Hello to you too.
Let's get some Family Fun Zone tickets for jakncoke!
Breer is an obnoxious Pats and Buckeyes fan (are there any other kind?) but his notes column is pretty good
lol cubs arent winning this year you fucking dummy. only dipshit believes that is chicagocubsfan
Food and Drink Editor Nick Gollner: "The Coldplay of burgers."
Listen you drunken moron Vegas currently gives the Cubs the best odds to win the WS. So no, chicagocubsfan is not the only person who believes they will win the WS this year.
ye because vegas is right a lot you dipshit with tire armed born kids get fucked you midget
Haha aww. That is a weird combination isn't it?
Looks like shit
I can only see your responses but man thanks for making me crack up when I'm still at work!
Looks like shit
premise: im dumb because i think cubs still are cunts, vegas think they are winners and so does some dumbass from illinois.
ye because vegas is right a lot you dipshit with tire armed born kids get fucked you midget
What is this even supposed to mean you fucking piece of shit? You said no one thinks they can win, obviously that is wrong since people are betting them to win. No wonder you are such a pathetic fucking loser, you cant even follow such a simple discussion. Keep drinking yourself to death, the world will be a much better place once you succeed.
ye because vegas is right a lot you dipshit with tire armed born kids get fucked you midget
Between 2009 and 2014, every Nielsen market in the U.S. saw at least an average of nine of the Cowboys 16 games each season, by far the most in the league. Just about the only time the Cowboys arent dominating the airwaves is during bye weeks like this one.
While its safe to say the Cowboys rule the national broadcast scene, they are by no means the only team that we all see on a regular basis. Below are the 16 most televised teams in the NFL.5
Pretty cool look at which teams are shown in which markets. It's not so much who the team shown most often in any given market, it is who is shown the next most often.
I can't believe the Cubs were able to contend so early, I thought they were a year or two minimum from being legit... Basically all their farm talent ended up panning out. Gotta give chicagocubsfan props, he knew they'd be good sooner rather than later!!
Of course having Arrieta turn from complete shit on the Orioles to a bonafide stud helped it along, pretty lucky there!!
Omg Bg is poor AND ugly?? Drinking that Cuyahoga water has mutated him into having the body of Gary coleman, the face of Jayz, and the hairline of LeBron Jame.....
We gotta pray for my boy!!
fuck the bills and browns
I can't believe the Cubs were able to contend so early, I thought they were a year or two minimum from being legit... Basically all their farm talent ended up panning out. Gotta give chicagocubsfan props, he knew they'd be good sooner rather than later!!
Of course having Arrieta turn from complete shit on the Orioles to a bonafide stud helped it along, pretty lucky there!!
I can't believe the Cubs were able to contend so early, I thought they were a year or two minimum from being legit... Basically all their farm talent ended up panning out. Gotta give chicagocubsfan props, he knew they'd be good sooner rather than later!!
Of course having Arrieta turn from complete shit on the Orioles to a bonafide stud helped it along, pretty lucky there!!
Lol, you guys take life way too seriously...
Lol, you guys take life way too seriously...
If you all don't calm down by the count of squee I'll have to animu up the place. No one wins when that happens.
That's someones waifu.
probably wienke
If you all don't calm down by the count of squee I'll have to animu up the place. No one wins when that happens.
Lol, you guys take life way too seriously...
Lol Washington.Pretty cool look at which teams are shown in which markets. It's not so much who the team shown most often in any given market, it is who is shown the next most often.
bg is in college so he probably poor, idk about ugly, but he def looks thirsty enough to give a bag of doritos to a akron street for a blow and go
If you all don't calm down by the count of squee I'll have to animu up the place. No one wins when that happens.
Who is this "you guys" please don't lump me in this group.
Well to be fair, I've gotten review copies of her games and have reviewed them....but I'm more of a Rin kind of guy if I had to choose. Best songs of the series are Rin's.
Who is Rin?
Who is Rin?