Zvonimir Boban
Could someone please tell me how the fuck you run the ball on All-Madden?
You take out DeMarco Murray
Listen to Dutch, stop wasting your time with that fake biatch and get Latavius, the one true Murray.

smh at Ramses Barden not bothering to block anybody on that play, what a lazy twat.
This is my first experience with current-gen Madden since I only picked up 16 recently. Last Madden I got was 25 on PS3 a few years ago and I was pretty comfortable on All-Madden but this is something else. Run and pass defence is kicking my arse.
I do like the gameplay though. Best playing Madden ever, in my experience.
Like Brentech said, you've got to learn to keep off the sprint button and mess around with the different plays in practice mode until you find a couple of running plays you're comfortable with. I run a lot of inside zone this year and I think it works really well, outside zone/stretch runs never work for me and read/option is nerfed to the point of uselessness. A lot of the guys in our league have success with toss plays but I play entirely out of pistol/shotgun so can't comment on those.
I would suggest going into practice mode, picking one run play and repping it over and over until you decide whether you like it or not, then moving onto the next one and repeating the process. You just need to find two or three run plays that you're comfortable with and stick with those. If all you like is trap and quick toss then fuck it, find a playbook with traps and quick tosses out of a bunch of different formations and ignore everything else.