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NFL 2015 Week 17 |OT| - A Fraud’s Road Ends


But what you're doing is justifying (note: not being used in a negative connotation here) why he quit. Injury. Pay. Not liking his boss. All well and good. But, the fact is you keep saying "committed" when you mean "good player." The direct opposite of commit is quit.
But he did exactly what you asked him of him for 15 straight games. At the last moment, when the game was out of hand, he erred on the side of self preservation.

I'm not saying that you aren't. But I try my best to remember that these are real people, who have goals, aspirations, feelings... They're human beings. I think a lot of fans lose sight of that and simply want these guys to fight to the death simply so we can win our FF matchup, or bragging rights for a week.

From a financial standpoint, if he had been injured in the waning moments of that game. The team would be that much more screwed heading into the next year. For what, would it have been worth it for the state of the team moving forward and his career?


Couldn't be more wrong. He played hurt all season coming back each time early and at times after a few plays only because he knew, hell everyone knew, there was no depth or hope without him.

Do I like that he pulled himself out? No but I don't question his toughness, commitment, or ability to play. I'd be fine moving on from him but only if there is a solid plan on place.

Eagles did something similar and stupid IMO when after the the last run at the NFCCG, they let both starting tackles go with no real plan or players to replace them. Same with Dawkins. Then when the following season the team was no where as good, they blamed McNabb and shipped him out too.

Hmm come to think of it that was all Howie's doing. Well I guess if he has his way a lot of the big money guys who can be cut will be cut.

I think the main issue is that Peter's back is a degenerative issue. That's not getting better. Every play he does he's doing more long term harm to himself. He's tough as hell, but I think he's gotta hang up the cleats and retire. It'd be best for both sides, and slide lane in there. Now basically that means you gotta replace 3/5 of the oline, plus depth, in the off-season which isn't easy. But this is a guaranteed rebuild anyway so that's ok. It'll be a rough couple of years but if we can grab some quality FA guards we should have a good base


You maybe right about the offensive line but I think Peters is an elite athlete who has another 2-3 years if he chooses to play. His health was only in question this year due to an injury early in camp he tried to play through all season. He was very healthy and elite the last 2 seasons.


With Peters, I don't think he can stay healthy. So to me, it's not creating another hole on the OL, it's fixing the spot before it's a problem again. He was dreadful, as you guys have mentioned, the last two games. With Kelce, I worry to what extent did Mathis and Herremans cover up for him? They could help him with big guys while he could excel at combo blocks and getting to the 2nd level and pulling


Belichick w/ support for Chip Kelly GM: "A lot of the players no longer on the Eagles aren't really doing too much for anybody else either."
This is odd b/c it's really really untrue, and Belichick is usually such an honest guy
This is odd b/c it's really really untrue, and Belichick is usually such an honest guy

Well, that seals the deal. When Josh McDaniels gets picked up as a HC somewhere this off-season, Chip Kelly going to become New England's new OC.

That said, It is partially true of most of the players to leave Philly in the last 3 years have not produced like they did in Philly. DeSean Jackson's production has gone down from 2013, Nick Foles was benched for um.. Case Keenum? LeSean McCoy has had a decent season, but his production is pretty steadily down from the last 2 years. Maclin has had a good season (especially for such a limp offense), but it's also less production than last year in Philly.

Still out of character for Bill who seems to only heap praise on the lowliest of players. But maybe he's also protecting Kelly.
Why do people keep saying this?

He wasn't run out of town as they were already on the moving vans and Art fired him after the move...
The struggle :/

Atleast ....
Josh Freeman and Ryan Lindley handled the "lion's share" of quarterback reps at Colts practice on Wednesday.

It sounds like Freeman and Lindley will wage an in-practice competition to start against the Titans, while Stephen Morris will serve as third string. The Colts signed Freeman off the street on Tuesday. The last time Freeman started a game after being with the team for a brief period occurred in 2013 with the Vikings. On Monday night against the Giants, Freeman proceeded to go 23-of-50 passing for 190 yards in one of the hardest-to-watch quarterback performances of all time.
Source: George Bremer on Twitter Dec 30 - 7:56 PM via: roto
Go Titans


How is it untrue?

Still weird coming from him. Guess he still has some of the analyst position left in him after all.

Even if you argue that Chip had nothing to do with letting DJax go, it still means he traded Shady for Kiko and let Maclin walk. Those guys are doing just fine. Letting go of Herremans, Mathis, Cary Williams and Boykin were good moves. But he still lost two impact players he didn't replace

fwiw I think Chip can certainly bounce back like Belichick did. I expect most of the Pats players would say he is an unapproachable asshole who doesn't listen to them, so BB may see a guy who is similar in philosophy.


Maybe he sees a little of himself without the success in chip. Like when he was ran out by the browns
How so? From all accounts that I've read, Bill is actually a personable guy when you get behind closed doors. He's 110% about success and quality football but ultimately a good guy to work with. That seems to be in stark contrast to Chip.
The struggle :/

The man started 5-0 and controlled the division before our wonderful former deceased owner decided to announce that he was moving the team.

Whenever people think he belongs in the Hall.. I want to remind them

A) even during his time, the NFL made money and his dumbass was always broke
B) the man fired two of the greatest coaches in NFL history.



How so? From all accounts that I've read, Bill is actually a personable guy when you get behind closed doors. He's 110% about success and quality football but ultimately a good guy to work with. That seems to be in stark contrast to Chip.

Moidell hated Belichick. Modell would try to talk to him during practice and Bill would tell him to go away, that he only did football stuff during practice. Modell felt BB bullied him into getting rid of Kosar, and that BB didn't keep him in the loop.


e: There's a funny story from Tony Grossi how he (Grossi) felt Belichick would never succeed b/c he couldn't get along with the media. He was sorta the first coach to treat the media like crap; now they all do


Ian Rapoport ‏@RapSheet 2m2 minutes ago
#Memphis QB Paxton Lynch will announce at a press conference this morning that he's entering @NFL draft, sources say. Potential top QB.

Poor kid.


Belichick was "disappointed" by Chip's firing and said that a lot of the guys he fired aren't really doing well on other teams.

He should know he picked up Bradley Fletcher only to cut him.

I think Bill is referring to players like Cary Williams, Fletcher, Trent Cole, and Todd Herremans.

Guys who were either good or decent but cut due to cap and age. Foles just sucks and was riding the wave of great weapons, a solid line, and new offensive the rest of the league hadn't caught upto.

Of course it's selective cause McCoy and DeSean are still at their peak and would have been great on the Eagles. I don't count Maclin cause Chip wanted him back but just was outbid. He wasn't "let go".
The man started 5-0 and controlled the division before our wonderful former deceased owner decided to announce that he was moving the team.

Whenever people think he belongs in the Hall.. I want to remind them

A) even during his time, the NFL made money and his dumbass was always broke
B) the man fired two of the greatest coaches in NFL history.


I think they started 3 - 1, their only early loss coming to none other than the Patriots. And I was at that game


Even if you argue that Chip had nothing to do with letting DJax go, it still means he traded Shady for Kiko and let Maclin walk. Those guys are doing just fine. Letting go of Herremans, Mathis, Cary Williams and Boykin were good moves. But he still lost two impact players he didn't replace

fwiw I think Chip can certainly bounce back like Belichick did. I expect most of the Pats players would say he is an unapproachable asshole who doesn't listen to them, so BB may see a guy who is similar in philosophy.

I just mean none are world beaters anyway. For all the crop he got, I don't think the team was dramatically impacted in any particular direction. Chip was near the end of his road anyways.


Moidell hated Belichick. Modell would try to talk to him during practice and Bill would tell him to go away, that he only did football stuff during practice. Modell felt BB bullied him into getting rid of Kosar, and that BB didn't keep him in the loop.


e: There's a funny story from Tony Grossi how he (Grossi) felt Belichick would never succeed b/c he couldn't get along with the media. He was sorta the first coach to treat the media like crap; now they all do

Bill and Chip sound a lot alike. Anyway I know most won't agree but I actually hate the way coaches treat the media. Dumb questions aside, if you have such an issue with talking to the media take it up with the league to have the access and rules changed. And if that doesn't work, leave and find something else to do.

I think Lurie even hinted at this yesterday. They went from Reid who was a player friendly coach but also a dick to the media to Chip who was a dick to all. Lurie wants someone who can be an excellent communicator to both. Good luck.

As a fan a lot of the information and knowledge of the game I gain is through certain reporters and insiders who I follow. At the end of the day they are doing their job and don't deserve to be treated like shit.


Mech you've been talking a lot of shit lately.

BG's fault.I try to be his friend Kave and he keeps insulting me. These negative comments are aimed at him and not you.

I appreciate the Browns and all they have done for the Texans. Hoyer and Weeden leading them into the playoffs was unfathomable.


I just mean none are world beaters anyway.
I'd argue that Shady and DJax were exactly that, in Chips system. Hell, they were that in Reids system. Not winning a ring doesn't invalidate they're skillset.

Hell, DJax having missed the season is still tied for, if not leading the league in YPC. His presence dramatically alters the way a defense defends the rest of the offense. Admittedly he isn't a "true number 1" but that doesn't negate what he brings to the table.

Moidell hated Belichick. Modell would try to talk to him during practice and Bill would tell him to go away, that he only did football stuff during practice.
Sounds like some stupid shit that Snyder would do.
MMQB ranked their top 10 HC candidates (Not including current college coaches)

1 Color of Money Jackson
2 Shawnn McDermott
3 Josh McDonalds
4 Doug Maroon
5 Adam's On The Gase
6 Terry Stone Cold Austin
7 Patricia Matthews
8 Gym Shorts
9 Son of Dick (Shula) - Seriously no bigger feather in Cam's MVP cap than the fact that this guy is getting buzz for taking over a football team
10 Tom Warner Cable
BG's fault.I try to be his friend Kave and he keeps insulting me. These negative comments are aimed at him and not you.

I appreciate the Browns and all they have done for the Texans. Hoyer and Weeden leading them into the playoffs was unfathomable.

The BG/Mech beef is one of the more underrated NFL-GAF subplots.
All these microaggressions, churlish.
Mech you've been talking a lot of shit lately.
Once a sloot always a sloot.


MMQB ranked their top 10 HC candidates (Not including current college coaches)

1 Color of Money Jackson
2 Shawnn McDermott
3 Josh McDonalds
4 Doug Maroon
5 Adam's On The Gase
6 Terry Stone Cold Austin
7 Patricia Matthews
8 Gym Shorts
9 Son of Dick (Shula) - Seriously no bigger feather in Cam's MVP cap than the fact that this guy is getting buzz for taking over a football team
10 Tom Warner Cable

No one really excites me on that list other than Gase or McDermott.

Why is Doug Marone so highly touted? Dude straight up quit on the Bills, thought he'd get hired somewhere else, and had to settle for a much lesser role on the Jags.
I think they started 3 - 1, their only early loss coming to none other than the Patriots. And I was at that game

It was something along those lines. I meant to say I think because I had forgotten. They had an excellent start to the season and boom move announced.

Mech you've been talking a lot of shit lately.

Lately? You mean always?

The BG/Mech beef is one of the more underrated NFL-GAF subplots.

It's the Jay-Z/Nas feud of our time..

I say that knowing nothing about hip-hop/rap.


For the first time in 15 years together the wife is making me go out for New Years Eve. To a 52 degree Galveston Island which will probably have a windchill in the mid 30's......

Moidell hated Belichick. Modell would try to talk to him during practice and Bill would tell him to go away, that he only did football stuff during practice. Modell felt BB bullied him into getting rid of Kosar, and that BB didn't keep him in the loop.


e: There's a funny story from Tony Grossi how he (Grossi) felt Belichick would never succeed b/c he couldn't get along with the media. He was sorta the first coach to treat the media like crap; now they all do

Fur sure. You can see this between Kraft and Belichick as well, but because BB has had 15 consecutive winning seasons, and 13 playoff appearances, Kraft is making a boat load of money on Belichick and doesn't care.

In the BB A Football Life, you can see Kraft coming down to the field to talk to Bill during practice or pregame, and everything from Bill is a 1 word answer... or something like "Yep. Looks that way." "Ok Bob."


For the first time in 15 years together the wife is making me go out for New Years Eve. To a 52 degree Galveston Island which will probably have a windchill in the mid 30's......

but you get to spend quality time with your wife!


Eeny Meenie Penis
For the first time in 15 years together the wife is making me go out for New Years Eve. To a 52 degree Galveston Island which will probably have a windchill in the mid 30's......


You should enjoy the place that brought Dega into the world.
Moidell hated Belichick. Modell would try to talk to him during practice and Bill would tell him to go away, that he only did football stuff during practice. Modell felt BB bullied him into getting rid of Kosar, and that BB didn't keep him in the loop.


e: There's a funny story from Tony Grossi how he (Grossi) felt Belichick would never succeed b/c he couldn't get along with the media. He was sorta the first coach to treat the media like crap; now they all do

Further proof that Art was such a bitch.
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