Jenkins today talked about the defense being unable to ever be a top unit with the way they played offense. It's impossible to still believe in all tempo all the time. It killed them this year. You can't do it with a bad offense. Chip needed to adjust that and he never did
Jenkins also had some stuff over Thanksgiving about the team needing to be able to call out teammates in group meetings. Brandon Graham today echoed that saying he agreed with Jenkins about calling guys out on "effort". Pretty obvious that Murray and Maxwell were not adored. There were a few comments to reporters about Murray's slide vs Miami
It's funny because the Giants and the Patriots do a lot of the "hurry up" but unlike the Eagles they just line up really quick, they tend not to snap the ball until quite late. Still inhibits the defensive substitutions but their offenses let the QB read the defenses (in the Giants case often to their detriment, because while Eli is very good pre snap they're terribly predictable if they're 2nd/3rd and less than 5 and you keep the safeties up you can get Eli to audible to the run which is pretty much always the same fucking run from the shotgun) and dictate the actual pace.
The Eagles under Kelly, had this incessant need to actually snap the ball quickly often with 20 seconds on the clock.