Welp here you go jak.Oh i dont care, but you seem to keep quoting me so i feel obliged to respond.
Im just drinking my last beer of the day and hoping Penn St scoresw
Welp here you go jak.Oh i dont care, but you seem to keep quoting me so i feel obliged to respond.
Im just drinking my last beer of the day and hoping Penn St scoresw
Oh i dont care, but you seem to keep quoting me so i feel obliged to respond.
Im just drinking my last beer of the day and hoping Penn St scoresw
I usually have some drinks during Browns games, will you be drinking during the lions early morning start?
Go Browns!
I'm so upset about sports right now.
Go Browns!
I'm so upset about sports right now.
But seriously if the gameplay is good is bad voice acting really gonna take away from it that much. I mean give it a chance. I guess I'm just one of those who rather have voice acting in my games.No voice acting is much better than shit voice acting.
Good voice acting is best but sometimes I prefer fast ass text.
But seriously if the gameplay is good is bad voice acting really gonna take away from it that much. I mean give it a chance. I guess I'm just one of those who rather have voice acting in my games.
agreedBut seriously if the gameplay is good is a lack of voice acting really gonna take away from it that much. I mean give it a chance.
Dragon is so Dragon'd up right now.
There is always the Caviliers and LeBron.
And BrownsGAF if all else fails you are all invited on the Lions bandwagon. It's already leaving the station and our destination is the Super Bowl but we'll stop to pick up our Browns cousins. I know you'd do the same for us.
Its ok, i forgive him. His parents obviously abandoned him and every woman in nyc and nc did as well. Thats why he is angry
Signs you're getting oldFalling asleep at 8 PM is such a great thing to do.
Signs you're getting old
Glad you acknowledged the elephant in the room friend.Nature vs. nurture my friend. I'm more fucked up than angry. If you want some horrible pizza lemme know.
Nature vs. nurture my friend. I'm more fucked up than angry. If you want some horrible pizza lemme know.
Go Browns!
I'm so upset about sports right now.
I can't find my glasses
what am I even typing right now
I'm seeking advice bruhs. Can't decide if I can handle a night shift gig, hoping some of you dudes have some experience.
Got offered a job, basically working nights for something that isn't my degree. It's super easy, but lots of night driving and great pay(way above what I've been making with my degree), but I have to relocate a few hours away into the middle of nowhere and it's basically 9pm to 1/2/3/4/5/6am depending on how long the actual job is. No benefits, but the great pay would offset that. Housing is cheap as hell where this job is located too. Only issue is driving through the middle of Cornfield, USA at night, in the winter.
If I do it, I can save some good money and get myself totally out of debt in about 5 months (reasonable student loans only, not buried or anything). I'd live close to a family member and one of my friends, so I wouldn't be alone, but I basically would be because of the night shift. I'd also bring my dog with me on the jobs, so I wouldn't be completely alone. It's 7 days a week. Most days you get a job, if you don't, you get the day off and still get paid the same amount at the end of the week.
I could also take a easy job(one I should be starting in a few weeks but never officially signed anything) that's way below my normal pay and stay close to where I am. Basically my comfort zone for way less pay. Both jobs would have roughly the same commutes.
My thought process is to do the night job for a few months, clear my student loans, and save up some money for no apparent reason. I'll be a goddamn zombie, but I'll save a ton of money. I'd sleep from whenever I get back from the job til noon, have 9/10 hours of free time and hope they end up switching me over to a day shift eventually.
If they offered the day shift right now, I'd take it in a heart beat. Also, the job is near a college town so I'd be all over Tinder.
Thoughts? Advice? Older house owning NFLgaf have any advice?
How old are you? 25 or younger do the night job.
And if I'm older but under 30?
Never had that situation but if I were in your shoes I'd take the job. I couldn't stand to be in debt and 5 months ain't shit
Honestly i'd still take the job. Only reason for the age split is because 25 and under you're not as affected by the change in sleep patterns, but it's 5 months. Also judging from your story you don't have a wife or kids to worry about so the choice is pretty clear.
Take the job. No reason not to go for the money short term. You can sleep when you're older.No kiddos, recently single.
I guess I'd say: give it a shot.And if I'm older but under 30?
Only shift I would not work is 2nd shift. Worst years of my entire life. Not many people to hang with after midnight..holy shit it sucked.
If I got one if would only be for trim work. My John Deere X750 should last a whole lot longer. Not gonna self-propel 5 acres, bro!
I don't even like when he and I argue, I can't imagine anyone else does.It was better when Dragon and YH do it.
Incorrect.Always take the option to move.
Just got off night shift, 29 myself, wasnt too bad all things considered. Worked 10pm-7am. Get blackout fabric and tack it up over your windows tight, so no light gets through. Also used ear plugs occasionally.gracias bruhs
They give you a period of time to finish the job, so I'm hoping if I'm at the job by 10pm, I can be back home and in bed by 2/3am most nights. Which isn't far from my normal bedtime of midnight. 4-6 hours of work for almost quadruple what my last job paid doesn't sound so bad.
There is always the Caviliers and LeBron.
And BrownsGAF if all else fails you are all invited on the Lions bandwagon. It's already leaving the station and our destination is the Super Bowl but we'll stop to pick up our Browns cousins. I know you'd do the same for us.
I don't even like when he and I argue, I can't imagine anyone else does.