Wait the lions are 5-2? The way every one talks about them, besides kas I would think they've won 1 game.
I feel violated honestly.
They were that before and finished 7-9
Wait the lions are 5-2? The way every one talks about them, besides kas I would think they've won 1 game.
I feel violated honestly.
I love how nobody in the stands reacts. You would think a chick would put a hand up to her mouth in astonishment or something. But it's like they're all dead watching a dead game with dead people doing dead things.
They were 4-3 at this point last yearThey were that before and finished 7-9
Once this Falcons/Lions game turns to shit, there's always Manchester United vs. Chelsea on NBC!
I like popeyes chicken better then churches.But isn't this church time for you godless heathens?
Tim Twentyman ‏@ttwentyman 3m3 minutes ago
The #Lions come onto the field to a pretty big applause. Doesn't feel like a road game when it comes to the crowd. #DETvsATL
If a team in London means we get 9:30 games 8 times a year I am all fucking for it. This is rad.
I wished everyone would picked the Falcons to win this. I'd feel better this way.
They were 4-3 at this point last year
So move the Gatas there and you basically wouldn't noticeThe only positive. Although, that team will be a constant cellar-dweller because no free agents will want to sign there.
close enough kas
God save the queen? More like God save my team.
The only positive. Although, that team will be a constant cellar-dweller because no free agents will want to sign there.
I'm about to start booing the British anthem. I feel like the United States has made it abundantly clear how we feel about the throne.Surprised this euro trash isn't booing the anthem
.Why hello there, Laura Wright.
Maybe it was just Suh taking the field?
Buh...I should not be awake right now. I was up later than I should have been last night and now my eyes are going to be burning the whole time during the game. For all the inactives and injuries and travel questions and everything else that the Lions are going through, everything still comes down to the same two things they always do: will Stafford himself perform up to the expectations of a #1 pick, and will the defensive line dominate enough to hide how open Atlanta's receivers will be on our secondary? I'm sure our offense will be pitiful, but for once this year I still feel somewhat comfortable about this game because ATL's weaknesses on their offensive line matches up right with the one thing we have that's still an actual strength. Pip pip, cheerio.
As for the sidebar topic: At this point, I find the lack of voice acting in Zelda games just as jarring and damaging to the world/storyline's immersion as the phantom fear that "bad" voice acting would bring. A decent vocal performance can go a long way in shaping people's perceptions about a character, and for better or worse that helps to invest you in what's going on. That's not to say that Link himself needs to have a speaking role (though I think he should), but there's not much excuse for the rest of Hyrule.
So because I'm one of the more positive Lions fans I'm Kas???
You disgust me, sir!Real talk: The American anthem fucking sucks.
It's like the only goal was to make a song so far beyond most people's vocal range, no one could sing it.
Real talk: The American anthem fucking sucks.
It's like the only goal was to make a song so far beyond most people's vocal range, no one could sing it.
Real talk: The American anthem fucking sucks.
It's like the only goal was to make a song so far beyond most people's vocal range, no one could sing it.
Damn ATL got some rep there.
Because those flat passes to the fullback are so successful.