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NFL 2014 Divisional |OT| Restore The Roar


MRSA spotted



Fuck the Pa- Holy fuck.

I typed Bernard Pollard vs Patriots and saw this gif.


This guy really is the destroyer of the Pats.


Looking at the repeatedly now on every sports show, I don't think it's PI. Face guarding, yes, but not PI. Still strange of them to have thrown the flag, made the call, then picked it up.

Buckethead - How much time do you spend making the OPs? Holy crap.


Looking at the repeatedly now on every sports show, I don't think it's PI. Face guarding, yes, but not PI. Still strange of them to have thrown the flag, made the call, then picked it up.

Buckethead - How much time do you spend making the OPs? Holy crap.

There would be almost no argument if they had never thrown the flag. Or if they had said why they picked it up, IMO. It's just a weird way for them to do things, and just looks bad.

If the flag was never thrown it would just be lumped in the pile of calls fans look at every game and say the refs missed(a la Holding calls).


Even if that's your argument, Bryant should have been flagged for sideline interference. 15 yards, first down.

Such a petty thing to get hung up on. Of all the things to whine about Bryant coming onto the field after the play was over had literally zero impact on anything on the field.

Your offense shit the bed. That's why you lost. Not because refs screwed up communication or Dez hollered without a helmet.


There would be almost no argument if they had never thrown the flag. Or if they had said why they picked it up, IMO. It's just a weird way for them to do things, and just looks bad.

If the flag was never thrown it would just be lumped in the pile of calls fans look at every game and say the refs missed(a la Holding calls).

My issue is moreso that they actually made the call and were ready to move the ball to the new LOS then decided not to. Never seen that.


Looking at the repeatedly now on every sports show, I don't think it's PI. Face guarding, yes, but not PI. Still strange of them to have thrown the flag, made the call, then picked it up.

Buckethead - How much time do you spend making the OPs? Holy crap.

If the defender touches the player he's face guarding then it's technically DPI. The incidental contact rule only applies if both players are attempting to catch of the ball or neither are. You can legally face guard in the NFL as long as you do not make contact with a receiver who is attempting to catch the ball.

The rules are pretty clear on the subject.

Actions that constitute defensive pass interference include but are not limited to:

(a) Contact by a defender who is not playing the ball and such contact restricts the receiver’s opportunity to make the catch
Actions that do not constitute pass interference include but are not limited to:

(a) Incidental contact by a defender’s hands, arms, or body when both players are competing for the ball, or neither player is looking for the ball. If there is any question whether contact is incidental, the ruling shall be no interference.


A lot of penalties get missed throughout the course of a game though. That just happened to be one of them.

That penalty wasn't missed. How could it be? He ran on to the field and shouted in the back judges face. It's not like the back judge didn't see him. He didn't call it despite it being a textbook example of interference from the sideline. It just wasn't called for some bizarre reason.

Anyway the continual missed holding called on Dallas final drive, and Witten's continual false starting never being called were probably more of an issue as it ended up. How the Ump and the Ref missed some of those holds is beyond belief. I know holds are missed often but these were clear holds either at the point of attack or preventing sacks i.e at the heart of the action.

The hole business of putting together a playoff crew from various other crews needs to stop.


Kas never insults anyone and doesnt break rules. Pretty pathetic you calling him a troll when many people agree with him. Also pathetic how people itt send insults and say downright disgusting barbaric shit about Kas cause he loves his team. Its gotten to the point where I genuinely wonder if people itt were bullied in real life and takes their anger online because they are weak irl. Calling for someones OD and death is disgusting and should be bannable and yet youre bitching about Kas topic when he largely ignores the ridiculous comments posters like you make.

It's not pathetuc to call him a troll because he is. How is it not clear that he only posts extremely biased, asinine, and blatantly false statements? He bring nothing to the discussion because you can rarely have an actual intelligent discussion with him. I'm totally all for being a big, positive fan for your team, but he is on an entirely different level. He insults everyone with his posts and he breaks the rules of intelligence. Thank God he will be done with the NFL though like he previously stated.
Such a petty thing to get hung up on. Of all the things to whine about Bryant coming onto the field after the play was over had literally zero impact on anything on the field.

Your offense shit the bed. That's why you lost. Not because refs screwed up communication or Dez hollered without a helmet.

15 yards puts us in the endzone up 3. I agree the offense sucked but come the fuck on. There's nothing petty about that shit. I'm not Kas.


If you guys get really drunk or high on drugs, you can actually maintain a conversation with kas because you will be like him and don't give a flying fuck.


15 yards puts us in the endzone up 3. I agree the offense sucked but come the fuck on. There's nothing petty about that shit. I'm not Kas.
I think its petty. We got a bs call against us for running into kicker, the guy didn't run into him at all. The kicker flopped that shot and smiled after the flag. It sucked given the field position. Than the lions marched down our throats for 7. Take away that bs call and the lions have 1 td on a broke defensive play where Church falls down.

But for the Lions to have sooooo many possessions and still couldn't close it but lets hinge on a play with over 8 mins to go in the 4th is bs. Every Sunday there are bs calls, it's not new to the league. If anything, you should be game plan for bs lol. It comes down to finishing the game.

Edit: really cool OT.


15 yards puts us in the endzone up 3. I agree the offense sucked but come the fuck on. There's nothing petty about that shit. I'm not Kas.

How did Dez coming into the field without a helmet negatively impact the Lions? Did his passion cause their penises to shrivel up and punt on 4th and 1?

Goro Majima

Kitty Genovese Member
Buckethead makes the best OPs and it's not even close.

I'm already curious to see how the Lions propaganda machine prepares for 2015!

I'm a little concerned that a Patriots and Cowboys Super Bowl is a real possibility. That's the stuff of nightmares.


I think its petty. We got a bs call against us for running into kicker, the guy didn't run into him at all. The kicker flopped that shot and smiled after the flag. It sucked given the field position. Than the lions marched down our throats for 7. Take away that bs call and the lions have 1 td on a broke defensive play where Church falls down.

But for the Lions to have sooooo many possessions and still couldn't close it but lets hinge on a play with over 8 mins to go in the 4th is bs. Every Sunday there are bs calls, it's not new to the league. If anything, you should be game plan for bs lol. It comes down to finishing the game.

Edit: really cool OT.

Dallas Offense managed to finish the game with a succession of critical missed holding calls many of them preventing sacks and false starts. Including two blatant holds on their TD. Did they game plan for that?
That penalty wasn't missed. How could it be? He ran on to the field and shouted in the back judges face. It's not like the back judge didn't see him. He didn't call it despite it being a textbook example of interference from the sideline. It just wasn't called for some bizarre reason.

Anyway the continual missed holding called on Dallas final drive, and Witten's continual false starting never being called were probably more of an issue as it ended up. How the Ump and the Ref missed some of those holds is beyond belief. I know holds are missed often but these were clear holds either at the point of attack or preventing sacks i.e at the heart of the action.

The hole business of putting together a playoff crew from various other crews needs to stop.

The thing with Playoff crews is that they decide what is a call that must be called and what is a tickie-tack penalty that has no relevance to the game, but the losing fans complain about it.

Dez Bryant apparently stepping onto the field and shouting falls into that latter bucket.

I was rooting for the Lions in this game because I like them and I hate the Cowboys but goddam, it's like no Lions fans are able to place any blame on their middling team instead of the refs.


Buckethead makes the best OPs and it's not even close.

I'm already curious to see how the Lions propaganda machine prepares for 2015!

I'm a little concerned that a Patriots and Cowboys Super Bowl is a real possibility. That's the stuff of nightmares.

As a NFL fan it would indeed suck to see the cowboys get to the super bowl, but to get there they'll have defeated DET, GB, and possibly SEA. They'd definitely deserve to be there!!
I understand calls are blown. But when you have multiple huge calls blown there's a problem. Ansah being held during the Williams 3rd down TD, the flag being picked up, no call on Bryant, etc.

I'm not even mad about the punt. It was conservative, but you expect your kicker to to kick that into the endzone. A 10yd punt is some freak occurrence shit.

The defense once again played well enough to win, the offense shat the bed. The difference being instead of showing up in the second half as usual, they showed up in the first half. Ugly shit. Fire Lombardi.


The thing with Playoff crews is that they decide what is a call that must be called and what is a tickie-tack penalty that has no relevance to the game, but the losing fans complain about it.

Dez Bryant apparently stepping onto the field and shouting falls into that latter bucket.

I was rooting for the Lions in this game because I like them and I hate the Cowboys but goddam, it's like no Lions fans are able to place any blame on their middling team instead of the refs.

Why have the rule then? Lets just have opposition players jump from the side lines each play and lobby the refs until they get their way. Or is that just in the playoffs we should allow that? There's a rule book it shouldn't be to the refs discretion which rules they're going to enforce that game.

I'm not a Lions fan, they failed to put away the game when they were on top, but the final quarter they got hosed by that crew who basically decided they weren't calling shit against Dallas. Offensive Holding? Nope not calling it despite some of the most obvious sack preventing holds possible occurring on almost every play. You expect some missed holds, but ones in the back field when there are only 4 rushes. Those shouldn't be continually missed. Did they decide that offensive holding was ticky-tacky?
I think its petty. We got a bs call against us for running into kicker, the guy didn't run into him at all. The kicker flopped that shot and smiled after the flag. It sucked given the field position. Than the lions marched down our throats for 7. Take away that bs call and the lions have 1 td on a broke defensive play where Church falls down.

But for the Lions to have sooooo many possessions and still couldn't close it but lets hinge on a play with over 8 mins to go in the 4th is bs. Every Sunday there are bs calls, it's not new to the league. If anything, you should be game plan for bs lol. It comes down to finishing the game.

Edit: really cool OT.

How did Dez coming into the field without a helmet negatively impact the Lions? Did his passion cause their penises to shrivel up and punt on 4th and 1?

If you wanna say our offense shit the bed in the second half fine, but to say Dez coming on to the field shouldn't warrant a flag is just foolish. You can't step on to the field without a helmet to argue a call. Should of gotten a flag.


My issue is moreso that they actually made the call and were ready to move the ball to the new LOS then decided not to. Never seen that.
I am relying my memory here but I could have sworn I have seen this happen before.

Where a there was a flag thrown for a PI, they had moved the chains and then brought them back after the head ref declares it was not PI. I don't remember if he announced what was going on or or not in that instance.

I would have to assume this was some stupid regular season Steelers game, but if that was the case someone else at Steelers GAF would likely also remember this. So either it happened in some meaningless regular season game I was barely paying attention to or this is a case of a faulty memory.

And Bucket you have outdone yourself with this OP. Amazing. Eznark is down on your hipster culture but look at what it is capable of creating!


Chargers and Rams could muster the votes to move to LA. Then the Raiders can move to San Antonio, or at least try. Still think Bob and Jerry block that


And Bucket you have outdone yourself with this OP. Amazing. Eznark is down on your hipster culture but look at what it is capable of creating!

Isn't being contrarian kind of a key part of being a hipster? Ez is pretty much a hipster in camouflage clothing.


Don't care who wins the SB, I just want the Packers to trounce the Cowboys.

This is sad.

If you wanna say our offense shit the bed in the second half fine, but to say Dez coming on to the field shouldn't warrant a flag is just foolish. You can't step on to the field without a helmet to argue a call. Should of gotten a flag.

When did I say it didn't warrant a flag?

Isn't being contrarian kind of a key part of being a hipster? Ez is pretty much a hipster in camouflage clothing.
God I wish I could grow a thick glorious mustache.


Wait, wasn't there a criminally bad PI where they picked up the flag that actually cost the Lions the game? Why are they bitching about a dude without a helmet?
If you wanna say our offense shit the bed in the second half fine, but to say Dez coming on to the field shouldn't warrant a flag is just foolish. You can't step on to the field without a helmet to argue a call. Should of gotten a flag.

Exactly, those are the fucking rules. You can shit on our shitty offense all day, I'm cool with that. But don't act like complaining about blatant rule violations not being called is "petty." It's asinine.



All these years I've been picturing you as a Ron swanson type, this revelation is a serious blow to that image!! ;_;

I posted a picture of myself in this very thread a few years ago that would make Ron Swanson jealous.

Exactly, those are the fucking rules. You can shit on our shitty offense all day, I'm cool with that. But don't act like complaining about blatant rule violations not being called is "petty." It's asinine.
It's petty because it had literally ZERO impact on anything going on in the game. Dez Bryant whining without a helmet didn't turn your offense into a pumpkin at halftime. There were missed holds, a pathetically terrible blown PI, an egregious defensive holding...yet people want to complain about a guy without his helmet on in between plays?

Exactly, those are the fucking rules. You can shit on our shitty offense all day, I'm cool with that. But don't act like complaining about blatant rule violations not being called is "petty." It's asinine.

Looking for violations away from the field of play to extend your team' drive is petty though.
If you wanna say our offense shit the bed in the second half fine, but to say Dez coming on to the field shouldn't warrant a flag is just foolish. You can't step on to the field without a helmet to argue a call. Should of gotten a flag.
What's your take of football coaches that go out into the field to argue like Harbs, Carroll, etc. The refs usually just usher them off and don't throw a flag the second he crosses a line. Dez shouldn't have been out there, he could have been called but it looks like when they told him to get back he did.
Looking for violations away from the field of play to extend your team' drive is petty though.

Not really. Rules are rules. Not only was the flag picked up with no explanation, the dude ran onto the field and didn't get flagged. That's two fuck ups in the span of 30 seconds and you're wondering why people are mad?
Both Dallas and Detroit are/were gonna get beat down by GB anyway.

detroit would have played seattle

But yeah, coaches have absolutely been flagged for violating policies akin to that. Tomlin was the year before he tripped that dude, IIRC.

that was during a live play, it's a bit different but yeah coaches have gotten in trouble for it before. Not every time though, either
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