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NFL 2014 Week 7 |OT| Newton's Laws of Football


Persecution Complex
The worst part of gaming side is when people start talking out their ass about shit they have not a clue about.

Like how everyone suddenly became computer hardware designers or software developers last year when GIGAFLOPS were all the rage.

Talking about GCN compute and SDRAM bandwidth? Sit yo dumb ass back down clown.

:jnc So true.

Sales age can be interesting just because of how if affects the industry. NPD is lame now because they don't release full numbers like they used to so all we have is Media Create Japanese numbers and we all know how the industry is doing over there.


This is a sad day for America.

I watched the TGS streams, I know what Playstation is all about. All of you Playstation lovers with your loli obsession and your anime avatars, if you love Japan so much, why don't you just move there? It saddens me that Americans would choose to associate with that rather than the sturdy, rugged, masculine, patriotic The One. Yet, throughout these sad times that we live in, I have still kept alive a lingering flame of hope that the great American values will endure, and Pacther’s predictions this week helped kindle that flame. But if these news are true, I may have to finally abandon that hope.

If these news are true, that is. Anyone else think it’s suspicious how NPD starts hiding console numbers, so that we are left at the mercy of the console manufacturers to provide us with what information they will, and suddenly Playstation starts doing better than Xbox? No one else finds it suspicious how the well-informed and knowledgeable video games analyst Pachter, who usually makes predictions with great accuracy, after consulting his vast retail contact network, predicts that The One will come out ahead, yet when we get “official” numbers, suddenly PS4 has sold more? It’s not like this is the first time that Sony is caught with juking the stats. Esteemed video games sales expert ioi recently revealed how Sony was lying at Gamescom with their 10 million consoles sold number. You may think Sony wouldn’t go that far, but they have lied to us before. They lied to us about the Driveclub PS Plus version and they lied to us about the power of their systems. One lie leads to another and once you have gotten into the habit of lying, it is very hard to stop.

But I guess this is to be expected. People who want to harm America always have a propensity to believe in made-up numbers. Look at how North Korean citizens swallow lies from their own leaders. Or closer to home, look at how liberals are gulping down the Obama administration’s lies. Look at how they are cooking the books on Obamacare and job reports. 250000 new jobs added in September? Hah, where I live, in real rural America, most people have given up looking. 250000 new jobs, my ass. Plus, under President Romney, we would have had at least 400000 new jobs. Or look at how they lie about inflation as an excuse to print money, debasing the dollar further. President Reagan (may he rest in peace) is turning in his grave. Inflation below target? Tell that to my local grocery store and gas station! These Washington types, always coming at you with their fancy numbers and their facts and their smug grins, thinking they know better than you. (And don't get me started on those IRS bullies. Federal income tax is theft and, even worse, unconstitutional, and I'm not paying to help finance a government I never voted for. So they can take their tax return forms and their court summons and shove them up somewhere. Don't bother coming back here!) And throughout all this, the mainstream media keeps cheering the administration on, helping them pull the wool over Americans’ eyes. This is very similar to the gaming media, incidentally, with their strong Sony bias. Kotaku is far too close to Sony. Always has been.

Maybe it’s time we started unskewing the NPD results. Even though they started shilling for Sony only relatively recently, I have always felt that their numbers are suspect. They don’t track sales from online stores, where more and more customers are taking their business these days. Also, it is well-known that they don’t take digital download sales into account. Who knows how many console sales they miss that way?
Still, I am always the optimist. I have hopes for the future. It looks like people are finally starting to see through the Democrats’ lies. If polls are to be believed, we will put a patriotic majority back in the Senate in November. If it can happen there, we can get the powers for good back into power in the video game business at the same time, with the arrival of Halo: The Master Chief Collection and, most importantly, the monthly OS updates. Until then, God bless you all, and don’t forget to vote in November!

Even the try hard trolls suck major dick by now.

I wish I knew how to quit you, GAF.


Philip Rivers has recorded a passer rating of 120.0 or more in five straight games, an NFL record.

Rivers isn't just playing at an MVP level, he's playing at an all-time level. Over the last five weeks, he's averaging 303.6 passing yards per game with 14 touchdowns and one interception while completing 71.7 percent of his passes.

whoever just made the "is 360, x1 live down?" thread wins troll of the day.

I'm ready to be banned for good. This site is so fucking full of itself. It has an admin who is a creep who bans people for not wanting to go out with him and turns down his advances, it's a site ran and posted with hypocritical bullshit, it's elitist, and it's wrongly in love with itself.

He's got these MS stans stressed. Yankee get in there and tell them you love em and its going to be OK


I missed the PS2 era for the most part (I bought one for GTA3 and then Madden). I wonder what this place was back then

Wow @ Destiny xbone outselling Destiny PS4 (excluding bundles)

Good job Xboners!

MS was smart to make it an unofficial bundle that week.


Wooo messy rainy weather for the game I hope!

And yes, gaming side is a mess and best avoided, but I barely play games, so my opinion doesn't mean much I suppose.

edit: I was excited for Civ: Beyond Earth, but I realize I doubt I'd play it much, so the money in my Steam wallet will likely just buy it for a friend some christmas or something maybe.


Brandon Browner, Dominique Easley, and Dont'a Hightower all active for the Patriots on defense. Brian Tyms and Jonas Gray are active on offense, James White and Aaron Dobson are inactive.

Excited to see Browner on the field for the first time.


Brandon Browner, Dominique Easley, and Dont'a Hightower all active for the Patriots on defense. Brian Tyms and Jonas Gray are active on offense, James White and Aaron Dobson are inactive.

Excited to see Browner on the field for the first time.
Fucking Dobson.

Just cut the dude already if he can't beat out Tyms or Lafell.


I bought digital. I didn't help, I'm sorry. I'll sell my One now.

ditto. i like my xbone. i enjoyed the two ps4s ive bought and sold. LOVE my ps3. but the ps4 just has nothing I want until Uncharted. I bought it for MGS5, and since it's coming to PC. No need for the ps4.
xbox one is trash except for killer instinct (which is fantastic). i mainly use it to stream WatchESPN and other apps. i am somewhat interested in forza horizon 2 but i already bought driveclub and ill buy FH2 if it goes on sale for black friday. i have owned one non-digital game and that was forza 5 (which i like). not really any reason to buy 3rd party games on xbone

halo collection and sunset overdrive are probably day 1 purchases but beyond that i'm not really sure the next xbone game i will buy. i have bought 8 PS4 games since july (last of us, madden, fifa, nba 2k, shadow of mordor, evil within, driveclub, destiny). i'll probably upgrade my PC card again in the next year. i spend too much money on games. i guess that's the beauty of not having children... lots of disposable income!

i am actually pretty disappointed in both PSN and xbox live on the new systems. i like PSN's menus a lot better but there always seems to be a delay loading friends lists. especially in the last week or two there have been lots of outages. i can't fucking stand xbox live now that they turned everything into a separate app. i do get better download speeds on wireless for xbox one though, so there's that.


Fmt have you even seen titanfall?

But seriously, the Xbox dashboard is the most impressive thing about it imo, they did such a good job integrating apps and the patches are always substantial upgrades. Once MCC comes out, it's going to be a monster.
Fmt have you even seen titanfall?

But seriously, the Xbox dashboard is the most impressive thing about it imo, they did such a good job integrating apps and the patches are always substantial upgrades. Once MCC comes out, it's going to be a monster.

they did a horrible job turning everything into an app. want to see my friends list with who is on? i need to basically exit the game (not literally), it takes me to a totally different "app", has to load that up, and then i can see who is online. same shit with the achievements. on xbox 360, i could easily press the xbox button and then boom i could click on my friends list right there. same with achievements. SIMPLE! but no, everyone has to change shit for no reason


xbox one is trash except for killer instinct (which is fantastic). i mainly use it to stream WatchESPN and other apps. i am somewhat interested in forza horizon 2 but i already bought driveclub and ill buy FH2 if it goes on sale for black friday. i have owned one non-digital game and that was forza 5 (which i like). not really any reason to buy 3rd party games on xbone

halo collection and sunset overdrive are probably day 1 purchases but beyond that i'm not really sure the next xbone game i will buy. i have bought 8 PS4 games since july (last of us, madden, fifa, nba 2k, shadow of mordor, evil within, driveclub, destiny). i'll probably upgrade my PC card again in the next year. i spend too much money on games. i guess that's the beauty of not having children... lots of disposable income!

i am actually pretty disappointed in both PSN and xbox live on the new systems. i like PSN's menus a lot better but there always seems to be a delay loading friends lists. especially in the last week or two there have been lots of outages. i can't fucking stand xbox live now that they turned everything into a separate app. i do get better download speeds on wireless for xbox one though, so there's that.

wut? everything was a separate app last gen

e: saw your next post.

"snap friends"

same exact thing as the xbox button on 360. but it doesnt cover the actual game
xbox one is trash except for killer instinct (which is fantastic). i mainly use it to stream WatchESPN and other apps. i am somewhat interested in forza horizon 2 but i already bought driveclub and ill buy FH2 if it goes on sale for black friday. i have owned one non-digital game and that was forza 5 (which i like). not really any reason to buy 3rd party games on xbone

halo collection and sunset overdrive are probably day 1 purchases but beyond that i'm not really sure the next xbone game i will buy. i have bought 8 PS4 games since july (last of us, madden, fifa, nba 2k, shadow of mordor, evil within, driveclub, destiny). i'll probably upgrade my PC card again in the next year. i spend too much money on games. i guess that's the beauty of not having children... lots of disposable income!

i am actually pretty disappointed in both PSN and xbox live on the new systems. i like PSN's menus a lot better but there always seems to be a delay loading friends lists. especially in the last week or two there have been lots of outages. i can't fucking stand xbox live now that they turned everything into a separate app. i do get better download speeds on wireless for xbox one though, so there's that.
jnc at you listing 8 games on PS4 and 7 of them are not even exclusives. The only exclusive you bought was broken to the point of being unplayable and we still haven't even gotten the free version. I am not even going to bother with the OS part. The xb1's OS has been improved every month and is fantastic now. Sucks that you cant see that.


they did a horrible job turning everything into an app. want to see my friends list with who is on? i need to basically exit the game (not literally), it takes me to a totally different "app", has to load that up, and then i can see who is online. same shit with the achievements. on xbox 360, i could easily press the xbox button and then boom i could click on my friends list right there. same with achievements. SIMPLE! but no, everyone has to change shit for no reason
They just added snapping to apps like your friends list and it's fast as hell.
wut? everything was a separate app last gen

wat? i could just press the X button, and my friends menu was right there. it didn't take me to an entirely new app to see my friends online. i haven't played my xbox 360 online in maybe a year so if they changed that too i don't know but it didn't used to be that way
jnc at you listing 8 games on PS4 and 7 of them are not even exclusives. The only exclusive you bought was broken to the point of being unplayable and we still haven't even gotten the free version. I am not even going to bother with the OS part. The xb1's OS has been improved every month and is fantastic now. Sucks that you cant see that.

how did the last of us look on xbone anyways?
Click the xbox button on xb1 then click the big button that says achievements, or press the guide button on 360 and then click on the word achievements. It is so much faster on 360 now, not even including all the extra features like it linking to online help and such. On PS4 you click the ps button it takes you out oif the game to the home screen you scroll over to trophies click on it and then it loads your trophy list. You are just being nuts about the word app, everything is a separate program that runs when you click on it.

Last of us was on ps3 I believe, hence not an exclusive unless I am missing something.


We have now entered the twilight zone

I hated that shit. Applying online is bad for employers as well because you don't get to see the person and there personality. Skip all that bullshit.

Go to whatever job you want to apply to, dress nice, ask to speak to the manager with resume in hand, make eye contact and present yourself with a smile as you present yourself to the manager.

When I was going job to job a few years ago I never applied online because I wanted the manager to see me, not some random online application. If you're just trying to get a job in a restaurant just bullshit your experience. They never check unless it's some 4 star place.

No matter what job be persistent and insistent on talking to whoever is in charge. They'll respect the effort.

Depends on the job. Any place that is basically a white collar job will shuffle you out of the building without even taking your resume. Ask to see a manager? Probably not, unless you have an appointment. Basically the receptionist isn't letting you in. It really depends on the place.

The best thing you can do to get a new job is to expand your network. It sounds dumb, but it is actually the easiest way to get in the door. Now that doesn't mean you are going to get the job just because you know someone, it means an opportunity to get in to show that you are capable of doing the job.
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