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NFL 2016 Divisional Round |OT| - A Thread on NeoGAF.com.


Sean McVay has been hoping to bring former Broncos DC Wade Phillips with him wherever he lands. Phillips a prime candidate to land in LA.

Via Schefter

Smart move if it happens



The memes have arrived.


That throwing stick stunt of yours has boomeranged on us.
bunch of fucken shit stains, how easily the pat fans on this board seem to have forgotten about the whole trump thing...

I dont think this is fair. All of the Pats fan regulars here were really disturbed. I don't expect them to jump ship myself.
The guy who covers the charges was on the radio in Vegas just now said that the city basically sabotaged the deal because they believe that the NFL will move a team there within the next few years and supposably they hate Dean Spanos there and the city didn't want to deal with him anymore. He said the city didn't market the vote at all or run a real campaign to show people that it would not cost them anything.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
bunch of fucken shit stains, how easily the pat fans on this board seem to have forgotten about the whole trump thing...
Oh no, rich white people love Trump!

It is an issue around here. We have not forgotten. I'll be disgusted to see any team celebrate with that man, especially my favorite football team.
I dont think this is fair. All of the Pats fan regulars here were really disturbed. I don't expect them to jump ship myself.

Oh no, rich white people love Trump!

It is an issue around here. We have not forgotten. I'll be disgusted to see any team celebrate with that man, especially my favorite football team.

You'll have to excuse me I do have an already irrational (it's totally rational) hate for the pats, so I'll take any excuse to talk shit.

In lighter news, they announced our new D Coordinator

He was hired with the specific intent on taking over after Vance, I just hope the FO gives him some new talent to work with.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
Trump isn't a problem for Pats fans.

I mean, this is the team that only drafts black players if they have no other choice.

Edit: Them and whoever employs Chip, I mean.
There's a couple of other teams I look at when I think this team loves white boys. Ironically enough one of them is the Browns. Packers and Lions also.
The guy who covers the charges was on the radio in Vegas just now said that the city basically sabotaged the deal because they believe that the NFL will move a team there within the next few years and supposably they hate Dean Spanos there and the city didn't want to deal with him anymore. He said the city didn't market the vote at all or run a real campaign to show people that it would not cost them anything.

After the Raiders are settled, I have a hard time believing there will be any more relocation any time soon


Persecution Complex
Ohhhh boy:

Hey Dean Spanos, Get Out of My Town And Never Come Back

Dean Spanos and his family have screwed over San Diego for the last time. Barring some crazy turn of events, Spanos and his two idiot sons will take their football team away from “America’s Finest City.” They will head up the road to play second fiddle to the Rams in a town that doesn’t want them. The Spanos family will do that because, like spoiled children, they didn’t get exactly what they wanted in San Diego. I’ve loved the Chargers since I could breathe, but I have one thing to say to that family and their organization after how they’ve treated my city the past decade: Good riddance.

Exactly one year ago on this website I wrote a lengthy piece that explained why Dean Spanos was a liar. Nothing he has done in the intervening 12 months has changed my opinion of him. He’s a man who has repeatedly delivered gut punches to the city of my birth. San Diegans typically love everyone. After all, it’s hard to get upset when you reside in paradise. Despite that, I’ve lived in this city for two-thirds of my life and never met anyone with a nice thing to say about Dean Spanos. In San Diego, that’s truly remarkable. Now it’s time for him and his family to go and never come back.

So Dean, that house overlooking La Jolla Shores that you love to show off? Pack it up. If this city isn’t good enough for your football team, it shouldn’t be good enough to live in. Get the hell out, we don’t want you. You’re no longer welcome in the most welcoming city in the country. Move to LA with your team. Enjoy the traffic. Enjoy the inflated cost of living. Get a bad facelift and an awful tan so you can fit in with the rest of the Angelenos in their mid-60s.

Spanos is the same guy who chose the vile Mark Fabiani as his spokesman and adviser through the stadium negotiation process. Much of the narrative that “the Chargers and the city of San Diego just couldn’t make it work” came from Fabiani and Spanos. In reality, Spanos was the reason a deal wasn’t struck because he refused to actually negotiate. He wanted every concession to go in his favor and wanted the public to fork over a massive chunk of change as well.

The Chargers belong in San Diego, and a whole lot of people tried to do whatever they could to keep the team. In fact, there is a deal on the table right now (as there was last year) for a stadium in the Mission Valley area of town. It’s viable and could be agreed to in five minutes, but it’s not the deal Spanos championed. He wanted his own palace on the water downtown at nearly twice the cost, and wanted San Diegans to foot a huge portion of the bill. Guess what? We stood up to his demands and offered him an alternative. The result? Spanos is taking his ball and going to a new home.

Rather than compromise and wind up with his own stadium, Spanos is choosing to move to a city that doesn’t want him and be an errand boy for a man with America’s worst hairpiece outside of Trump Tower. Stan Kroenke will now essentially own Dean Spanos and the Chargers. Meanwhile, Spanos’ team will play the next two seasons at the StubHub Center in Carson. It’s a tiny venue that can seat a maximum of 30,000. Let me repeat that just to be clear: Rather than negotiating for his own stadium in his hometown, an NFL owner is choosing to move to an area where no one wants him in order play in a stadium with a smaller capacity than Eastern Michigan’s. This plan is utterly ridiculous.

Make no mistake, this move is purely about greed. Spanos sees Kroenke raking in cash in Los Angeles and thinks he can do the same thing. He’s in for a rude awakening.

If Spanos planned to sell the team, moving to Los Angeles would make sense. The team’s valuation will almost certainly rise when he takes it up Interstate 5. But he isn’t selling it, he’s said so publicly and privately for years. If he did, his inept sons would be out of their jobs.

Yes, the Spanos kids are as bad as their pop. John has been the team’s president of football operations since May 2015, and boy, has he done a bang-up job. The Chargers are 9-23 since he took over and he was also a key factor in the hiring of coach Mike McCoy and general manager Tom Telesco. Those decisions have done serious damage to the franchise. John-Boy’s main qualification for his job as a scout and the head of football operations? His last name.

John’s older brother A.G. (who I went to high school with) is equally incompetent. He was named the team’s president of business operations in May 2015 and, like his brother, he’s done a fantastic job of demolishing a once-proud franchise. A.G. is in charge of public relations and community relations. When an NFL team is in a city where no one likes them, they might want to reconsider what they’re doing from a “relations” perspective. To be perfectly honest, I have no idea what A.G. Spanos does on a daily basis because he sure isn’t doing his job. The pitch to get the city to vote for a new downtown stadium? Solid work kid, what’d that get, 43 percent? How about his work doing community outreach to help tie the team and the city together and get people to games? Yeah, that 80 percent capacity for the season was really fantastic.

Spanos has always cried poverty when it comes to why he can’t build his own football stadium. Never mind the fact that his family is worth $2.4 billion and could easily afford its own facility if it sold off some of the 96 percent of the Chargers it currently owns. Spanos could unload up to 45 percent of his ownership stake in the team and still call the shots. But no, that would take creative thinking, maneuvering and compromising, things of which he’s utterly incapable. Now here’s the coup de grâce: Spanos will have to fork over $650 million to the NFL’s other owners just for the right to move his team to LA, but he balked at spending that much of his own money to get his own stadium done in Mission Valley. You can’t make this stuff up, folks.


Much more at the link. Growing up an NFL fan in L.A. when there were no teams I always wanted the NFL to return to the city in some capacity despite my Lions fanhood.

Dean Spanos robbed the city of San Diego their Chargers and it really sucks for the fans of the Chargers. The owners actions are going to make it almost impossible to root for the Chargers even though they have a really exciting roster.

I hope they somehow flame out in Los Angeles. It's a trip that the Chargers are playing in the same stadium my high school won a California State Soccer Championship in.


Lol that's amazing

Here's the news article that headline was referring to:


David Ribera started the line at 10.30 p.m. Wednesday night hoping to put his name down for the Switch and buy a NES Classic. He'd been outside the store all night.

Robert Arthur, a gamer since he "was in diapers", had been waiting since 6 a.m. for the doors to open.

"Hopefully I'll be able to reserve the Switch earlier than everyone else, see a presentation and then just relax until March," he said. The new console is not due to launch until then.

As the clock struck 9 a.m. the growing line was met with an anticlimactic moment as the store clerk unlocked the door and fans were advised they had no NES Classics to sell and presales for the Switch didn't open until the following morning.

Ribera was defiant. "I'm not going nowhere," he said.

He planned to wait overnight again for the Switch preorders Friday morning.

Meanwhile staff in the Nintendo store said they had "no idea" why there was a line outside the store this morning.
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