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NFL 2014 Week 6 |OT| The League of Frauds


You were down by 3 and it took a damn near miraculous catch on 3rd & 20 to continue that drive. Not to mention the fact that you've beat some teams by thin margins that really had no business hanging around with the Cowboys if they are as good as you say they are.

I'm not saying the Cowboys are bad, but beating a hobbled Seattle team with a little bit of luck and injuries doesn't mean much in the grand scheme of things. It's a win for sure, but we likely won't get to judge how good the Cowboys really are with this soft schedule. If they start blowing out teams then maybe.

Tlicking? Is that like tickling and licking at the same time?
I agree and disagree. We dominated the fk out of Seattle outside our 2 giveaways. Without those giveaways it's a different game. I give some credit to Seattle for those takeaways but as a cowboys fan ive seen that happen a ton of times, a whole bunch of times.

Truth is we stomped y'all w our run game, what was the concerned there? 2nd best Or first in league against the rush, no? Well Murray went for another 100+ averaging over 4.5 easily. (I expect him to get hurt :( its not a cowboys season without a insury like that)

Defensively we played really well despite no sacks yet again :(

We haven't beaten a bunch of good teams but to make it seem like the wins against saints offense and last year's champs says enough bout them. We aren't winning in sloppy fashion for the most part either. They are playing really good even if they only win by small margins. Romo playing great, Oline great, Dez is matured, Murray running like a mad man. Defense playing hard. Playcalling has really picked up this year.
Giants gonna have to dial up some runs just to help Eli out here.
A screen might be nice. McAdoo said we were going to work on those and make them a big part of the offense. Might be useful against this type of pass rush right now. Though you'd hope this line could block it up properly (*snicker*)


but every team is dealing with injuries. imagine taking away seattles best CB and then 2 of their 3 other best defensive players. that is what the niners have had to deal with to start the season. injuries suck but every team is dealing with them to some degree

I agree that all teams have to deal with it. He's pretty vital though, and a pretty unique player in terms of what he does for the defense. Can't really have a next man up with a player like that.
A screen might be nice. McAdoo said we were going to work on those and make them a big part of the offense. Might be useful against this type of pass rush right now. Though you'd hope this line could block it up properly (*snicker*)
Williams has bad hands I've heard.

Ok this line is a joke.
Lack of Rashad Jennings is hurting us in a big way. Big time outlet receiver guy for us. Williams isn't that guy and Eli is missing him big time right now.
Giants back to pre season giants?

And the cowboys have matched my pre season prediction of 5 wins. So that's something. But that last month of their schedule is so brutal. I convinced the NFL does it on purpose now just for fun. Not that they needed much help in previous years


A hobbled Seattle team? Hobbled like the Cowboys D last year? Seattle was dominated today. You probably started watching football last January so I won't expect real football analysis from you. Imagine the 3rd quarter without 2 infrequent Dallas turnovers? They probably would've put put up 10 more points.

Watch yourself man. Godslay is a NFL-GAF treasure.

It is all good Slay, got your back bro.


dat chip lip lick

Obligatory Walking Dead/Giants correlation joke post.

I give it until the half and I'm off to play Alien. Better shit to do than watch this offensive line get Eli killed.

I'm more frightened of what the offense will look like in the second half than the Xenomorph!
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