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NFL 2015 Week 1 |OT| - A Fraud’s Quest for Gold


Maybe the article was written anticipating the court case hearing regardless of the outcome? I mean that makes sense right? It would be been just as bad to release it had the judge ruled in favor of the NFL.


Joe Six-Pack: posting for the common man
See what you slapdicks have done? I also agree with Cowherd
bitch ass stole my take, I've been saying no one would care for months if it were some scrub qb.

Timing doesn't change the value of the information. Or does it change the validity of it?
it does change the veracity of the content if this article wasn't released had the NFL won their case. Like I said the timing is dubious at best.
The damning part of the article isn't the Patriots cheating - we've all known they were filthy cheaters for some time.

The damning part is just how complicit Goodell and the league actually were in covering up the Pats rampant cheating.




I don't get what kinda angle you're playing. Are you acting in denial, naive To it all, or pretending we're all just salty?..

I think he's just muddying the waters honestly. I don't think he even knows what he's doing besides saying things to say them so that it's about him and not the Pats :).
Just read the article. What a bunch of fucking cunt hairs, that entire organization from top to bottom. Just call them the New England * at this point, leave the patriotism to the true heroes


come in my shame circle
In a alternate universe the Browns didn't move, Bill is still the coach. We win superbowls, And all these cheating allegations are against the Browns. Jabee Hates us and prosperity reigns in the Cleve.
Gotor is still A jags fan in that universe though

In this alternate universe I'm a Pats fan and I'm upset that we never seem to go anywhere.


the nfl fed mort bad info with deflategate, so the precedent has been set.

So what does the NFL gain by dragging it's leader through the mud and making him look like he was covering up a organization wide taping/communication/info stealing operation by the Patriots?

They gain nothing. It makes the Pats look bad. It makes Goodell look bad. It devalues the NFL brand, as it looks like the inmates rule the prison, and the prison warden will attempt to hide any issues from the outside.

I'm sure you want to pinpoint the timing or bad reporting by Mort, but what does anyone gain from this? If anyone is to gain, it's probably the NFL owners in the sense that it kills two birds with one stone (Goodell and Pats Cheating). I wouldn't be surprised if more criticism arises towards Goodell and his mishandling of various issues. I'm starting to think (and I could be way off) that internally the NFL owners are lining up Goodell for disposal.


If I were the Patriots I wouldn't give them Gatorade, I would give them Thirst-aid from the dollar store. It would be extra warm too.
So if you were a billionaire who owned the most exclusive and sought after toy amongst billionaires (an NFL team) you would fuck with visiting teams by giving them piss warm (which lets be fair, knowing you could honestly be filled with piss) knock off sports drinks?

That along with many other reasons is why you will probably never reach the elite status of thousandaire let alone billionaire.


Yea I can't believe the NFL and ESPN would rather this be the main talking point going into the season.

So ESPN should hold pieces/articles for when it's the best PR for the NFL?

& if they did what would you claim about them?

People wanted the NFL to go hard at the Pats but said they wouldn't cause they are in bed. Goodell did anyway and people now complain he shouldn't have.

People say ESPN is biased towards the NFL and or Pats. They write a damning article which makes both the NFL and the Pats look terrible and now you say they shouldn't have or waited until a better time?

So if you were a billionaire who owned the most exclusive and sought after toy amongst billionaires (an NFL team) you would fuck with visiting teams by giving them piss warm (which lets be fair, knowing you could honestly be filled with piss) knock off sports drinks?

That along with many other reasons is why you will probably never reach the elite status of thousandaire let alone billionaire.
tbh I wouldn't give them any drinks. Would give then cat piss if anything.


Is it though?

Made Goodell look incompetent more than anyone else.

Main writer is also a well respected investigative journalist, who went to school in Boston as well.

Nah brah. It's a conspiracy. NFL ordered ESPN to write this even though it makes Goodell and the NFL look terrible as payback for losing the deflategate case!

That's the only theory that makes sense! It's a conspiracy!


Joe Six-Pack: posting for the common man
Nah brah. It's a conspiracy. NFL ordered ESPN to write this even though it makes Goodell and the NFL look terrible as payback for losing the deflategate case!

That's the only theory that makes sense! It's a conspiracy!

shouldn't you be off somewhere crying about Tebow?

Also if you don't believe the NFL can "make suggestions" as to what ESPN puts out about the NFL you are blind. Bill Simmons anyone?
Hey Bionic what would it take for fans that went to those stolen SB games to file a class action lawsuit? I want my $3000 back dammit!


Hey Bionic what would it take for fans that went to those stolen SB games to file a class action lawsuit? I want my $3000 back dammit!
I could file one this afternoon if I wanted, but I think you would have issues finding a law firm to take this case.

In general a lawyer is going to look at 2 things when taking a case. Most importantly is there a chance of actually proving what is being alleged. I think in this case here we don't have evidence of match fixing or something illegal, just gross incompetence and you won't get any damages as a result of that. Goodall looked the other way for the team that got him the job, but is there something else there? So far I don't see it. I think he really is as stupid as he acts, I don't think there were any hookers, blow or money exchanged to give the Pats an advantage directly from the league. They were doing it on their own. The other thing lawyers look at is how much will I or could I get paid for taking this case.

If you were going to take on this case the lawyer is not going to do it on contingency, but on an hourly basis. I personally don't think you would get anywhere and the only people who would win would be the media (whatever came out of discovery on this would be gangbusters) and the law firm that takes this case, as they would stand to make millions upon millions to put forth a strong face and then get laughed out of court.

But hey its your money. If you can get 5,000 other people to put up a grand each and a promise of more to come you could easily find a lawyer to take this case.


Joe Six-Pack: posting for the common man
lol no. He is still complete and utter shit. Smooth, creamy shit. Shit named Axel is still shit.

Former shitty Browns QB now current Texans shitty QB

hey, how do you like my avatar? I haven't worn one in years.

Tom Penny

Lol all the teams so shook by the Pats they waste time on running fake plays and whatnot instead of trying to get better.
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