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NFL 2014 Divisional |OT| Restore The Roar

Dibbs on Rob Nunn.
That's one I believe will survive.

Though hell, I thought Mike Pope would survive the offensive purge last year.

He won those super bowls with those same coaches. Why don't they get the benefit of doubt?
They're not the head coach? Do you really need me to explain this to you?

A team having a succession plan has nothing to do with "better". Said coach being groomed by the existing Super Bowl winning coach, however does matter.
Mike Garafolo ‏@MikeGarafolo 31s31 seconds ago
Management gave their input. The decision was left to Coughlin. Trust me on this one. RT @slan1173: no way. This is Mara.
I'll reiterate that Garafolo was one of the best beat writers for the Giants when he was with NJ.com. He doesn't lob bullshit into the ether.

That having been said, I'm sure it was left to Coughlin but I believe that Mara's input was "significant".


Mike Garafolo ‏@MikeGarafolo 31s31 seconds ago
Management gave their input. The decision was left to Coughlin. Trust me on this one. RT @slan1173: no way. This is Mara.

I imagine Coughlin wrestling with the decision the last couple of weeks, then finally taking Fewell out fishing on the boat Godfather II style.


hey greg is HoFinley in your madden online franchise? He's in mine and he's rated in the low 80s, I should trade for him and turn him into Black Gronk.
Looks like the bleeding stops with Fewell and Giunta. Giants have made the official announcement:


Coughlin on the change:

“No one person is responsible for what happened in this year,” Coughlin said. “That has to be loud and clear. If there is any one person responsible, it is me. It is not Perry Fewell. It is not Peter Giunta. Both of them are outstanding football coaches in their own way. The simple fact of the matter is in the circumstance that we find ourselves, change is necessary. That may not be the most eloquent way of saying it, but that is what I am confronted with. The hope always is invigoration. You are going to stimulate. It is with great deliberation over a lengthy period of time throughout a thorough investigation and evaluation of what went on that I came to the conclusion that change was necessary.

“There are no hard feelings on my part about anything that anybody has done. The hard feelings are the six wins. That is the reality. It is unfortunate, but it is true.”


I imagine Coughlin wrestling with the decision the last couple of weeks, then finally taking Fewell out fishing on the boat Godfather II style.

I think Coughlin was ruled by emotion, but Fewell could also see the writing on the wall and probably had an out already as well.


hey greg is HoFinley in your madden online franchise? He's in mine and he's rated in the low 80s, I should trade for him and turn him into Black Gronk.
I actually don't know who has him

the entire Jags team had so many holes at more important positions that I never thought about it (and Marcedes was one of the bright spots of the roster going in anyways)


There is a lot of rumbling that the Bills will sign Rex.

I dunno how to feel about that. On one hand, he lead a Mark Sanchez team to the playoffs. On the other hand, feet.

Probably the worst opening for him to pursue. The defense is already strong and he hasn't been able to develop a QB in his 6 years as a HC. If I were him I would be most interested in either Atlanta or Chicago (say what you will about Cutler, but he'd be a definite upgrade over all the other QBs he's had with the Jets).

I would rather just elevate Jim Schwartz to HC rather than hire Rex. If I'm the Bills though, I take a hard look at either Hue Jackson or one of the Shanahan clan. Hell, I don't think it would be a bad idea for them to hire Mike Shanahan and trade for Cutler. The Bears are desperate to get him off their books, Cutler did his best work with Shanahan, and he'd have a stout defense to relieve some of the pressure. That defense is ready to win now, the division is trash outside of NE, so I'd go for broke and try to capitalize on that window now.


Mecklemore Is My Favorite Wrapper
Would be a terrible hire. He can't coach the offense and worst yet doesn't give a shit about it. Same problem hr had with the Jets.

Is he going to develop E.J. Manuel? Are they going to draft a QB?

Rex needs to go to a team where there is already a QB and b some semblance of offense.

Okay, well, we do have the pieces for a good to great offense. We had a coach that threw a temper tantrum when he didn't get to draft a QB of his own and signed a stopgap measure. If Gym Shorts stays on as DC, I agree that we need a more offensive minded coach, because our D is only going to be better next year when Kiko returns. Unless some major shit goes down, I really believe we'll have a top 3 defense next year.

Now, the QB thing...I never liked EJ, but LJ seemed pretty high on him. He's way more into the film study than I am, so maybe there is something there. I mean, this year there are no QBs worth a shit on FA and no sure prospects in the draft, so yeah. We may squander away the best team we've had in more than a decade because we can't even get a game manager. We could go deep in the playoffs with a Trent Dilfer, but we may be stuck with JP Losman 4.0


I actually don't know who has him

the entire Jags team had so many holes at more important positions that I never thought about it (and Marcedes was one of the bright spots of the roster going in anyways)

He's my #4 wide out. Great hands.


Chris. B. Brown has a new article up. It details McCarthy and his effort to try and meld his principles with Walsh's West-Coast offense. Great read.


When Green Bay Packers head coach Mike McCarthy began his first NFL job in 1993, as a Kansas City Chiefs offensive assistant working with quarterbacks, he immediately inherited a rather tricky assignment: coaching Joe Montana.

McCarthy had gone to K.C. to work with his mentor Paul Hackett, the Chiefs’ new offensive coordinator and a former assistant for Bill Walsh’s San Francisco 49ers. While working together at the University of Pittsburgh, Hackett and McCarthy had installed a version of Walsh’s legendary West Coast offense, which had powered four Super Bowl titles in the 1980s. McCarthy became enamored of the system during those years with the Panthers, immersing himself in the offense that was taking over football. By the time he went to the Chiefs, McCarthy felt he was ready for any challenge.

Well, almost any challenge: Prior to the 1993 season, the Chiefs traded for Montana, the veteran quarterback with extensive West Coast offense experience and four Super Bowl titles, and the man Jerry Rice referred to as “God.” McCarthy told Milwaukee’s Journal Sentinel that the gravity of the assignment didn’t register until he excitedly let some of his close friends know that he’d be coaching Montana, and one responded by asking, “What in the [expletive] are you going to teach Joe Montana?” It was a good question, and it led McCarthy to become as much Montana’s student as his teacher, soaking in all the knowledge he could from the future Hall of Famer.

I found this part interesting.

More subtly, Rodgers has improved his accuracy, which might sound crazy when discussing a guy who once completed 23 passes in a row in college. But in the NFL, accuracy must be an every-snap thing, particularly in the West Coast offense. Walsh used to jump all over Montana and Steve Young if they missed the precise spot he wanted on a given play — the upper right corner of a receiver’s jersey, a receiver’s left eye, etc. For Rodgers, the key to improved accuracy was perfecting his footwork. “Learning to time up my drop with each route has been a big thing with me,” Rodgers told ESPN The Magazine in 2011. That didn’t just mean opting for a three-step drop versus a five-step drop, but instead learning that while a hitch route might require a three-step drop with one big and two quick steps, a slant route might benefit from three big steps. Rodgers said that mastering those nuances for every conceivable route allows him “to throw the ball in rhythm and hit the same release point with every throw, meaning that no matter what else is happening, the ball comes out on a similar plane. That’s when accuracy comes.”

You see quarterbacks that don't really emphasize these nuances, and it explains why they are so inconsistent with their play.


Okay, well, we do have the pieces for a good to great offense. We had a coach that threw a temper tantrum when he didn't get to draft a QB of his own and signed a stopgap measure. If Gym Shorts stays on as DC, I agree that we need a more offensive minded coach, because our D is only going to be better next year when Kiko returns. Unless some major shit goes down, I really believe we'll have a top 3 defense next year.

Now, the QB thing...I never liked EJ, but LJ seemed pretty high on him. He's way more into the film study than I am, so maybe there is something there. I mean, this year there are no QBs worth a shit on FA and no sure prospects in the draft, so yeah. We may squander away the best team we've had in more than a decade because we can't even get a game manager. We could go deep in the playoffs with a Trent Dilfer, but we may be stuck with JP Losman 4.0

How about a trade? Foles for EJ? Chip can probably save his career and EJ grew up idolizing McNabb.


Damn that Muslim immigrant thread got closed, I was hoping Kas would make a guest appearance and give the thread some zest!!

Tom Penny

Ravens offense...under throw passes then have the WR run back into the DB's. Browner am cry.

The “art” behind drawing DPI

On the 15 DPIs drawn by Flacco, 11 of the accepted penalties have come on throws more than 15 yards downfield. The common theme among them? Underthrown passes.

Six of the penalties have come as a result of an underthrown downfield pass with the receiver coming back for the ball but the defender failing to adjust.

It happened in last week’s wild-card game against Pittsburgh, on a third-and-2 play from the Ravens’ 37 early in the third quarter. Torrey Smith beat Antwon Blake on a go route, Flacco slightly underthrew Smith, and Blake collided with Smith for a 32-yard penalty.


Graziano at ESPN is saying Tom Quinn is "still being evaluated".

He later said he might be safe. The BBI asshat to follow is cviczasz who gave us the followings words of wisdom.

I would wait to hear from Dottino or Mike Eisen...
cvicszasz : 1/5/2015 2:02 pm : link : reply
Before you start burning anything...



Colin Kaepernick has settled on his cadre of quarterback gurus this offseason, and the list includes a former Super Bowl MVP.

NFL Media's Kurt Warner, who is part of Dennis Gile's EXOS Phoenix-based sports performance crew, will assist Kaepernick in 7-on-7 drills and other mental parts of the game, according to The Sacramento Bee.

Gile, a former NFL, CFL and AFL quarterback, will also have Odell Beckham and Jarvis Landry on site this offseason alongside 49ers receivers like Quinton Patton and Bruce Ellington.

WOW, sounds great! Kaep gonna be a new man.

His previous "projects" include Tim Tebow and Christian Ponder.


Name a movement quarterback that learned the nuances of pocket play not named Steve Young.

That shit is hard man. Sucks that NFL teams can only take what the colleges are giving them.


As the 49ers were loading up with free agents in the ’94 off-season, anticipating a Super Bowl run, Kubiak was hired to coach quarterbacks for offensive coordinator Mike Shanahan under head coach George Seifert.

Kubiak couldn’t complain about his first group of signal callers — and how could he. Steve Young was his starter, rookie Elvis Grbac was the backup and veteran Bill Musgrave was No. 3.

Knowing how to keep the ball moving from his own experience, Kubiak guided Young out of Joe Montana’s shadow to his best NFL season.

Young was named the league’s Most Valuable Player and Super Bowl MVP while posting career highs in completion percent (70.3) , touchdowns (35), rating (112.8), and rushing touchdowns (seven).




Aaron came from a pro-style offense. He is a late in the down thrower (kind of like Romo), but Aaron was never asked to showcase his running abilities like Kaep or Cam.

Young was successful, but he was coached by Walsh who thinks QB play begins and ends in the pocket.

Edit: When I mean Rodgers is kind of like Romo, I mean their play styles. Rodgers is obviously a FAR better talent than Romo.


Brady joking around as he dressed,


I had an epiphany after I finished this cup of cofy.

Bread is a two teaming degenerate

Bread is a disgusting Pats fan

Bread lives in Florida

By transient theory, Bread is Gata.

Mind blown.
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