I get what you are saying but also...I don't care. No one has a right to play in the NFL and the league wouldn't be worse off if the league had a zero tolerance policy for domestic violence (including child abuse).
It doesn't have to be about being role models, how about just not rewarding pieces of shit? It happens every day in corporate America, why should the NFL be any different.
so white
so where do you draw the line? Considering several of the players are being punished before the legal system has finished.
Suspended and banned at any accusation?
Or does it have to go to indictment?
Or does it have to go to finished trial/plea deal?
What's to stop people from making shit up to just get people suspended?
The problem with zero tolerance policies is that they leave no area for grey. And in other areas, have been shown to disproportionately affect minorities than whites.
I don't disagree with you that playing in the NFL is not a right, it is a privilege. However, I also believe in second chances and certainly not a fan of which hunts and ridiculous public outrage and the guilty until proven innocent.
The only two reasons shit has hit the fan lately is because Goodell fucked up the original suspension of Rice and because there was video evidence that was released. If those two didn't happen he way they did, none of this would be as blown out of proportion.