
Anyone paying attention to AC black flags? What's the deal with that game? Haven't played one since ass creed 2
Edit: my bad on my mobile smh


Spock appeared on tng!

I dont think he wore a tng uniform though?

I had a friend wear that costume a few years ago and I thought it was weird. Who wants to be a TNG blue shirt? You're basically going as doctor crusher, the other doctor nobody remembers or the voyager hologram (which would be fine if it wasn't from voyager)

go red, yellow or the superior DS9-era uniform
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