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NFL 2013 Wild Card |OT| The Return of Jafar


Mecklemore Is My Favorite Wrapper
Bruno Mars. What the fuck. He's just regular washed up, not classically washed up like Prince. What they fuck are they doing?


Bruno Mars. What the fuck. He's just regular washed up, not classically washed up like Prince. What they fuck are they doing?

He's safe, that's why.

The NFL is still butthurt over Timberlake flashing the world with Janet's breast.

Well nothing can be as bad as that Fergie abomination

Yep, I wanted to reach into my TV and make a citizen's arrest for the murder of Sweet Child O' Mine.

Where's the hat?


I got grudge sucked!
He's safe, that's why.

The NFL is still butthurt over Timberlake flashing the world with Janet's breast.

Funny thing is that both JT and Janet Jackson would be considered safe acts as well if not for the incident, certainly safer than Madonna


So got home late from work and then watched the DVR or the Eagles-Saints game.

MAN. I picked the Saints to win. I thought/know they are the better team. All the experience, Brees, Payton, and they were the better team all through the season.

I also knew we weren't SB bound so it had to end sooner rather than later. Later on, maybe when the SB is set and the off season is a few days away, I will be able to reflect and be super happy about the season the Eagles just had. From 4-12 to 10-6 while possibly finding our QB of the future and a coach who seems to get it.

But for now? For now this fucking sucks. Not because we lost but because this wasn't the Eagles team I expected to see.

Things I don't get or stuck out to me :

1. Why oh why did we constantly get away from the running game? Foles is the guy and has improved as the season went along but he isn't Brady, Manning, Brees, or Rodgers. Nowhere near. We don't need to go through whole possessions where the only involvement of McCoy is play action fakes. We had been so good all season with sticking to the run no matter what.

I made a point earlier yesterday that during the season, especially in the early part, we would run even on 3rd and 3, 5, or even more. And pick up the first. Now? These past two weeks we barely ran. The last time I saw a full devotion to the running game was the Bears game. And that was after against Minnesota we got away from it again. Chip I know at the base runs a power run game. But Foles was asked to throw way too much especially when the game was never out of hand. Not until at least the 3rd quarter. There is no reason why in that first half we didn't keep running. Even if you get no gain or 2-3 yards keep running!

The Saints ran it better than us. They stuck with it. They kept picking up 3-4 yards. The way the game was going we needed a 30+ carries game with McCoy

2. Desean Jackson. I saw it now for a few weeks. They don't seem to even try to get him the ball anymore. Sure they line him up in the backfield but its always a fake. Or they will fake the WR bubble screen. Just using him as a decoy. Seems like Foles barely looks his way. Yesterday he didn't get his first look/catch until late 3rd quarter. If you aren't running the ball, at least game plan to get the ball into your 2nd best offensive player. If he isn't getting open then hand it off to him on one of those fakes when he is in the backfield. Run shorter routes? Cross routes. Something to get him involved. It was too late by the time they realized he plays for the Eagles.

3. Continuing with the previous note...where did our short passing game go? No screen passes after a failed one in the beginning. During the season we were an excellent screen team with McCoy, screens to the TEs, and those WR screens. I think we attempted 2 in total yesterday? Why?

And we have three pass catching TEs. Yet they barely caught anything. I know Ertz got the TD but they should have been far more involved. Foles took terrible sacks when he held onto the ball forever but where the fuck were the short outlet passes? Everyone was running 10+ yards routes. The Saints on the other hand were doing quick dink and dunk passes which their players would turn into 5-7 yard gains. Eagles never seemed to do the same on their own side. Made no sense.

4. Chip IMO called a terrible game overall. I love what he has done from top down and it does feel like the beginning of something good. But now that you had far exceeded expectations, he needed to call his best game and he didn't. Too many passes, not getting McCoy the ball, not getting DeSean the ball. Relying way too much on Foles just passing his way through the game. Not fucking drilling it in Foles's head that he has to get rid of the ball. Fuck I was screaming at my screen at times for Foles to take off when he would have 10 seconds to examine the field and then take terrible sacks.

5. Foles is a fucking moron for how he played yesterday. One sack took us out of a sure FG. The others were drive killers. Sure he didn't throw picks and there was that huge drop by Cooper that was a sure first down and possible TD cause no one was in front of him, but overall Foles looked like he couldn't spot the open guy. He didn't take enough of the deep shots with Desean lined up one on one. Or held on too long. Or didn't run when he could have at least picked up 2-3 yards instead of taking a 10 yard loss sack. I almost wished they would put Vick in just to scare the shit out of the Saints D. You know if he got those same looks with that protection he would have taken off a few times for huge gains.

6. I could blame the D. I mean they did give up two huge drives. One right before the half when the Eagles finally scored a TD and were up 7-3. Then at the end when they gave up a 5 min game winning drive. But D wasn't the strong point of the team. They did enough. Forced 2 INTs and held the Saints FGs for the large parts. D improved throughout the season but not enough to win the game for the offense. The offense had to score 30+ and didn't.

That said we really need to fix the pass rush. We need a consistent pass rush. Obviously this was the first year with a brand new D, new scheme (3-4), new DC, and the D did improve. Can't blame them but they did give up the game winning drive. Doesn't help that the KR coverage team was terrible on that last kick off. I just knew it would be a bad short kick with Sproles getting a good return. Of course then add on the 15 yard penalty and the Saints were already in FG range.

Anyway...going forward I do want this team/FO to strike while the iron is hot. McCoy is going to be going into his 6th season. Desean into his 7th. These guys are speed demons but it won't last. Especially with McCoy and with how we have seen RBs decline. Foles is young but we can't wait too much. We need to fix the D right now and go for it all next season. The OLINE is set, resign Maclin and Cooper, draft for depth across the offense, but mainly fix the D through the draft and FA.

I believe RG3 and the Redskins will be back next season in contention. Same with the Giants. Eagles can't just be content with what happened. It exceeded expectations yes but now that it has, this is our new reality. We are a better and further along team than we anticipated so now there is no need to back down.

GG Saints and congrats to their fans. Better team won.


Please someone accept Bucket's bet so we can be free from that ginger nightmare he is repping now,

Also, beer freezing mid-drink at Lambeau:



That's awesome.

I was at the Soldier Field game in 2007 where the Bears destroyed the Packers in a meaningless game (Favre's last reg season game) and it was -30 I believe. Decidedly not fucking awesome. Hot chocolate froze before you could get it back to the seats.


Pretty pathetic that absolutely nobody has any idea what constitutes a catch anymore. The NFL overcomplicates what should be the most basic of plays.

I have little trouble determining what is and isn't a catch when it's in slow motion. Trouble with refs is that they have to call it on the field where things look much different full speed. They go under the hood with a call on the field and the bias of what they saw full speed.
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