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NFL 2014 Week 10 |OT| - Fright Night

Bill Simmons

Was this a serious debate anywhere outside of Seattle?

I mean...no fan of football thinks that Luck isn't better than his contemporaries now, won't be better than his contemporaries in five years, won't be better than his contemporaries in ten years. It's not an argument worth having anymore.

But I think the good people of Seattle are OK with their measly Russell Wilson and his lousy old Superb Owl.

Tom Penny

So Jameis Winston is pretty bright. He's rather steal crab legs and point shave than guarantee himself tens of millions of dollars in the NFL draft..


basically. That will always hang over his head even in his greatness

Good I actually went back and read it.

He’s the most underrated quarterback of the 21st century. It’s true.

Could you argue that the general public doesn’t want to place him on that Brady-Rodgers-Manning pedestal because of whatever happened in that Lake Tahoe bathroom in 2009? That night earned him a six-game suspension from Roger Goodell (eventually dropped to four games) and damaged Roethlisberger’s reputation before eventually being settled out of court. In retrospect, every Goodell suspension seems suspect after how egregiously the commissioner botched Bountygate, then acted irresponsibly, incompetently and maybe even illegally and mendaciously after Ray Rice knocked his wife out (hopefully, we’ll have a result from the hearing about Rice’s re-suspension next week). But Roethlisberger DID act inappropriately, and he DID get suspended, and he DID settle out of court.

I believe that incident affected how many fans regard Roethlisberger’s football résumé as a whole. There’s a mythology that comes with Brady, Manning, Rodgers and Brees — great quarterbacks, great leaders, solid interviews, great “public” people. They say the right things and do the right things. They take extraordinary pains to be thought of as role models. And that’s why they land so many endorsements — because major companies desperately want to associate themselves with those four guys.

Meanwhile, I’m pretty sure that Roethlisberger hasn’t filmed a major commercial since 2009. (I couldn’t find one on the Internet, that’s for sure.) His national profile effectively consists of 16 to 20 football games per year, dozens of press conferences and the occasional “insightful” sitdown with Bob Costas (or whomever) that never reveals anything interesting. And we’re fine with it. That 2009 incident inspired us to collectively reject the mythology of Roethlisberger’s greatness, even though so many went the other way with Kobe Bryant earlier in the decade (in an undeniably similar situation). And that was the case for years and years. Quarterbacks are sacred to us, for whatever reason.

But Roethlisberger’s recent 12-touchdown barrage, and his phenomenal season in general, propelled him back into that Great QB conversation once and for all. You know when I officially realized this? After I read this email from Kurt Hetrick in San Diego:

Tom Penny

basically. That will always hang over his head even in his greatness

How can a consensus top 5 QB of our era be underrated? I have him ahead of Brees too. He's had a better career than Rodgers so far but I think Rodgers is the most gifted passer of the era even though he can't win games from behind...
How can a consensus top 5 QB of our era be underrated? I have him ahead of Brees too. He's had a better career than Rodgers so far but I think Rodgers is the most gifted passer of the era even though he can't win games from behind...

The only thing gifted about Rodgers is the system he plays in.
So what's with Jaws trying to uncover Gronk's success? Watching SC and they did a segment on Gronk. Dutch you need to take care of him..
Dude, you have to take the FG on 4th down there! Give yourself a shot!

With 48 seconds and one timeout I figured it was better if I try and get the TD now. Would have needed just one pass, two at most after the onside kick to get into FG range

So many fumbles.

Yeah :( That bullshit spot fucked me so hard though, would have been 4th down and forced him to kick a FG but he got an extra yard and a half from the refs and a TD on that drive.

Oh well, I started the season with comfortably the worst roster in the league and I'm surprised I made it into the post season to be honest. Will win the division and have my revenge next season
Carr and Bortles are bad, but they are rookies.

As for Geno... who was the guy on here that said we jumped the ship too early on him and he needed more games to know? SEE I TOLD YOU. WASTING YOUR TIME!
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