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NFL 2015 CC |OT| - A Fraud's Penultimate Step

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Luck still has a really good punt

Let's let him heal though, boy was beat to shit all season


He'll be back! With even faster receivers.


I don't like your insolent tone you ignorant slut. Why don't you shove a corn cob up your ass and scream Go Colts like the other Midwest hicks.

Enjoy 4 years of Pagano and your other 3 head coaches and Grigson drafting while your owner buys the hair of the remaining Beatles while on a coke bender.

You guys didn't earn Watt, but we earned Luck, and you're still not over that. I get that friend, in time these wounds heal.


lol, at Squicken being a Pats hater. He posts more good than bad on the Patriots for sure.

People hate on the Patriots partly due to huge number of fans they have. They are the 2nd most popular team. No one wants to listen to a Patriot circle jerk.

Come draft time I'll be praying Jaylon Smith falls to us due to the injury even if that means we trade up a bit. It's the only way in hell we get an elite prospect at the position as they always go at the top of the draft and we'll be good for some time. Even if he can't play next season, at least we'll finally have an elite prospect.

I think that eznark would appreciate this call.


Patrick Peterson aside, why the fuck were the Cardinals bringing an all out blitz instead of covering everyone going into the end zone? They left Janis alone like he was invisible.
Because Arians is aggressive as hell. Betcher was going to do prevent and Arians said hell no, blitz! Arians himself said this if you want the source.
Even my kid knows the Pats are cheaters. I was watching the game this weekend, she came in and asked "Isn't this the team that cheats all the time?"

I said, "Yes. They're winning right now."

She replied, "Yeah, but they're probably cheating."

Soon, we'll find out how they did it.
Even my kid knows the Pats are cheaters. I was watching the game this weekend, she came in and asked "Isn't this the team that cheats all the time?"

I said, "Yes. They're winning right now."

She replied, "Yeah, but they're probably cheating."

We'll find out how soon.

I'm sorry you're raising your little girl incorrectly.


Even my kid knows the Pats are cheaters. I was watching the game this weekend, she came in and asked "Isn't this the team that cheats all the time?"

I said, "Yes. They're winning right now."

She replied, "Yeah, but they're probably cheating."

Soon, we'll find out how they did it.

You're a good father, Larry.

Coming from a fan of the same team that after their last two playoff losses got salty enough to want to start a fight with the wining team. LMAO
What are you even talking about? There was no fight.

Funny coming from a fan of a franchise that harbored a murderer anyway.
The Pats repeating would be the cherry on top of the pile of shit that was the 2015-16 season.

Although I can't say it was all bad, there were some good moments and we'll always have this



I don't have a problem with missing on picks. Happens to everyone. But until now he has ducked all the questions. I guess he knows this is his last shot, so no use hiding

Smith might benefit from a switch to the 4-3. The Giants O Line is garbage, but Smith looked way better on the line in that game than he ever did standing up in the 3-4. Hopefully Marcus Smith is like Graham and has a few bust-worthy starting seasons before finding his role
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