Master of the Google Search
Since its a three-way tie, the Seahawks and Lions better conference records knock out the Cowboys out before the head to heads take effect. But if the Lions weren't tied with you, then the Cowboys would knock you out. So you aren't rooting for the Lions to win, you're rooting for the 3-way tie to continue. Because if the Lions win out and both the Seahawks and Cowboys lose 1 each, then the Seahawks still miss the playoffs.If we win next week, and Detroit lose with cowboys win, then Dallas ahead of us. But if Detroit also win we ahead if Dallas... i think i was playing with playoff machine last week.
Basically seahawks need to root for Detroit.
We have tie breaker over the Lions who i believe has the tie breaker over Dallas who beat us.... so we need Detroit to cock block Dallas for us.
It would be easier to just root against the Cowboys lol.