Moments when I feel old for 600 Alex.
Floyd is PeteI'm Don Draper of Ohio.
Floyd is Pete
All that will be left is an LLoy pls -_- Get with the times... For this you'll keep losing more and more letters from your name
I don't understand.Your looks different.
Flo.Loy pls -_- Get with the times... For this you'll keep losing more and more letters from your name
Trap phoneI got 2 phones
Trap phone
You'll creeping me out, don't make bring out the animu.
All that will be left is an L
thanks grampa simpson"dat boi" are too damn lazy to spell boy correctly? Why not also just say "that"?
And that isn't a boy, it's a damn frog.
thanks grampa simpson
Mechanical pls"dat boi" are too damn lazy to spell boy correctly? Why not also just say "that"?
And that isn't a boy, it's a damn frog.
I'm a mix of Dennis Feinstein and Lord Covington.
Gata is Oren.
Mech is Craig.
Wienku is Ethel Beavers.
Line_JNA is Kyle.
Xia is this guy:
Lmao mech. Settle down mechanical, we them boys. Boi.
Id like you to Cease and Desist ✋ on the Braxton fandom. Thanks.Braxton Miller has his BOB'isms down. "Best teammate I can be"
Seriously though, love the way he carries himself in interviews.
Your hair is UGGGLY AS FUUUCK, HoGhost.
that feeling when playing overwatch with NFL-GAF and they keep making bucs jokes every time we lose
The bucs are trashthat feeling when playing overwatch with NFL-GAF and they keep making bucs jokes every time we lose
that feeling when playing overwatch with NFL-GAF and they keep making bucs jokes every time we lose
But Rando.. I get all my pop culture news from GAF.. I don't know any better.Loy pls -_- Get with the times... For this you'll keep losing more and more letters from your name
Never seen Mad MenFloyd is Pete
Damn..All that will be left is an L
It's kinda like Dobby from Harry Potter, you give him clothes he's free. You give Floy the D who knows what'll happen.
May it be the same for the Eagles..Cleveland's new mascot
that feeling when playing overwatch with NFL-GAF and they keep making bucs jokes every time we lose
that feeling when playing overwatch with NFL-GAF and they keep making bucs jokes every time we lose
AND NOW OLLIE GOTS TO GO HOOOOMES ahahaha he actually got got, gooooot DAM!! *sweating
Jalen? Well he is a Jag, so that makes sense.Gata is the Ramsay of NFL GAF
Defend our honor
Gata is the Ramsay of NFL GAF
Waking up at 5 am without an alarm clock now.
Am I an old? :-(