You know that all the dutchies now pretend soccer doesn´t exist, and that there´s only Formula 1?
Of course Dutch has a Dutchland flag.
Less than a month til Euro.
Does everyone have their Deutschland flags ready?
I know Dutch does!
Their love of Germany transcends their hate of soccer.
Hup Duitsland Hup
Blops was so easy, I remember having multiple 50-0 games in my friend's dorm.Omg
Now I wish I was a Boner to play with you guys.
I Absolutely dominated in Blops 1. Me and my boys had a 500 game win streak at some point.
It's that UCLA in him. They create winners over there in basketballHappy for cdy's boy Russ Westbrook. Dude takes a lot of shit, but he's got heart. I'd take him over Harden any day
ewwUntil Kave or BG fall into despair this thread is now the Pet Appreciation Thread + Stafford Stuff.
hmmThey enjoy belly rubs....
Seahawks DE Michael Bennett on 710 ESPN Seattle:
"I listened to Sam Bradford again. I just almost threw up. I can't believe Sam Bradford is complaining about making $40 million in the next two years, and because he actually has to compete for a position. This guy... this guy right here definitely sets a bad tone of what a player should be. If I was his teammate, how can you play with a guy that doesn't want to compete at a high level and feels like his position should be solidified without even putting up the stats or the wins to back that up?"
In today's Andrew Luck news, the quarterback wishes to buy a robot ping pong ball returner once he gets his new contract. It's not a skill decision but instead, Luck simply has problems finding people who want to hang out and play ping pong with him at times.
He also does not want to watch the latest season of Game of Thrones and is instead waiting for the next book in the series, which is scheduled to be released about two years after he is traded to the Denver Broncos.
Describe Sam Bradford in one word.
at least their beer will be cheap
Describe Sam Bradford in one word.
It's that UCLA in him. They create winners over there in basketball
MediocreDescribe Sam Bradford in one word.
Describe Sam Bradford in one word.
Describe Sam Bradford in one word.
Lol what a moron this guy is. It is amazing that he outs himself for being to stupid to understand such a simple situation.Seahawks DE Michael Bennett on 710 ESPN Seattle:
"I listened to Sam Bradford again. I just almost threw up. I can't believe Sam Bradford is complaining about making $40 million in the next two years, and because he actually has to compete for a position. This guy... this guy right here definitely sets a bad tone of what a player should be. If I was his teammate, how can you play with a guy that doesn't want to compete at a high level and feels like his position should be solidified without even putting up the stats or the wins to back that up?"
employed?Describe Sam Bradford in one word.
Describe Sam Bradford in one word.
Seahawks DE Michael Bennett on 710 ESPN Seattle:
"I listened to Sam Bradford again. I just almost threw up. I can't believe Sam Bradford is complaining about making $40 million in the next two years, and because he actually has to compete for a position. This guy... this guy right here definitely sets a bad tone of what a player should be. If I was his teammate, how can you play with a guy that doesn't want to compete at a high level and feels like his position should be solidified without even putting up the stats or the wins to back that up?"
Lol what a moron this guy is. It is amazing that he outs himself for being to stupid to understand such a simple situation.
One word to describe Sam would be aggrieved.
Ian Rapoport @RapSheet
Sam Bradford: "When I found out about the trade, I was frustrated, I needed time. I'm not sure my headed would've been here those 2 wks."
Dave Zangaro @DZangaroCSN
Sam Bradford said it was Tom Condon's idea to request trade. Said he trusts Condon and will always follow his advice. #Eagles
Ian Rapoport @RapSheet
Bradford: "My agent thought that (requesting the trade) was the best option & after those 2 wks, we realized this was the best place to be."
Dave Zangaro @DZangaroCSN
"I get it. They have every right to be frustrated." Bradford on fans. Said he knows it's not pretty out there right now among fanbase
What does race have to do with this at all?Basically what everyone has been saying... since draft day.
Bruh even half of the Philly fanbase don't believe in what you say anymore! No one is left in Bradford's corner. Unless you a racist!
Describe nfl gaf in one word
Describe nfl gaf in one word
insularDescribe nfl gaf in one word
Someone is jelly he doesn't make as much as BradfordSeahawks DE Michael Bennett on 710 ESPN Seattle:
"I listened to Sam Bradford again. I just almost threw up. I can't believe Sam Bradford is complaining about making $40 million in the next two years, and because he actually has to compete for a position. This guy... this guy right here definitely sets a bad tone of what a player should be. If I was his teammate, how can you play with a guy that doesn't want to compete at a high level and feels like his position should be solidified without even putting up the stats or the wins to back that up?"
Describe nfl gaf in one word
Euro 2016 less than a month away, get to read up on who's gonna win, who's got no shot, who's the dark horse, i will ignore mini camp nonsense...This is the worst part of the post draft season. When beat writers are jerking off some camp guy that you know won't make it past first cuts.