Jnc well I imagine seeing all that Brazilian booty and not getting any would feel like that but that doesn't mean you have to resort to whores. It's even easier pulling women in other countries than here in the states (there are exceptions, of course). Where is Tabris going? It's usually effortless to get pussy in the east depending on where you go. If it's a poor country they flock to white men like geese and if it's somewhere like Japan, there's a whole damn district in Tokyo where girls look for gaijins? (white guys). I just realized I don't know if Tabris is white but Asian women are definitely attracted to black men too. They just want some of that exotic.
I am going to Thailand (mainly going to Koh Sumai probably which is a beach resort island), Tokyo, Hong Kong + Macau, Seoul, Australia, and perhaps China for a year.
Going with my best friend.