how do titans fans feel about the current season? Someone said that it was similar to last season so far before. cant remember who it was
Torrey Smith burns his old team, lol
God forbid a dude have some idea of what he wants to do with his life after football.Landry Jones had to be talked into coming back to school his senior year by his wife and pastor. He wanted to quit and join the ministry. He's a different dude. He looks like that b/c that is how he is
I never liked that b/c it says that he wasn't committed to football. He can go be a pastor, but don't play football if you don't like it. Saw he talked up God in his presser. He'll do that about as much as Tebow
Just an FYI, Steelers fans
One of the receivers need to lay the boom on Jam.
Cam is terrible with these long pass decisions. Receiver had like 3 guys on him.
happy birthday man!
Happy birthday wienke. For your birthday, James Starks got you a massive touchdown run.
It's better to be frauds, then being so shitty no one ever thought you were frauds. Like my Jags.
God forbid a dude have some idea of what he wants to do with his life after football.
Russell played baseball. Is that a negative?
how do titans fans feel about the current season? Someone said that it was similar to last season so far before. cant remember who it was
What is the rule on tinted visors? Thought you had to have eye defects to wear them?
In 1998, the NFL changed their equipment regulations to included tinted visors on their banned player equipment list, primarily to promote uniformity among team uniforms and equipment. The NFL also enforces a no-play policy for equipment that does not meet the guidelines. Although collegiate players are immediately eligible to return to play after the equipment is fixed, NFL players must sit out an additional down upon fixing the equipment. NFL players may also be fined for failure to adhere to equipment regulations. Medical clearance may be obtained and a waiver applied for athletes that have a proven medical need for a specific visor type. All of these rules are explicitly stated in the NFL rulebook.
Seahawks gonna beat themselves today
You do need medical reason for it.
Why'd they draw caricatures of everyone else, but a normal drawing of Luck?