My mother was hit with switches and electrical cords when she was young. She disciplined her children in similar ways.
By most every definition we've gone through in this thread, I was abused as a child. My mom used to take thin plastic slippers to the back of my thighs to the point where she left welts. Though I was 8-10 years old at that point. When I got older she graduated to one of those thick yellow whiffle ball bats to the arms when I pissed her off enough (and as a young teenager I used to it on purpose to test limits). Am I "ok" as an adult? Sure. Did it ever alienate me from my mother/father? No. I'm very close with my parents today. Did I deserve that as a child? Of course not. Would I ever do that to my children? Fuck no. The most my kids have ever gotten is a slap on the hand from me. There are better ways to discipline kids without going to that level of extreme behavior - period.
Shit man that's awful. Glad you're breaking the pattern.
I never got physically abused as a kid, the worst I would get is my dad constantly berating me over stupid shit which is easily ignored. Can't imagine it frankly.
Im seriously considering getting Destiny to tide me over until November and I have been reading the official OT thread and I have no clue what anyone is talking about.
People are upset about how the really good weapons (Legendary and Exotic) are incredibly hard to get via drops. But you can get them in other ways, by playing the crucible, doing strikes and building up points in various factions. I also got an Exotic weapon bounty that I'm going to finish if I break down 8 more rifles.