Man its frustrating as fuck talking to family members and their defense of trump.
I literally have a gay cousin who thinks Obama did nothing for him and Trump will fix the economy because Obama ignored him somehow despite the fact that he was able to stay on his parents health care plan till he was 26.
Then you go fucking issue by issue on their beliefs and they basically want a tax and spend democrat who gives them a tax cut. They fucking think women are stopping in every week 1 second before pregnancy for an abortion and that's the type Republicans are fighting against.
I have one person who said he voted based solely on capital gains policy.
Democrats have such fucking shit messaging and branding among white Americans. I don't get how the fuck it got to this point.
Tell that gay family member to go to the family research council website and read their thoughts on homosexuality and then Ken Blackwell who's on the Trump transition team. They should legit be frightened.
Obama did nothing for gays? Good god. If there's one group that should be in complete adoration of Obama it's the LGBT crowd. DOMA? Gone. Dont ask, don't tell? Gone. Gay marriage? Legal. Transgender protection? Executive order. He did nothing? *shakes head* The Obama administration moved their cause forward by leaps and bounds.