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NFL 2014 CC |OT| Holy Grail



venison crêpe
I shall summarise the conference thusfar or those who aren't able to watch live - Belichick has confirmed he has held a lot of balls this week.


Seems to be the same battery life. No native support. Handoff support and Material Design.
Looks pretty. Lots of nice animations.

Bummer, I don't own a Mac currently (waiting to see the 12 inch and update of the 13 inch retina) so Safari should still be fine for me until then. Really wish chrome worked on ios like it does on Android and Windows.
He is explaining air in footballs.

I could being doing so many better things right now. Hell scratching my balls is more intriguing than this.

Caja 117

LMAO, I dont even know what to say, I dont know whats more funny, a head coach trying to explain physics over this incident, or the fact that he is pointing fingers at the NFL officials and the weather.


I hope someone, preferably a reporter that look like Cruise in A Few Good Men, asks "if the temperature can change the PSI, why didn't the Colts balls change?"
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