I beat Mordor a while back and my PS4 is kind of thirsty. Dust was a pretty decent way to kill a few days though. Not a huge fan of Spelunky. Or really many of these free indie titles from PS+.
I keep scrolling over Diablo and Destiny but those games feel like a chore to me right now. So ironically I've chosen to play a bunch of EU4 here recently instead (aka spreadsheets and maps: the game). You'd think creating the German empire several hundred years prior to its existence would get old but nah conquering Poland is always good for a laugh. I hate the French and Austrians though. Screw those guys.
I'm definitely looking forward to GTA 5 so I missed it on PS3. I loved Sleeping Dogs but I'm not sure if I see the point in getting the PS4 version when I have the PC one already I think. Maybe not. Either way it's usually like 5 bucks on there when it goes on sale.
On the road I've been playing Final Fantasy 4 for PSP and just started Danganronpa.
I need a Halloween costume idea, going to a bar crawl on Saturday and need to impress all those mid 30s MILFs that don't respect themselves.
In my experience, women seem to flock to a guy with a good job. So go as that. Start talking about all your benefits and stuff.