I thought you liked Rex?
Rando is a liar and he abuses Canadian cats.
Bionic was right about Over The Top. Always thought it was one of the mindless Stallone flicks but it's got some heart.
Over the top is awesome.
Watch Real Steel now. It's Rocky + Over the Top + Robots
Fuck everyone! except those of you that are great. You know who you are.
Oh I've seen that already. Another great surprise.
Thanks, Dega. That means a lot coming from you.
Fuck everyone! except those of you that are great. You know who you are.
Fuck everyone! except those of you that are great. You know who you are.
Dega loves me.
Are we taking about movies?
I rewatched Phantom Menace last night. That fucking racially insensitive Jar Jar bullshit--not to mention him being the worst character in SW history, and those alien federation dudes were clearly based off Asian people. As if that wasn't bad enough, the movie is a gigantic shit sandwich, hard to imagine that Attack of the Clones might be worse. I also watched Creed last week, at least that was great.
Fuck George Lucas.
Rando is a shirtless champion!!!
IMO, AOTC is much better. Still has a lot of the same problems, but I love a bunch of the scenes. Seismic charges, that urban chase scene, thefight, theFett-Kenobifight (don't think these spoilers really spoil anything, but whatever).Yoda-Dooku
TPM truly has nothing going for it.
Honestly, personally I enjoyed ROTS more than TFA, mainly because I expected little, and any problems it had were in line with what I expected. The problems I had with TFA weren't what I expected, which made the impact of the disappointment larger. Audio-visually, I actually much prefer a lot of the ROTS scenes.
Despite all his flaws, Lucas always made it feel like all his planets, characters and actions were connected to a bigger universe. Through transitions, establishing shots etc. All his planets had a clear identity. TFA feels like a "small" movie in comparison. Half of it looked like it could've been shot within half a mile of my house.
This is how I feel
(Yes, I feel in Venn Diagrams)
Different strokes...
Thought the action scenes were completely uninspired in TFA. I only remember a single one that was kinda fun.. The rest seemed mostly like a rehash without any defining moments-The escape through the that old crashed ship in the Falcon.
I mean, it's a fucking Star Wars film, and I much preferred the character moments to everything else. Something's definitely wrong there.
In his FXFL debut, Freeman completed 9 of 16 passes for just 32 yards and one touchdown pass -- and that's not even the bad part. Freeman also tossed an interception and fumbled five times.
http://espn.go.com/blog/san-diego-c...-weddle-runs-sprints-during-chargers-practiceEric Weddle wanted to make a statement.
Placed on season-ending, injured reserve earlier this week against his wishes, Weddle ran 50-yard sprints and did lateral slides on a side field while his teammates went through stretches at the start of Thursdays practice.
Weddle appeared to be running at full speed, and his effort drew comments from quarterback Philip Rivers watching while the rest of teammates stretched.
Rivers said on Wednesday he wished that Weddle had more time to show that he could get healthy before Sundays game.
I hate it that hes not going to be out there for his last one and finish this season with all of us, Rivers said. Thats definitely tough. You dont want to see it end that way for him.
Hes played through a lot of things over his career. And so I would have loved to see him have the chance to get to Friday or Saturday, and see if he could go. But that didnt happen because I think he would have done all he could to be out there with us one last time.
Chargers head coach Mike McCoy said the organization decided to place Weddle on injured reserve on Monday after a conversation with the teams medical staff, including head trainer James Collins, determining that Weddle could not make it back to the field healthy after reinjuring his groin.
Placing a healthy player on injured reserve is in violation of league rules.
We made the decision on what we thought was best for the football team this week, with what his injury was, what his diagnosis was and when we thought he could play again and be at full speed to help our team, McCoy said. Thats the decision we made.
McCoy said Weddles replacement, second-year pro Adrian Philips, had been in Weddles hip pocket ever since joining the team last season, learning daily from the veteran safety.
Along with placing Weddle on injured reserve, McCoy confirmed this week that the Chargers fined the 30-year-old safety $10,000 for violating team policy by not going into the locker room at halftime of the teams 30-14 win over the Miami Dolphins two weeks ago, choosing instead to watch his daughter perform in a halftime show with the teams cheerleaders.
An unrestricted free agent in 2016, Weddle is all but certain to be playing elsewhere next season. Weddle skipped voluntary workouts last offseason to show his displeasure with the Chargers unwillingness to sign him to a contract extension.
Weddle said he felt disrespected by the way the organization handled negotiations.
Its tough anytime a guy gets hurt, defensive coordinator John Pagano said. Its always a setback. But the thing is, these younger guys are getting better. Theyre playing more. Theyre playing together, and you see the things theyre doing, which is good because it always takes reps.
None of that really has anything to do with the effects though. Go back and look at the prequels. The overuse of green screen effects and 2001-era CGI is really, really apparent. It looks really bad now. The practical effects of TFA are going to age so much better. Prime example, Jar Jar versus Simon Pegg's GameStop employee.
Nerds kept harping on about watching The Clone Wars cartoon. It's so far the best thing about the prequels.
You can't have Oakland and San Diego both move to LA and keep them in the same conference. Especially if the plan is to have them share a Stadium like the Giants/Jets. A Conference re-alignment has to occur. Now if the Rams and the Chargers move to LA, you have no problem.
If Oakland moved to LA and changed Conferences, you'd also have to keep them on opposite conference sides of San Francisco since Oakland would probably retain TV rights for the Raiders. One would be on CBS, one on Fox.
The whole thing's probably going to be very messy.
Milch with another self ban?
Milch with another self ban?