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NFL 2016 Offseason Thread |OT2| No Country for Old Members

It's where we're moving. Sony just seems to be further along than Microsoft does on the hardware front right now (that we know of).

I know. I think it's a great thing. We'll see more at E3 for sure but I bet the Microsoft and Sony are pretty much at the same spot. Sony is just leaky as fuck.
They're both Kat Dennings hot
Speaking of Kat Dennings. I was surfacing through TV the other day and saw like 5 mins of two broke girls. WTF was that? That seemed terrible and disrespectful to every one involved, especially the viewers.

Wienke thank you for your post that allowed me to comment on Two Broke Girls, much appreciated. I've been waiting for the right opportunity for weeks!




Right, this hobby always had a pay to play aspect...especially in the last decade or so when every year flat screens were getting cheaper, bigger, and better. Sound systems too are a serious investment if you're looking for the best audio.

You want the hottest shit?

You have to pay for it.

That's what it amounts to. This is no different. The PS4 is perfectly viable as a gaming machine as it is right now. You want that boost in resolution and fps, and maybe some exclusivity? Pony up.

They have to get the refresh rate right, probably 3-5 years. Also they need to get the architecture right so that BC works from what they currently have to the latest iteration, which X86 should allow them to do.
Speaking of Kat Dennings. I was surfacing through TV the other day and saw like 5 mins of two broke girls. WTF was that? That seemed terrible and disrespectful to every one involved, especially the viewers.

Wienke thank you for your post that allowed me to comment on Two Broke Girls, much appreciated. I've been waiting for the right opportunity for weeks!
The point of two broke girls is to ogle the leads.


Deandre Levy, LB-DET, continues his awesomeness with a letter to the Detroit Free Press about his worries about potentially already having CTE. Typically I'd only quote three paragraphs or so, but this deserves a full read.

Deandre Levy via the Detroit Free Press said:
"Being sidelined last year gave me a little different perspective, as opposed to when I'm playing. I get locked in and tune everything else out in the midst of the season. The last thing I want to think about while preparing or playing in a game is potential brain damage. This last year, I had a lot of hours in the training room and realized how normal injury is to us, as football players. I think about how we're almost numb to it because it's a part of the job. I became numb to the fact that CTE could be present in me. Like maybe my head buzzing a day after a game isn't normal. Maybe the emotional highs and lows of a football game/season and beyond aren’t normal. Maybe when I forget something, there's more to it than just forgetfulness. Disconnected thoughts, at times, might be a part of it. I know of and have heard many players talk about these same issues and if they relate to CTE.

"I think we, as players, have to acknowledge it and talk about it in a real way and demand answers. And talk about it now. I've heard people say they wouldn't let their kids play football; that says a lot about what current players think and feel about the safety of football. Compensation isn’t an excuse to hide or downplay the facts. We need to know the risks and the rewards. This is an area in which the league has failed its players. Not only never talking about the risks, but some people going a step further to deny and cover it up. It’s imperative to help make players, current and future, more aware of all of the challenges they may face as a result of the choice to play football. We need to have the opportunity to really understand what each other may be going through. It's scary to think I may have CTE.

"I'm going to pull a Jim Caldwell and drop a quote that resonates with me: 'Silence is an action.' That's why I feel the need to say something. If I say nothing, I'm condoning the misinformation that’s spreading. While the research of medical experts and doctors tells us there potentially is a direct link between football and CTE, voices continue to emerge telling us otherwise. And you have to question why. What IS the harm in being transparent about the depth of risks that accompany this sport?

"The only voices we have on the subject are the league, which, unfortunately, has shown it can't be trusted. So far, we’ve had a rheumatologist with questionable credentials telling us that there is no link between concussions and CTE, and aided in covering it up, yet is still employed by the NFL. I felt my initial questions about Elliot Pellman were fair, and every employee, fan and potential NFL player has the right to know the answer. They're still covering it up (not reporting 100 concussions, and, as of today, asking the New York Times to retract the story), and I have to question what else we will find out, years from now, that they are concealing. You can't move forward past this issue if the main culprit is still on payroll. I'm sure, if they fire him, he'll have a lot more to share about everything that went on. We just recently learned about them omitting 100 concussions as an attempt to downplay the dangers once again. I’m not asking for this game to be any less dangerous nor risky, I’m asking for there to be transparency about those risks and allow people to make their own, informed decisions. As I’ve stated before, I’m choosing to continue to play in spite of CTE or any other post-football health issue that may arise. But that choice doesn’t justify continued denial and deflection of this issue when we now know better and have the opportunity to do better.

"It’s unacceptable to prioritize the marketability and profitability of football over the real health risks associated with it. There have been scores of retired players coming forward with health issues, whether they’re related to CTE or not. We’ve found CTE in the brains of too many players upon their death. How can anyone, especially a team owner that has employed hundreds of players over the years, deny a link? It's true, we don't know a lot about this, but are they doing much to find answers? Are we going to continue to ignore even the slightest possibility that this is real? If players, your greatest asset, mattered, why would you not want to learn more?

"Players make billions for the league; wouldn’t learning more preserve the longevity of the game? It seems they’re operating in a fear that if the real consequences are known, the sport will be in danger. The major danger is failing to be transparent. Are players’ lives not in danger by covering up vital information? People love this game, and it’s important to U.S. culture. Why wouldn’t they invest in the well-being of the players to keep the game alive? They have endless resources to really be at the forefront of this, but instead, they just continue to question the validity of medical professionals and experts in the field. I'm no expert and neither are the owners. We have experts informing us, yet they continue to be ignored. ... We have doctors and researchers who dedicate their lives to learning about the brain saying that football and CTE are connected. But they ignore that and claim they're not so sure. We're not sure; let's further the research so we can be sure.

"I question whether the timing of Irsay's and Jerry Jones' comments indicate that this was discussed at the NFL owners meeting this month. Were they speaking for the whole or just themselves? My main problem with Irsay’s comments is that this isn't an opinion-based issue … it's medical experts stating facts.

"Training and rehab is going great. I have been doing everything in the weight room since a few weeks after the season ended. Last thing I have to do still is actually play football."

Levy, in a follow-up email, explained more about why he continues to play football. He's expected back at full strength this fall, and Caldwell said last week that that he does not anticipate any drop-off in Levy's Pro Bowl-caliber play.

"I guess the same reason I'd climb on top of an airplane and ride it. I know the risks of camping in the Amazon almost 5 hours away from any town, city or hospital. Maybe I like the chance of beating the odds. Maybe I'm still in denial, thinking that the worst can't happen to me.

"A better answer, though, is that these are relatively new revelations for me. I feel like I put all this time and effort in, and I'd be stopping short and not walking away with what I earned. Not necessarily for me, but for my family. I'm in Year 8, so, to an extent, I'm closer to finishing what I started officially 23 years ago. I've put in a lot of hours, going back to the beginning of high school, when I really decided to go for this. Dreaming of it since little league -- long before I knew anything about concussions or the long-lasting effects of the collisions. Like, my damage potentially already is done. If so, I might as well secure comfort for my family so I leave with more than just a beat-up body. If I were at the beginning of my career, it's more likely that I'd be in Bhutan or somewhere already. I really do love the competition and the challenges that football provides. At this point, it's about making sure that anyone playing across all levels know the risks so that their decision isn't based on one-sided misinformation being provided by the league."

Goro Majima

Kitty Genovese Member
Speaking of Kat Dennings. I was surfacing through TV the other day and saw like 5 mins of two broke girls. WTF was that? That seemed terrible and disrespectful to every one involved, especially the viewers.

Wienke thank you for your post that allowed me to comment on Two Broke Girls, much appreciated. I've been waiting for the right opportunity for weeks!

2 Broke Girls is not funny and I don't know who is watching it other than the fact that the two chicks are hot. I've tried several times to like it but I just don't get it. I think the cheesiest sitcoms like Fuller House are funny and so is horrid comedy like Always Sunny.

Am I missing something? Because I'm not getting it!

That's only insane to people that haven't been PC gaming for years

And people who don't buy new iphones every two years. Or ipads. Or an assorted array of other electronic and consumer devices.

Consoles have largely been sheltered from this but if consoles going forward remain fully backwards compatible using the PS4 as a starting point, then the 7th gen is going to be the odd one out historically speaking. All prior generations simply weren't that long.

The point of two broke girls is to ogle the leads.

Okay so maybe I do get it?
And people who don't buy new iphones every two years. Or ipads. Or an assorted array of other electronic and consumer devices.
Agreed 100%.

I'll say again - I think this new PS4 will be a boutique item at best. Anyone thinking that Sony is going to abandon what will likely be a 45-50 million userbase is out of their damned minds. The same games will release on the PS4 that release on the PS4K - the differences will be resolution and some fidelity enhancements. It also provides Sony another opportunity use the Playstation name to trojan horse 4K Blu-Ray into homes which they did successfully with Blu-Ray and PS3. The market will choose whether another $400-$500 console is viable with that feature set or not.


So who's had LASIK? My eyes have stabilized and thinking about doing it now.

I had it over 11 years ago. Some of the best money I've ever spent. Only now is my vision starting to slightly change and it hasn't changed to the point where I require glasses yet.

This PS4K stuff seems pretty ridiculous.

I would be incredibly pissed off if I had just purchased a PS4 within the past 6 or so months.

This would be me with the added bonus that I got a 4k tv around the same time. I'm going to be pissed if there's not some sort of trade-in program. I would pay an extra $100 or so on top of a trade-in for it mainly to have UHD blu ray playback capability.


This would be me with the added bonus that I got a 4k tv around the same time. I'm going to be pissed if there's not some sort of trade-in program. I would pay an extra $100 or so on top of a trade-in for it mainly to have UHD blu ray playback capability.

I wouldn't be surprised if there isn't a trade in program.

They'll let the retailers handle that like it's done now.

Goro Majima

Kitty Genovese Member
Agreed 100%.

I'll say again - I think this new PS4 will be a boutique item at best. Anyone thinking that Sony is going to abandon what will likely be a 45-50 million userbase is out of their damned minds. The same games will release on the PS4 that release on the PS4K - the differences will be resolution and some fidelity enhancements. It also provides Sony another opportunity use the Playstation name to trojan horse 4K Blu-Ray into homes which they did successfully with Blu-Ray and PS3. The market will choose whether another $400-$500 console is viable with that feature set or not.

Yeah I don't see them going crazy with it realistically. Maybe a simple toggle in games either on or off for improved graphics, physics, etc.

Plus they get to keep a "premium" product out there for a higher price while dropping a "basic" PS4 down to a more mass market price without diluting the brand too much.
Yeah, that's exactly what I said Deacon. Exactly.

I mean we can do extremes and one sentence zingers all day if you want.;)
That's certainly what you were implying. The Hardcore type you were describing? Sony would be lucky if that were even 10 percent of ps4s current user base.

This whole upgrade cycle thing is for one group and one group only- power users. Those that want bleeding edge and aren't afraid to pay for it. Sony knows that console gaming is working itself into a highly specialized niche and wants to juice them for all their worth.
That's certainly what you were implying.
I was implying overlap. Hence my use of the word. Nothing more.

This whole upgrade cycle thing is for one group and one group only- power users. Those that want bleeding edge and aren't afraid to pay for it. Sony knows that console gaming is working itself into a highly specialized niche and wants to juice them for ask their worth.
Agreed. As I already mentioned - its a boutique item at best. Perhaps that 10% of the user base is exactly what they are targeting as a first salvo in moving consoles towards a more iterative hardware model? I can't say that with any certainty of course but it's up to the market to decide whether that's viable notion or not. If it fails miserably.....

Not sure I get the FUD surrounding its release though. If its not of interest - then don't buy it. No harm no foul. It's laughable to believe that Sony is going to somehow abandon a user base the size of the current PS4 market. Much less what that user base will be by the time PS4K releases.

Extra heat? That's a no go friend,
Certainly an issue I hadn't thought of.:/

Tom Penny

That's certainly what you were implying. The Hardcore type you were describing? Sony would be lucky if that were even 10 percent of ps4s current user base.

This whole upgrade cycle thing is for one group and one group only- power users. Those that want bleeding edge and aren't afraid to pay for it. Sony knows that console gaming is working itself into a highly specialized niche and wants to juice them for all their worth.

PS4 sold more than X360 and PS3 combined in the same time frame. If anything it got less nichier...


I'll just trade in my old ps4 and get a new one

Getting a PS4k

I'll take 1 PS4k and a PSVR please.

These posts aren't reactionary enough....will not read again.

God help us. This is such horseshit. Looks like I'll just wait till the end of Gens and buy up the exclusives I missed out on for cheap and just stick to PC gaming for everything else. Might even cancel my PSVR preorder as well. I don't like this at all.

Fuck this bullshit. If this is true, I'm selling my PS4 and going to slowly invest in PC gaming.

Fucking disrespect! Shame on you Sony! There are almost 40 millions owners out in the wild, so please hold this fucking shit to release in 4 years at least.

I just can't believe there are people who support this nonsense.

Take lessons from these folks...this is how to react properly, will read again.

My man! Online play can be fun when I'm playing with y'all but outside that I don't really give a fuck anymore.

I kind of did enjoy Blur online, but only as long as I muted all the idiots that were playing. People yelling, cursing, listening to shitty music, babies crying in the background, good god, I weep for humanity sometimes. Oh, and the quitters and cheaters, can't decide which are worse. Online gaming can be such a cesspool.

Why do you post a picture of the Dolphins' failure and underachievement?

Because I wouldn't be wearing this avatar had they not, ya know, balked in the face of expectations. But fret not NotTrejo, I only place 25% of the blame on the Dolphins. The rest goes to the Jets, Bills, and failed American criminal justice system.
Why do you post a picture of the Dolphins' failure and underachievement?

Because I wouldn't be wearing this avatar had they not, ya know, balked in the face of expectations. But fret not NotTrejo, I only place 25% of the blame on the Dolphins. The rest goes to the Jets, Bills, and failed American criminal justice system.

Failure? Sure...underachievement? We imploded exactly like I thought we would, if anything it was more spectacular than what I thought and uhh we kept the pats out of home field, I think we deserve at least 40% of the blame.

They told me the contents of the call were confidential. I can not say one way or the other!

Ah....gotcha ;)

So long pats and their fans!
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