Sweeney Tom
You'll never see Stafford get a ring or make the Hall
Of all the people to mindlessly defend lmao
Of all the people to mindlessly defend lmao
I'm confident Freeman has gotten himself back into football shape.
You'll never see Stafford get a ring or make the Hall
Of all the people to mindlessly defend lmao
Interior crocodile alligator.
I drive a Chevrolet movie theater
You'll never see Stafford get a ring or make the Hall
Of all the people to mindlessly defend lmao
We were talking about Tebow..
Why the fuck would I give a fuck about Freeman or fucking Fatford.
Tebow has done more with his life and career in football than that man so please write Matthew the love letter and get back to talking about the man and legend Timmy Tebow.
Interior crocodile alligator.
I drive a Chevrolet movie theater
yuckStafford has several rings.
Or you could switch to this:
Damn she's a better RB than half the league. Even had the smarts to pass it off for the score.Female rugby...
Female rugby...
Rams haven't had a QB since Marc Bulger.
Interior crocodile alligator.
I drive a Chevrolet movie theater
Fisher won 8 games with Nick Foles and people want him fired.
Who wins more games with that roster??
Breadstream's giving away free Xbones! Watch the stream to find out how to get yours!!
Interior crocodile alligator.
I drive a Chevrolet movie theater
Breadstream's giving away free Xbones! Watch the stream to find out how to get yours!!
we only got to play RL once, Bread
I watched that video for three hours straight once.
breadon books is my favorite wide receiverCheck bread's books!!!
LA moving scenarios IMO:
- Oakland in LA, goes to NFC, San Francisco goes to AFC, San Diego stays in AFC
- San Diego in LA, goes to NFC, Seattle goes to AFC, Oakland stays in AFC
LA moving scenarios IMO:
- Oakland in LA, goes to NFC, San Francisco goes to AFC, San Diego stays in AFC
- San Diego in LA, goes to NFC, Seattle goes to AFC, Oakland stays in AFC
This will never happen, probably the dumbest thing I've read in awhile.
Why would anyone change divisions?
Browns fans got their wish. Word is Pettine is clearing out his desk and will be gone Monday.
Rex pls. Pls Rex. I'll buy you 22 foot models.
Why would anyone change divisions?
Don't think that scenario will happen but didn't Davis go on record saying he would move to the NFC if he had to approve a deal moving the raiders to LA?
They'll move the Chargers to the NFC and bring the Seachickens back to the AFC if it needs to be. You don't touch legacy teams like the Raiders or Niners.
I still can't understand what Shwartz got mad about.This gif is hilarious.
Now more so because this attitude is what got him fired.
I still can't understand what Shwartz got mad about.
Bionic was right about Over The Top. Always thought it was one of the mindless Stallone flicks but it's got some heart.
Yet you're still an animu
Watch Big Trouble in Little China
Probably watched it a dozen times already.
I watch it a dozen times a year