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NFL 2015 Divisional |OT| - A Fraud Divided




Now let's watch the national media NOT criticize Reid and his horrible game management.

Saw this for 14 years yet all we were told were "Philly fans are just dumb Reid so good".

Dude is great at turning a program around and making teams good but can't close. He is the Larry Brown of the NFL.
Larry Brown won it all with the Pistons and Kansas

boiled goose

good with gravy
Woot. Go pats.

Nice to see them back in form.

A few iffy calls in our favor (late hit on brady) but honestly the chiefs stayed closer than they should have. Both TDs were pretty iffy runs.

Pats offense worked. Good protection. Defensively tight coverage all game long and Smith was on the run all second half.


Andy still hasn't learned how to manage the play clock or run an effective 2 minute drill. Really wanted the Chiefs and Reid to win win this one. Oh well.


The worst part about all of this is the sandwich making that's happening on the post game show. Seriously, what in the fuck
You distinctly said it was your Superbowl. So I think it holds a bit more weight then just a win. Then you proceeded to try and shit on the Broncos for making it to and losing in the Superbowl.

If it was the Chiefs making the Superbowl, you'd probably be in here running your mouth like Jesus Christ himself was the QB. Just like you did before this game by saying that, "The Pats are going to get this work."

Besides, I never said my team was shit. If you could parse and interpret text, you'd see that I said no team is likely going to win if they turn the ball over 4 times via an old and injured QB that requires power through his legs to get the ball down the field.

Argument has never changed, your interpretation is broke. Keep trying though...

First playoff win in two decades is our SB. It's not hard to understand unless you're being deliberately obtuse, which you are.

I didn't shit on you for making it to the big game. I said nobody wants to see a repeat of you getting your doors blown off. There's a pretty clear difference.

"The Pats are going to get that work" is banter similar to what dozens others posted before the game. Trying to spin that as some sort of aggressive trash talking is hilarious. You're firing blanks.

Your argument very clearly changed, and you don't get to retroactively fix that. I said we beat two good teams during our hot streak, including you guys and the Steelers. As in, I freaking complimented your team. You proceed to say we didn't beat you, your QB crapped the bed, and thus we didn't beat a good team. Which is it? Is the #1 seed in the AFC no good, or only not when it comes to disqualifying our win in Denver? You can't have it both ways.

For what it's worth, I think your team was good up until the point you played us. Now I think you're the softest paper tigers in the playoffs. I can maaaaybe see you slink by a beat up Steelers team.


Yeah I can relate, Pats probably my 7th or 8th team. Not sure how you only have 3 teams, tough to narrow it to so few

I hear ya. I'm actually a fan of Seattle believe it or not, just further down the line. They're my #2 team in the NFC actually, I'm actively hoping they make it back to the SB with NE.. I love rematches.
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