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NFL 2016 Week 10 |OT| - The Dream is Dead.

Goro Majima

Kitty Genovese Member
It's over for small towns. Shy of artificially propping them up with free money there's no stimulus or manufacturing job that will make them self sustaining again. That America is dead.

Bernie was their best hope honestly.

I emphatically believe he would have beaten Trump since Sanders wouldn't have ever lost the rust belt while keeping the obvious Democratic states.

Did Trump promise a return of American manufacturing? I'll be honest I didnt follow the election coverage because I thought it was literally impossible for anyone to lose to Trump. So I have no clue what any of his actual stance is outside of the crazy statememts he made that has gone viral.

Yes via trade deals or trade war.


This is bullshit.

Life has been progressively getting worse in small towns for the past 60 years. Those towns are dying for a reason.

I grew up in small towns and shit was depressed in the 70s, 80s, 90s, etc. If you want to say they were ignored that is one thing but this fantasy that small towns got significantly worse in the past 8 years now is just fantasy. .


Milk John tweeted this earlier and I thought it was fascinating about why a lot of people acted against their own economic interest. It's a really good read
Did Trump promise a return of American manufacturing? I'll be honest I didnt follow the election coverage because I thought it was literally impossible for anyone to lose to Trump. So I have no clue what any of his actual stance is outside of the crazy statememts he made that has gone viral.

I'm pretty sure he didn't. It was mostly just babbling about how terrible everyone but him was.

There was a message bandied about (mostly by rural whites) 'I want the country to go back to what it used to be" That was partly a dog whistle for racists, but I suspect it's also about propping up those small towns that thrived decades ago, when manufacturing was still important in America. Those people are in for a very rude awakening.

CDY. Adam didn't post much here but I think he deleted his account
This is wild...


Way to early to draw any conclusions, but 2016 Saints first round draft pick Sheldon Rankins looked completely lost in his first game. A few plays just getting completely abused by the 49ers o-line looking like a pinball.

He got good reviews in training camp before he broke his leg. It is just good to see him back and on the field so he can learn.
So just to make sure, that Chargers stadium measure got completely defeated last night?


A ballot measure in San Diego that would have raised hotel taxes to pay for a new Chargers stadium came up far short of the required two-thirds vote Tuesday, leaving the team with an uncertain future in the city.

Measure C, as the initiative was known, would have allowed city officials to raise hotel-room taxes from 12.5 percent to 16.5 percent and use that revenue to pay for a new downtown stadium and convention-center annex next to Petco Park, where the Padres play baseball. But the measure received support from only 41 percent of local voters, according to the San Diego Union-Tribune’s last count, well below the 66.7 percent needed for passage.


Oh Adam was the person with the HRC avatar with the rainbow palette I believe.

Goro Majima

Kitty Genovese Member
After all this shit

We're still gonna see Cowboys-Patriots in the Super Bowl too

Truly a perfect matchup for the future apocalypse

Gonna be played with Trump as president too!


Fear of a GAF Planet
Chris Bradford ‏@BCTBradford 19s20 seconds ago Georgia, USA

Steelers-Browns on Nov. 11 will remain at 1 p.m. Go figure, won't be flexed into prime-time.

e -

Chris Bradford ‏@BCTBradford 10s11 seconds ago Georgia, USA

RE: last tweet. That's Week 11 on Nov. 20.
After all this shit

We're still gonna see Cowboys-Patriots in the Super Bowl too

Truly a perfect matchup for the future apocalypse

Gonna be played with Trump as president too!

Hoodie and Bitch Brady going to win the Super Bowl, then go to the White House and kiss Trump's ass
I'm pretty sure he didn't. It was mostly just babbling about how terrible everyone but him was.

There was a message bandied about (mostly by rural whites) 'I want the country to go back to what it used to be" That was partly a dog whistle for racists, but I suspect it's also about propping up those small towns that thrived decades ago, when manufacturing was still important in America. Those people are in for a very rude awakening.

"When I'm president, guess what? Steel is coming back to Pittsburgh!" Trump said to cheers at an April rally.



"I will bring jobs back from China. I will bring jobs back from Japan. I will bring jobs back from Mexico," he said in last week's Republican debate. "I'm going to bring jobs back and I'll start bringing them back very fast."


He's absolutely done so. On multiple occasions.
Hoodie and Bitch Brady going to win the Super Bowl, then go to the White House and kiss Trump's ass

Nawh it's good man. Bill just said that the letter was just as a sign of friendship and was not politically motivated, since "everybody who speaks to him for more than 5 minutes knows he's not a political person and since Kerry visited last week". Then when asked about it again he just repeated the words "Seattle, Seattle, Seattle" since he doesn't want this to be a distraction.


If you don't want your "totally non-political" love letter in support of the most controversial presidential candidate of all time to be a distraction, maybe DON'T FUCKING WRITE IT.
"When I'm president, guess what? Steel is coming back to Pittsburgh!" Trump said to cheers at an April rally.



"I will bring jobs back from China. I will bring jobs back from Japan. I will bring jobs back from Mexico," he said in last week's Republican debate. "I'm going to bring jobs back and I'll start bringing them back very fast."


He's absolutely done so. On multiple occasions.

How he's actually going to do this in the real world without ruining the economy and the environment, he left out of the speech because fuck does he know.


Laborers get killed by technology, progress and capitalism.

I do personal injury for a living and there are a lot of accidents at these places and I can see first hand the increases in efficiency in almost any manufacturing job. This is an exaggeration but what took 100 people to do in the 40s took 50 people to do in the 70s and 5 people to do today. Those 5 people get compensated more than the people before them because they are more skilled and do more work, but that doesn't account for the lost of the 95 unskilled jobs. This is not just limited to manufacturing either, increased productivity is evident in most fields. A lot of people are working harder than people did 10 years ago and making slightly more money. But at the cost of less jobs overall (which is great for business, not so great for employees).

It has been evident for a long time that the unskilled are getting fucked by progress and globalization. The real answer is that we probably have to support these people with our taxes so they don't turn to crime or worse, but that is political suicide to say that in America. Instead we got a demagogue populist who promised us racist fairy tales. And to the horror of educated Americans everywhere this country bought it and asked for seconds.

I am officially replacing God Bless America to You Fucked up America. Now eat your shit sandwich and tell me you like it.

Goro Majima

Kitty Genovese Member
Last night was the ultimate "Fuck you, I got mine"


Although I'm starting to question my assertion that it's all about poor whites in the rust belt. Trump killed with college educated white women and did better than Romney with minorities.

Rich people definitely say that all the time though.


Last night was the ultimate "Fuck you, I got mine"
That is definitely not what happened.

Rich and educated people did not vote for Trump.

It was poor and uneducated people who put him in the white house. Lets not pretend that he is a normal R candidate.

What really happened was more like "My shit is fucked up so lets burn it all down and dance on the ashes"


That is definitely not what happened.

Rich and educated people did not vote for Trump.

It was poor and uneducated people who put him in the white house. Lets not pretend that he is a normal R candidate.

What really happened was more like "My shit is fucked up so lets burn it all down and dance on the ashes"

I didn't think there would be an appropriate Family Guy response for this.

"When I'm president, guess what? Steel is coming back to Pittsburgh!" Trump said to cheers at an April rally.



"I will bring jobs back from China. I will bring jobs back from Japan. I will bring jobs back from Mexico," he said in last week's Republican debate. "I'm going to bring jobs back and I'll start bringing them back very fast."


He's absolutely done so. On multiple occasions.

Sure he will. I'd like to hear his plan on how to reverse 50 years of macroeconomic trends with a few presidential decrees. I'm sure its a great plan. Believe
Trump was saying he is going to make Apple make their products in the US

This man did nothing but spew random and racist bullshit and won an election with fucking lies and fairytales. I just fucking can't.

Next March we'll have the elections here as well, and now I'm 100% sure our racist right wing fuckjob, Geert Wilders, is gonna win that shit as well. Same with France, Germany and every other European nation. Time to all huddle up and blame all the bad things on the Muslims and other immigrants!
That is definitely not what happened.

Rich and educated people did not vote for Trump.

It was poor and uneducated people who put him in the white house. Lets not pretend that he is a normal R candidate.

What really happened was more like "My shit is fucked up so lets burn it all down and dance on the ashes"
Didn't he do good with college educated people?

Goro Majima

Kitty Genovese Member
I am pretty sure he lost college educated, but did better than expected with this and many other groups which is why he is now our fucking president.

Almost positive he won 66% of college educated white women.

Lord knows how many college educated white men he had.

Edit: nevermind read that he was 50/50 with college educated whites
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