Gruden taking thinly veiled shots at his various players has been one of my favorite things about this year. Dude's been keeping it real.
As a fan I enjoy it...but, other players see this, and it probably doesn't sit well with them.
Gruden taking thinly veiled shots at his various players has been one of my favorite things about this year. Dude's been keeping it real.
Bears fans on 670 dont even sound angry anymore. Just weary.
How long is Chicago stuck with Cutler's contract?
ESPN has officially jumped the shark
fuck yeah son
fuck yeah son
Only anime show I've watched in full.
Does it come with the soundtrack?
As a fan I enjoy it...but, other players see this, and it probably doesn't sit well with them.
There is nothing veiled about it.Gruden taking thinly veiled shots at his various players has been one of my favorite things about this year. Dude's been keeping it real.
I don't mean to come off like I'm pissing on you but this is a bit of a fallacy. Eli had one really poor game this season against the Niners that was pretty inexcusable (5 picks) but he's had a pretty damn solid season bouncing back from an 18TD, 27INT campaign in 2013. That's with an middling offensive line and almost no run game to speak of.Re: Coughlin. Interesting. I don't see him getting fired either. Not sure the issues are his fault, but will the OC or DC get the boot instead? Eli has now had two rough seasons back-to-back.
Go watch Evangelion now
There is nothing veiled about it.
He is doing everything short of shitting on their faces to let us know how much he hates his players.
Weirdest thing I have seen in a long time. As a coach you would assume they would always have their guys backs.
fuck yeah son
Also I would go buy a Gronk and Brady jersey if the Pats beat the Chickens in the owl. The new evil resides in the Northwest
fuck yeah son
Buy me a GRONK one too pls
Buy me a GRONK one too pls
I need to get that soon. Hopefully it isn't too expensive.
GOAT. I'm assuming that's the blu-ray collection?
Plus, where does Gruden get off talking so much shit? It's his team that's stinking up the field. The guys he does like aren't playing any better than the ones he hates. Belichick and McCarthy could get away with shit talking their bad players because they built a successful football program. Gruden hasn't done shit.
yep! Ive had the DVD set for over a decade.
One has to wonder why all your feeds are to fast food.
I give the masses what they want.
fuck yeah son
what is cowboy bebop about? a side story for the ninja turtles villain LOLOLOLOL!!!!!1
but seriously is that the best anime or something?
anime is a joke to most people until it involves Cowboy Bebop. then its some SERIOUS SHIT.
Kinda funny.
Its very popular in western world, because the story and characters are not like a lot of other anime. Its setup morel ike a space opera, with an overarching story, but contained in easily rewatchable episodic arcs. The music is almost universally loved and the show came out at a time when anime was approaching its peak popularity. This show is basically a legend.
@PFTCommenter after seeing a 7 yr old send signed jersey 4 @JJWatt I wanted 2 do the same 4 my favorite QB jay cutler
I can count the number of anime content I like on both hands. Most of it is insufferable to sit through.A bit shameful that I've finished over 380 animes, but I have never fully watched Bebop...
Do you want us to post anime titties then? Because you can sure as hell bet there are a fuck-ton of SFW gifs I could find to make it work.