Okay, so why are you trying to juxtapose the two as if one prevented the other?
It's called being facetious, overstating a point, e.g. "the league is so hopeless it can't walk and chew gum at the same time." When humans say things like that, they're not making a bold statement that the league is exorbitantly invested in gum chewing... Rather, it's a point to say that the league has gross incompetence and is incapable of doing two things at once.
It was obvious at the end of the 2014 playoffs that the league had a major issue with officiating and the rulebook... Two playoff games were decided in a murkey fashion in a way that most fans either disagreed with or didn't understand. And yet, in the offseason, the league did not address those questions.
The officiating gripe that most fans have had for a decade, hell even going back to a labor dispute, still stands. I don't think that anybody defend that a league that rakes in billions in revenue cannot afford to pay ~100 referees a full time wage. Instead you have guys who are middle school teachers who moonlight on the weekend as NFL refs, spending as much time grading 8th grade math assignments as they do watching NFL tape and studying the rule book. The middle school math teacher thing is not being fasetious...
This guy was my 8th grade math teacher, and I ran into him at the bar last weekend on his week off.
They didn't fix the officiating because they were going after Brady!
I mean, they don't care about officiating!
Yes, the refs suck. Yes, it needs to be fixed. But going after Brady was not a waste of time, no matter how much you desperately want it to be.
Aside from the officiating points which I definitely agree with you on, going after Brady was obviously a huge waste of time for the league. They spent untold millions of dollars and hundreds of hours for something that ended up being tossed out of court. The only way it could be considered a good expenditure of time and money for
the league is if you think the league was conspiring to get ratings and news coverage from February to August, which, who knows, maybe that was their motive. I can't think of a single
positive thing that the league gained by it, other than maybe the "any news is good news" perspective.
Of course, I can see how it's a good expenditure of time and money for fans of other football teams on an internet forum, but for
the league, obviously it wasn't... They ended up with the same result after hundreds or thousands of wasted hours, terrible PR, and a major embarrassment, while the guy they were going after spent arguably a lot of time and money, but got out of being punished for his alleged crime.